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Detailed overview of recent and upcoming state accountability updates, indicators, campus and district acknowledgments, GPA standards, and technical assistance teams.
TETN Accountability Update Session November 13, 2008
Recent and Upcoming Events • Nov 4 TAT list release (TEASE) • Nov 6 AEIS release (TEASE) • Nov 7 TAT list release (TEA public website) • Nov 20 AEIS release (TEA public website) • Week of Dec 1 PEG release (TEASE) • Week of Dec 8 School Report Cards (SRCs) release (TEA public website) • Dec 11 Public Education Grant (PEG) list release (TEA Correspondence Site) • December 2007-08 Pocket Edition (public web and print)
GPA Acknowledgments • At the district level, the number of districts earning acknowledgments increased or remained steady for 13 of the 14 possible acknowledgments. Mathematics TSI is the only one that decreased. • The greatest increase for districts is 12% for Commended Performance: Reading/ELA from 25% to 38%. A total of 161 more districts (including 3 under AEA) earned this acknowledgment. • The second greatest increase is 10% for Commended Performance: Writing from 30% to 40%. A total of121 more districts (including 3 under AEA) earned this acknowledgment.
GPA Acknowledgments (cont.) • At the campus level, the number of campuses earning acknowledgments increased or remained steady for 12 of the 14 GPA indicators. The two indicators that decreased are Comparable Improvement: Reading/ELA (27 fewer campuses) and TSI Mathematics (30 fewer campuses). • The greatest increase for campuses is 8% for Commended Performance: Science from 21% to 29%. A total of 703 more campuses (including 3 under AEA) earned this acknowledgment.
AEA GPA • AEA campuses and charters were first evaluated on GPA indicators in 2008. Only the All Students group is evaluated; student groups are not evaluated separately. • There are 12 AEA GPA indicators. The two Comparable Improvement indicators are not evaluated for AEA GPA. • An Attendance Rate standard of 95.0% is applied to all AECs and charters under AEA GPA. • The percentages of AECs and charters earning GPAs are smaller than their counterparts evaluated under standard procedures. Among AEA charters, the GPA earned most often is the RHSP/DAP (21.1%). The GPA earned most often by AECs is Attendance Rate (20.5%).
Technical Assistance Teams (TAT) • For 2008-09, there are 292 unique districts with one or more campuses on the TAT list compared to the 395 unique districts for the prior year. • Most districts (71%) have only one campus on the list. Dallas ISD has the most campuses of any single district with 27. Houston ISD has the second most with 21. • The most common campus type on the list is Secondary representing 54% of all campuses listed (among the Both, Elementary, Middle School, and Secondary categories). • The 2008-09 TAT list has 510 campuses with no waivers. This is a reduction of 367 campuses from the prior year.
TAT Campus Identification • A campus is included on the 2008-09 TAT list if the following conditions occur: • The campus was rated Academically Acceptable(under standard procedures) or AEA: Academically Acceptable (under AEA procedures); and • The 2007-08 performance does not meet the 2009 for AA or AEA: AA accountability standards; or • The campus avoided being rated AU or AEA: AUin 2008 due to the School Leaver Provision.
TAT Campus Identification cont. • A waiver is based on a three-year average improvement calculation compared to the improvement needed to meet the standard for the upcoming school year. • However, for the 2008-09 TAT list there will be no waivers granted under standard or AEA procedures. • TAKS performance prior to 2005-06 cannot be recalculated with grade 8 science and TAKS (Accommodated) results; therefore, the waiver calculation cannot be constructed using comparable data.
Requirements for Campuses Identified • The commissioner is required to select and assign a technical assistance team to assist an identified TAT campus with executing a school improvement plan and any other school improvement strategies the commissioner determines as appropriate. • The TAT team shall be composed of members of the campus-level planning and decision making committee. • The team shall also include a member with the knowledge and ability to provide technical assistance in the subject area(s) requiring improvement.
Requirements for Campuses Identified • The commissioner will review and approve the final membership of a TAT assigned. A form for the submission of proposed TAT membership is located at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/pmi/accmon/2008/tat.html • For districts with one or more TAT campuses, the form must be submitted to the TEA, Division of Program Monitoring and Interventions, through the TEASE Intervention Stage and Activity Manager (ISAM) no later than December 1, 2008. • If a campus intervention team (CIT) remains in place for a campus formerly rated Academically Unacceptable but now rated Academically Acceptable, a TAT will not be assigned.
