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3 CMMI ® Views. Rick Hefner Director, Process Assurance Northrop Grumman Corporation. Southern California SPIN 4 June 2010. Background. Many published results show improved cost and schedule performance from adopting CMMI ®
3 CMMI® Views Rick Hefner Director, Process Assurance Northrop Grumman Corporation Southern California SPIN 4 June 2010
Background • Many published results show improved cost and schedule performance from adopting CMMI® • Despite these results, there is still community debate over the value of CMMI®, and whether CMMI® ratings provide sufficient guarantees of program performance. • This program will explore three factors contributing to the confusion: • Inaccurate CMMI® ratings • Over-estimating the benefits that CMMI® provides a customer • Contractors not living up to their CMMI® rating
Agenda Underlying CMMI® Principles • CMMI®relationship to productivity, predictability and speed Does CMMI Benefit the Customer? How Projects Fail How to Get Contractors to Live Up to Their CMMI Ratings SM SCAMPI, SCAMPI Lead Appraiser, and SEI are service marks of Carnegie Mellon University. ® Capability Maturity Model Integration and CMMI® are registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.
People-Related Mistakes 1. Undermined motivation 2. Weak personnel 3. Uncontrolled problem employees 4. Heroics 5. Adding people to a late project 6. Noisy, crowded offices 7. Friction between developers and customers 8. Unrealistic expectations 9. Lack of effective project sponsorship 10. Lack of stakeholder buy-in 11. Lack of user input 12. Politics placed over substance 13. Wishful thinking Process-Related Mistakes 14. Overly optimistic schedules 15. Insufficient Risk Management 16. Contractor failure Insufficient planning 17. Abandonment of planning under pressure 18. Wasted time during the fuzzy front end 19. Shortchanged upstream activities 20. Inadequate design 21. Shortchanged quality assurance 22. Insufficient management controls 23. Premature or too frequent convergence 25. Omitting necessary tasks from estimates 26. Planning to catch up later 27. Code-like-hell programming Product-Related Mistakes 28. Requirements gold-plating 29. Feature creep 30. Developer gold-plating 31. Push me, pull me negotiation 32. Research-oriented development Technology-Related Mistakes 33. Silver-bullet syndrome 34. Overestimated savings from new tools or methods 35. Switching tools in the middle of a project 36. Lack of automated source-code control Projects Have Historically Suffered from Mistakes Reference: Steve McConnell, Rapid Development • Standish Group survey of 13,000 projects (2003) • 34% successes • 15% failures • 51% overruns
Many Approaches to Solving the Problem • Which weaknesses are causing my problems? • Which strengths may mitigate my problems? • Which improvement investments offer the best return? People Business Environment Management Structure Tools Product Methods One solution! Technology Process
Data-Driven (e.g., Six Sigma, Lean) Clarify what your customer wants (Voice of Customer) Critical to Quality (CTQs) Determine what your processes can do (Voice of Process) Statistical Process Control Identify and prioritize improvement opportunities Causal analysis of data Determine where your customers/competitors are going (Voice of Business) Design for Six Sigma Model-Driven (e.g., CMM®, CMMI®) Determine the industry best practice Benchmarking, models Compare your current practices to the model Appraisal, education Identify and prioritize improvement opportunities Implementation Institutionalization Look for ways to optimize the processes Approaches to Process Improvement
What Is the CMMI® Trying to Achieve? A model is a simplified representation of the world. Capability Maturity Models (CMM®s) contain the essential elements of effective processes for one or more bodies of knowledge. These elements are based on the concepts developed by Crosby, Deming, Juran, and Humphrey. -Introduction, CMMI® • CMMI® provides a model of industry best practices • Following these practices has shown to produce software and systems faster, better, and cheaper, when properly applied • The main benefits cited by CMMI® users are: • More predictable adherence to budgets and schedules • Reduced re-work (which can reduce cost and schedule) • Reduced risk
Process maturity gets at one source of the problem, e.g., Are we using proven industry practices? Does the staff have the resources needed to execute the process? Is the organization providing effective project support? The main benefits typically seen are: Improved predictability of project budgets and schedules Improved management awareness of problems Reduced re-work, which improves predictability, cost, and schedule J. Herbsleb and D. Zubrow, “Software Process Improvement: An Analysis of Assessment Data and Outcomes” 13 organizations ROI of 4:1 to 9:1 Improved quality, error rates, time to market, productivity How Do Mature Processes Help? R. Dion, “Process Improvement and the Corporate Balance Sheet” • ROI of 7.7:1: Reduced re-work, improved quality • Two-fold increase in productivity 8
Agenda Underlying CMMI® Principles Does CMMI Benefit the Customer? • Cost of implementing CMMI-compliant processes • Timelines for impacting program performance • Practical tips and techniques for realizing the benefits How Projects Fail How to Get Contractors to Live Up to Their CMMI Ratings SM SCAMPI, SCAMPI Lead Appraiser, and SEI are service marks of Carnegie Mellon University. ® Capability Maturity Model Integration and CMMI® are registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.
