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Language and Play (LAP) Number and Play (LAP). Introduction to LAP/NAP. Language and Play (LAP) and Number and Play (NAP) programmes are an effective series of activity sessions to support parents to communicate and play with their children .
Introduction to LAP/NAP Language and Play (LAP) and Number and Play (NAP) programmes are an effective series of activity sessions to support parents to communicate and play with their children. • The programme is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and is aimed at children aged from 12 months to 4 years ( end of Reception). • It was developed in response to schools’ concerns that children were starting nursery and/or reception with poor language and communication skills. Now it is seen as good practise in many schools. • It is also a tool for developing a parent’s skills. • It is above all a lovely way to spend quality time with your child within the school/setting.
Aims of LAP/NAP • • To enhance language development from 0-5. • • To encourage positive interactions between parents and young children. • • To help parents explore ways of playing with, listening and talking to their children. • • To encourage the use of all languages spoken at home, e.g. Welsh, English, Irish,Urdu, Chinese, Somali. • • To familiarise parents with phrases, rhymes and songs. • • To encourage parents to share books and stories with babies and young children. • • To develop the understanding and confidence of parents. • • To lay a foundation for lifelong learning. • • To start the process of active involvement with professionals and the community.
Themes • Language and Play can be used in a variety of situations and in a number of ways depending on the needs of the group. The material is based on a series of six sessions • The sessions include: • • The Importance of Talk • • Talking and Playing in Everyday Routines • • Talking and Playing – Out and About • • Sharing Books and Stories • • Making Marks: the Beginnings of Writing • • Enjoying Rhymes and Songs • Number rhymes and Number stories
Each session comprises: • • Background information ( time for parents and tutor to discuss aims of the activity) • • Activities and discussion • • Shared time for parents and children • • Home activities for parents and children
How will it work? • The programme is flexible and generally runs for approximately 6-8 weeks, depending on the needs and engagement of parents. • The sessions are organised and led by a member of the support staff, e.g. an NNEB, LSA, LSO. • Each session has key objectives, focussing on communication, language/number and play. • Parents are introduced to each session and encouraged to discuss the objectives and share what they could do in order to achieve them. This is very informal and relaxed. • The parents and children then engage in a series of activities, led by the member of the support staff, modelling good strategies for communication and play.
How will it work? • The activities generally include a story, craft activity and always end with songs and rhymes. • Parents are encouraged to actively engage in these activities with their children. • Each session will be run from 2.05-3.15 pm on a Tuesday or a Wednesday afternoon for the Spring Term as we are fortunate to be able to run a LAP session and a NAP session. This term it will focus on Reception parents. You will only need to attend LAP or NAP not both sessions and then further sessions will be arranged for the Summer term if there is enough interest. • The implementation of LAP/NAP is an excellent opportunity to encourage parents to support their young children. It forges community links and is aimed to get parents involved in school life.