TAT Methodology • In 2009, TAKS will include the same TAKS (Accommodated) results as were used in 2008: science (English) for grades 5, 8, 10, & 11; science (Spanish) for grade 5; social studies for grades 8, 10, & 11; English language arts (ELA) for grade 11; and mathematics for grade 11. • The 2008-09 TAT list utilizes 2007-08 and 2006-07 TAKS results. The 2006-07 TAKS performance indicators have been recalculated to include grade 8 science and the TAKS (Accommodated) results. • Campuses that meet the 2009 accountability standards using the Exception Provision or Required Improvement are not included on the TAT list.
Contacts • Contact Performance Reporting at (512) 463-9704 or performance.reporting@tea.state.tx.us for questions regarding TAT identification methodology. • Contact Program Monitoring and Interventions (PMI) at (512) 463-5226 or pmidivision@tea.state.tx.us for questions regarding intervention requirements for TAT campuses.
November 6 TEASE release • Two e-mail notifications were sent November 6, 2008 to district superintendents and ESC directors. • Unlike other accountability reports on TEASE, the AEIS reports are not confidential because data are masked to protect the anonymity of individual student performance results. Therefore, these reports are ready to be disseminated to the public. • Note that the 90-day timeline for holding a hearing for public discussion and publishing your reports began as soon as the reports were released November 6th.
District Responsibilities PUBLISHING • MUST publish: performance and profile sections of district and campus AEIS reports • MAY publish: Glossary (Note: Spanish language translation of the Glossary will be available January 2009) • MUST ADD and publish: • Campus performance objectives • Report of violent or criminal incidents • Information from THECB about performance of students in postsecondary institutions
District Responsibilities (cont.) HEARING FOR PUBLIC DISCUSSION • Must be held within 90 calendar days after the November 6th TEASE release. District winter break days do not count towards the 90 days. • Within 2 weeks after the hearing, the AEIS report must be disseminated.
District Responsibilities (cont.) DISSEMINATION OF THE REPORT May be accomplished by: • Directing readers to copies of the reports located on the district’s website (preferred). • Directing readers to the TEA AEIS website. • Through mailouts. • By posting the report in public places.
District Responsibilities (cont.) AEIS AND THE DISTRICT WEBSITE • TEC 39.252 requires districts with websites to post the most current accountability ratings, Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) reports, and School Report Cards (SRC) not later than the 10th day after the first day of instruction of each school year. There is no requirement in this statute that district websites must be updated with new AEIS reports after the 10th instructional day. However, districts are encouraged to do so. • See our FAQ about this requirement at: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/perfreport/3297_faq.html
Changes to 2007-08 AEIS • TAKS (Accommodated)Evaluatesperformance on the following subjects and grades: • Science (grades 5, 8, 10, & 11) • Science (grade 5 Spanish) • Social Studies (grades 8, 10, & 11) • English Language Arts (grade 11) • Mathematics (grade 11) • This affects the following indicators on the AEIS report: • TAKS Met 2008 Standard, shown by grade • TAKS Met 2008 Standard, shown summed across grades • TAKS Commended Performance • Texas Success Initiative (both ELA and mathematics) • Comparable Improvement (grade 11 only)
Changes to 2007-08 AEIS (cont.) • TAKS 2010 PreviewIncludes performance on all TAKS (Accommodated) tests, in all subjects, all grades. Only 2008 is available for preview, because TAKS (Accommodated) tests were first administered to all grades and subjects in 2008. • Grade 8 ScienceTAKS Grade 8 science results are based on the 2008 student passing standard—Panel Recommendation (PR). Grade 8 science results are shown by grade, and are included in the summed across grade accountability indicators and the Commended Performance results.
Changes to 2007-08 AEIS (cont.) • Participation“TAKS-M Only” has been added to the Tested subsection, and SDAA II has been deleted. “ARD Exempt” has been deleted from the Not Tested subsection. • Student Success Initiative – Grade 8 2008 is the first year for the student success initiative for grade 8. TAKS grade 8 reading and mathematics performance is included in this indicator. Only one year is available, for the first two measures: (1) Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction, and (2) TAKS Cumulative Met Standard.
Changes to 2007-08 AEIS (cont.) • Student Success Initiative – Grades 3 and 5 • For the TAKS Met Standard (Failed in Previous Years) indicator, only 2008 results for students who failed in 2007 will be shown. • The 2007 results for students failed in 2006 are not directly comparable to the 2008 results since the 2007 results include both TAKS and SDAA II and the 2008 results only include TAKS.
Changes to 2007-08 AEIS (cont.) • English Language Learners Progress Measure • For 2008, the RPTE has been replaced by the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS). Because two years of comparable assessment data are not yet available, the ELL progress measure cannot be computed in 2008. A progress measure based on two years of TELPAS results will be reported for the first time on the 2009 AEIS reports.