CMMI® Provides Several Related Benefits Project Performance Organizational Performance Institutionalization Quality/Rework Rick Hefner, “Achieving the Promised Benefits of CMMI,” CMMI Technology Conference & User Group, Denver, CO, 14-17 Nov 2005
Identifies the elements of good planning Proven engineering processes Estimates based on historical data, using these processes When cost/schedule pressure arises, CMMI®practices track and correct Reactive (L2) Proactive, risk management (L3) Quantitative management (L4) QA, management ensures processes/plans are followed Project performance problems often arise because of incomplete or unrealistic planning Forgotten activities Unconscious decisions Overly-optimistic estimates When cost/schedule pressure arises, people abandon the plans, leading to more problems Individual judgment versus best use of resources Project Performance CMMI • Train project managers on how to use the tools (estimation, earned value, risk management) • Project managers (not organizational staff) must be responsible for implementing the improved processes • Demand realistic, data-driven estimates 11
Standard organizational process, tailored to fit each project Can be documented, trained, supported by templates Over time, people learn the process Common processes/measures allow better use of historical data Calibrate cost estimation models Project to project comparisons Over time, the organization can optimize the process Each project’s processes are unique Personnel must re-learn with each project Difficulty moving people from project to project Historical data of little use in estimation No way to compare project-to-project Which process was best? What did we learn? Organizational Performance CMMI • Develop an organizational process(es) which fits the full range of your projects (small/large, all life cycles and project types) • Capture and use historical data (measurement repository) • Capture and share project documents (process asset library) 12
A disciplined engineering and management process Do it right the first time CMMI identifies the essential steps Peer reviews find defects early, where it is cost effective to fix them Requirements, designs, code, plans, etc. Often more efficient and effective than testing Many types (Fagan inspections, walkthroughs, desk checks, etc.) Focus on “faster and cheaper” leads to skipping of essential steps Key steps are not obvious, often counter intuitive Fixing latent defects often accounts for 30-40% of project cost The cost of defects (rework) is seldom measured Rework/Quality CMMI • Focus on eliminating defects, not on faster and cheaper • Measure the cost of finding and fixing defects • Invest time in learning different methods of peer review and when each is effective 13
Short-term investment for long-term gain Initial investment in the cost of change, learning curve, new overhead structures Long-term benefits in increased productivity Organizational infrastructure exists to support the policies and process Measurement repositories Some improvement efforts focus on quick fixes Driven by yearly budget cycles Expectation that results will be immediate It is tempting to reduce overhead to reduce cost Training Staff support to projects Use of outside process experts Institutionalization CMMI • Expect 18-24 months before benefits begin to be realized • Senior management must demand that everyone follow the new processes • QA can be the organization’s strongest tool – if they are focused! 14
Benefits • The typical benefits are: • Reduced cost • Faster schedules • Greater productivity • Higher quality • Increased customer satisfaction • Over 40 published studies on the benefits of SW-CMM® • DoD DACS website: http://www.thedacs.com/databases/roi/ • Similar results starting to be seen for CMMI® • “Demonstrating the Impact and Benefits of CMMI: An Update and Preliminary Results,” Software Engineering Institute, CMU/SEI-2003-SR-009, Oct 2003 • http://www.sei.cmu.edu/cmmi/results/results-by-category.html 15
Reduced Costs 33% decrease in the average cost to fix a defect (Boeing) 20% reduction in unit software costs (Lockheed Martin) Reduced cost of poor quality from over 45 percent to under 30 percent over a three year period (Siemens) 10% decrease in overall cost per maturity level (Northrop Grumman) Faster Schedules 50% reduction in release turnaround time (Boeing) 60% reduction in re-work following test (Boeing) Increase from 50% to 95% the number of milestones met (General Motors) Greater Productivity 25-30% increase in productivity within 3 years (Lockheed Martin, Harris, Siemens) Higher Quality 50% reduction of software defects (Lockheed Martin) Customer Satisfaction 55% increase in award fees (Lockheed Martin) Typical CMMI Benefits Cited in Literature
Cost vs. Benefit • Both theoretical models and industry data suggests that CMMI-compliant projects achieve a cost reduction of 10% per level, i.e., Level 3 is 20% cheaper than Level 1 • The key is reducing rework • Knox Model – Theoretical Benefits COCOMO predicts similar benefits based on current industry data
When Good Organizations Go Bad • Some organizations are driven to achieve a maturity level only for it’s marketing value Focus on passing the appraisal, not understanding and deciding among possible interpretations Improvement goals are not set realistically (“Level 5 in ’05”) Practitioners/customers perceive CMMI as more expensive Only some of the projects participate in the improvement effort The remaining projects don’t implement Only some of the projects get appraised People don’t learn or become proficient in the new behaviors Insufficient resources (e.g., training, QA, metrics, consultants) Benefits are not realized because projects do not start up effectively Management doesn’t enforce using processes on new programs Rick Hefner, “CMMI Horror Stories: When Good Projects Go Bad,” Software Engineering Process Group Conference , 6-9 March 2006
What Does a CMMI Level Guarantee? Decisions made on the basis of maturity level ratings are only valid if the ratings are based on known criteria. • SCAMPI A Method Description Document • A CMMI appraisal indicates the organization’s capacity to perform the next project, but cannot guarantee that each new project will perform in that way • The CMMI methodology assumes the organization will propagating their processes to every new project • An organization that gets appraised solely to demonstrate a maturity level might not have that intent • Organizations may not have developed the skills to roll out their processes effectively • A CMMI appraisal judges the maturity of the organization’s processes – based upon the projects sampled • New projects must embrace the new processes
How Does Level 4 & 5 Benefit the Customer? Better Products and Services Produced Faster And Cheaper Rick Hefner, “How Does High Maturity Benefit the Customer?,” Systems & Software Technology Conference, 18-22 April 2005 20
The Project Manager’s Dilemma at Level 3 I want to use the organization’s standard process, but… … Does it’s performance and quality meet my customer’s expectations? … If not, how should I tailor the process? 21
Managing by Variation How many errors are typically found in reviewing an interface specification? Useful in evaluating future reviews Was the review effective? Was the process different? Is the product different? Understanding the Process Average Expected Variation Corrective and preventative actions
Most customers care about: Delivered defects Cost and schedule So organizations try to predict: Defects found throughout the lifecycle Effectiveness of peer reviews, testing Cost achieved/actual (Cost Performance Index – CPI) Schedule achieved/actual (Schedule Performance Index – SPI) Typical Choices in Industry
What Can a Level 4 Organization Do? • Determine whether processes are behaving consistently or have stable trends (i.e., are predictable) • Identify processes where the performance is within natural bounds that are consistent across process implementation teams • Establish criteria for identifying whether a process or process element should be statistically managed, and determine pertinent measures and analytic techniques to be used in such management • Identify processes that show unusual (e.g., sporadic or unpredictable) behavior • Identify any aspects of the processes that can be improved in the organization's set of standard processes • Identify the implementation of a process which performs best
Lessons Learned Based on over 20 Northrop Grumman CMMI Level 5 organizations • Six Sigma is an enabler for higher maturity • Focus on data, measurement systems, process improvement • Tying improvements to business goals • Tools and methods support the Level 4/5 analysis tasks • Level 3 metrics, measurement processes, and goal setting are generally inadequate for Levels 4 and 5 • Better definitions of the measures • Lower level metrics of lower level subprocesses • Having all the tools at Level 5 gives you the insight to manage each project the way the customer needs it to be managed 25
Agenda Underlying CMMI® Principles Does CMMI Benefit the Customer? How Projects Fail • Start up problems • Appraisal inaccuracies How to Get Contractors to Live Up to Their CMMI Ratings
Where Could Problems Arise? • The projects within the organization may not live up to the capability • Start-up problems with planning, subcontractors, and infrastructure • Problems with staffing, either as the prime or with subcontractors • Differences in domain experience • Back-sliding • The appraisal results may not be an accurate reflection of the organization’s capability • Sampling bias • Appraisal inaccuracies • Organization’s inability to immediately apply their appraised processes • Note that all of these problems are equally possible with both the staged and continuous representations 27