Changes to 2007-08 AEIS (cont.) TAKS-M • TAKS-M results will be reported at the state level only in 2008. • Since TAKS-M was only given in reading, mathematics, and science at grades 3-8 and 10, all grades and subjects are not available to be reported at the district and campus levels until 2009. • TAKS-M state results can be accessed online via an embedded hyperlink on the HTML version of the state AEIS report, similar to the existing link to Performance of Mobile Students.
Changes to 2007-08 AEIS (cont.) TAKS-Alt • TAKS-Alt performance results will not be incorporated in the 2008 AEIS reports. • TAKS-Alt will continue to be included in the participation data reported on the AEIS reports. • TAKS-Alt performance will be reported at the district and campus levels in 2009 in coordination with the TAKS-M results.
November 20 Public Release • Includes TEASE products such as district and campus AEIS reports, Comparable Improvement (CI) reports, and Guidelines. • ADDS: • Region reports • State report • A separate report of how mobile students performed (state-level only) • A separate report of how TAKS-M students performed (state-level only) • Data download (includes a masking explanation) • Additional CI information • Multi-Year data • Links to prior-year reports • Links to grade level Progress of Prior Year Failers • Glossary
Overview • The School Report Card (SRC) contains a subset of the performance, staff, and financial data in the AEIS reports. • As required by statute, these report cards must be disseminated to the “parent, guardian, conservator, or other person having lawful control of each student at the campus.”
District Responsibilities • Districts must provide SRCs to their campuses. • Must be disseminated to parents within six weeks after districts are notified by TEA. • The district winter break does not count toward the six-week period. • There are various ways to achieve the distribution requirements (see TAC 61.1021). • Supplemental materials are provided by TEA • Sample cover letters to parents (English and Spanish) • Definitions (English and, as soon as available, Spanish)
Delivery & Notification from TEA • A website release only. Paper copies not mailed. • Web products are accessible through the AEIS site. There won’t be a separate TEASE release. • Target release date is the week of December 8. • Superintendents and principals will be notified of availability via email.
Overview • A statutorily-mandated program of school choice (TEC Ch. 29, Subchapter G, 29.201-29.205 • Statute addresses campus identification, funding issues, and student eligibility issues.
Criteria • Partially aligned with accountability ratings, but not aligned with the state system, AYP, or the TAT list. • PEG criteria are more rigorous on the evaluation of science results than the state standards. • There is a three year moving time frame, so even improved schools stay on the list if they were AU in any of the prior three years. • The number of campuses anticipated this year is expected to be similar to last year. Last year there were 404 schools identified.
Calendar and Notification • Planned release date is the week of December 1 via TEASE to all districts with one or more campuses on the list. • List will be posted to agency website on December 11. • An online FAQ is available through the Division of Performance Reporting Resources link http://www.tea.state.tx.us/perfreport/resources/index.html
District Responsibilities • Statute requires that districts notify parents of the 2008-09 list by February 1, 2009. • The PEG list is based on 2006, 2007, and 2008 performance, but is effective for the 2009-2010 school year.
2009 AEA Campus Registration Process, Registered AEC List, andAEA At-Risk Registration Criterion
2009 AEA Campus Registration Process • The 2009 AEA campus registration process was conducted online using the TEASE Accountability website. • The 2009 AEA campus registration process was opened initially from September 10-24. Due to Hurricane Ike, the AEA campus registration process was extended to October 31, 2008. • On November 5, 2008, response emails were sent to campuses that submitted rescission and/or registration forms. All 2009 AEA campus registration forms submitted were approved.
2009 Registered AEC List • The 2009 Registered AEC List is available on the AEA website at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/aea. • An Excel version of the 2009 Registered AEC List, sorted by ESC region, will be emailed to ESC Accountability Contacts later this week. This list may be used as a reference when working with AECs in reporting accurate at-risk data in the 2008-09 PEIMS fallsubmission.
2009 AEA At-Risk Registration Criterion • Each registered AEC must have at least 75% at-risk student enrollment or be eligible to use either the Prior-Year PEIMS At-Risk Data or New Campus safeguard to be evaluated under 2009 AEA procedures and receive an AEA rating on July 31, 2009. At-risk enrollment is verified through 2008-09 PEIMS fall enrollment data. • In April after the at-risk registration criterion is applied, the Final 2009 Registered AEC List will be developed and posted on the AEA website in May 2009. This list will contain the AECs that will receive a 2009 AEA rating. • After the Final 2009 Registered AEC List is developed, the list of charter operators that will be rated under 2009 AEA procedures will be posted on the AEA website in May 2009.
2008 AYP State Summary Results • Of those missing AYP, 18% (71)of districts and 1% (13) of campuses missed AYP solely due to the 1% and/or 2% caps in 2008. compared to 32% of districts and 11% of campuses in 2007. • A total of 498 campuses missed the Mathematics Performance indicator, the largest category that failed to Meet AYP standards.