The First Three Months: Essential Project Start-Up Activities • Many process-related problems arise in the first few months of a project • New relationships are established • Personnel changes and shortfalls • Pressure to produce quickly • Gaps between the planned processes and what was bid • If a project is going to live up to the organization’s process capability, it is essential to fully implement the processes from the beginning • Processes should be defined during the proposal, by tailoring the organization’s standard process • Estimates should be based on historical data from the organization’s measurement repository • Process assets (e.g., templates) should support detailed planning to ensure consistency with the organization’s best practices • Evidence reviews should be used to ensure CMMI compliance 28
The CMMI generic practices ensure that processes are institutionalized – sustained over time The approach for implementing the generic practices must reflect: Efficiency Effectiveness Applicability to ALL projects Frequent appraisals can be used to assess the effectiveness of the institutionalization Preventing Back-Sliding Geoff Draper and Rick Hefner, “Applying CMMI Generic Practices with Good Judgment,” SEPG Conference, 2004.
Sampling Bias The size and number of instantiations investigated should be selected to form a valid sample of the organizational unit to which the results will be attributed. - SCAMPI A Method Description Document • The Lead Appraiser is permitted to select sample projects as “representative” of the organization as a whole • Little guidance in the MDD • Wide variation among Lead Appraisers • If an organization is only interested in a good appraisal result, they will appraise large organizations with a handful of samples, and/or exclude/hide inferior projects • This potential abuse exist with both staged and continuous representations The remaining projects don’t implement Only some of the projects get appraised
Organizational Sampling • An organization with 50 projects at multiple sites may select 4-5 sample projects • Are the appraisal results representative of the organization? Sampled projects
Appraisal Inaccuracies • Methodology • SCAMPI A appraisals are the only approach that provides benchmark quality appraisal results • SCAMPI B, C, and other appraisal methods may be useful, but they are not designed to provide the same accuracy • Appraiser Skill • There is wide variation in appraiser skill, experience and insight • Although appraisal experience is a crucial contributor to accuracy, the appraisal methods do little to ensure sufficient experience • There is also wide variation in how the model is interpreted • Appraiser Independence • Appraiser independence in needed to ensure unbiased results • It is difficult to establish a completely independent situation
Fiction or Non-Fiction: How to Read Appraisal Results for Fun and Profit The ADS is a summary statement describing the appraisal results that includes the conditions and constraints under which the appraisal was performed. It contains information considered essential to adequately interpret the meaning of assigned maturity level or capability level ratings. - SCAMPI A Method Description Document • The Appraisal Disclosure Statement (ADS) provides keys to assessing an appraisal’s accuracy • Organizational unit appraised (the unit to which the ratings are applicable and the domains examined) • Appraisal team leader and appraisal team members and their organizational affiliations • Process areas rated and process areas not rated • Dates of on-site activity • Not included - sampling approach or percentage of projects sampled
How to Write a Better RFP Acquirers seeking to ensure that the proposed project will implement mature practices should request the following: • SCAMPI A Appraisal Disclosure Statement • Organizational unit appraised • Appraisal team leader affiliation • Process areas rated and not rated • Dates of on-site activity • Explanation of sampling approach used in appraisal • Approach to be used to ensure proper project start-up • Data to demonstrate the speed with which new projects adopt and execute the organization’s processes • Approach to be used to prevent back-sliding
Agenda Underlying CMMI® Principles Does CMMI Benefit the Customer? How Projects Fail How to Get Contractors to Live Up to Their CMMI Ratings • Contenders and Pretenders
Background • There is a marked difference between organizations that truly want to implement CMMI®, and those who simply want a “certificate” • Contenders invest time and energy on understanding the industry best practices in the model, fitting them to their projects and organization, and improving their effectiveness and efficiency • Pretenders simply do enough to convince an appraiser to give them the maturity level -- along the way, they de-motivate their staff with bureaucratic processes, disappoint their customers with inconsistent performance, and generally give the model a bad name
Where Could Problems Arise? Assuming the contractor’s CMMI® rating is accurate, and applicable to the team doing the work, where could problems arise? • Areas outside of the CMMI® • Start-up problems • Back-sliding
Areas Outside of the CMMI® Process Technology Domain-specific Maturity Tools People Domain knowledge Sufficient quantity Motivation
Top Five System Engineering Issues • Lack of awareness of the importance, value, timing, accountability, and organizational structure of SE on programs • Adequate, qualified resources are generally not available within Government and industry for allocation on major programs • Insufficient SE tools and environments to effectively execute SE on programs • Requirements definition, development and management is not applied consistently and effectively • Poor initial program formulation “Top Five Systems Engineering Issues In Defense Industry”, NDIA Systems Engineering Division Task Group Report, Jan, 2003
Top Software Engineering Issues • The impact of requirements upon software is not consistently quantified and managed in development or sustainment • Fundamental system engineering decisions are made without full participation of software engineering. • Software life-cycle planning and management by acquirers and suppliers is ineffective. • The quantity and quality of software engineering expertise is insufficient to meet the demands of government and the defense industry. • Traditional software verification techniques are costly and ineffective for dealing with the scale and complexity of modern systems. • There is a failure to assure correct, predictable, safe, secure execution of complex software in distributed environments. • Inadequate attention is given to total lifecycle issues for COTS/NDI impacts on lifecycle cost and risk. “Top Software Engineering Issues In Defense Industry”, NDIA Systems Engineering Division and Software Committee, Sep 2006
Start-Up Issues • Project Planning starts in the proposal phase, is refreshed at contract start, and re-occurs throughout the project lifecycle • Contenders extend their CMMI practices to proposal teams and re-planning efforts • Pretenders focus on contract start • Costs and schedules defined at proposals may be immature and overly-aggressive • Re-planning may be ad hoc • Mature estimates may also be overruled by business interests
Keys to Success • Ask suppliers to show how they extend the CMMI practices to proposal activities • Request planning documents with the proposal • During re-planning, ask suppliers to show how they performed the CMMI practices
When mentioned in the generic goal and generic practice descriptions, institutionalization implies that the process is ingrained in the way the work is performed and there is commitment and consistency to performing the process. An institutionalized process is more likely to be retained during times of stress. GG 2 Institutionalize a Managed Process GP 2.1 Establish an Organizational Policy GP 2.2 Plan the Process GP 2.3 Provide Resources GP 2.4 Assign Responsibility GP 2.5 Train People GP 2.6 Manage Configurations GP 2.7 Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders GP 2.8 Monitor and Control the Process GP 2.9 Objectively Evaluate Adherence GP 2.10 Review Status with Higher Level Management GG 3 Institutionalize a Defined Process GP 3.1 Establish a Defined Process GP 3.2 Collect Improvement Information Back-Sliding: A Failure of Institutionalization Institutionalization: The ingrained way of doing business that an organization follows routinely as part of its corporate culture. - CMMI-DEV v1.2
Organizational Support Contenders • Fully support the CMMI ® -based improvement program by providing training, templates, tools, process assets libraries, measurement repositories and other work aids focused on improving the ability of practitioners to competently adopt the model Pretenders • Largely ignore organizational support, often to save money • Where required by the model, they establish process asset libraries and measurement repositories, but they are largely shelfware
Organizational Infrastructure Required for CMMI® Level 3 Policies, Processes,Templates & Tools Process Group Training Program Process Improvement Measurement Repositories Predictive Modeling Best-Practice Libraries Audits & Appraisals Communications Developing and maintaining mature processes requires significant time and investment in infrastructure
Organizational Culture A pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way you perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems. • Artifacts • The practices that can be observed in such areas as dress code, leadership style, communication processes • Espoused values • The elements the organization says it believes in, the factors that it says influence the practices in which it engages • Basic underlying assumptions • Unstated beliefs the organization has come to accept and abide by Organizational Culture & Leadership, Edgar H Schein, used with permission