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A Discussion about Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental Observing systems

A Discussion about Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental Observing systems. December 6th and 7th, 2004 National Science Foundation, Arlington VA. CEO Discussion Group. Welcome Housekeeping Quiz 1 Lunch choice Dinner Travel reimbursement Goals Introductions. CEO Discussion Group.

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A Discussion about Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental Observing systems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Discussion about Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental Observing systems December 6th and 7th, 2004 National Science Foundation, Arlington VA.

  2. CEO Discussion Group • Welcome • Housekeeping • Quiz 1 • Lunch choice • Dinner • Travel reimbursement • Goals • Introductions

  3. CEO Discussion Group • NEON+OOI+HOI+CLEANER_EFF = significant investment • What sort of cyberinfrastructure is needed to maximize the ability to use EOs for research? • What sort of cyberinfrastructure is needed to maximize access to and use of information from EOs (now & in future)? • How should information infrastructure for EOs be designed to maximize flexibility as EOs and their uses evolve? • How much of the necessary cyberinfrastructure do we know how to build now? Is any further research needed to develop CI for EOs? • What should be the steps in the process by which information infrastructure for EOs is developed and implemented? • How much of CI for EOs is independent of the EO?

  4. CEO Discussion Group 9:15 10 minute briefings on OOI, CLEANER, HOI, NEON - Detrick, Bonner, Maidment/Duncan, Michener 10:30 Introduction to CI topics – Baru, Ludaescher, Welge 11:10 Observatory CI Use Cases - L: Michener & Detrick; R: Pancake & Jones 1:30 Observatory CI Challenge 1: Networking and security - L: Papadopoulos; R: Maidment & Sanderson 2:30 Observatory CI Challenge 2: Metadata, semantic information, and ontologies. - L: Forsyth; R: Bonner & Ludaescher 4:00 Observatory CI Challenge 3: Resource registration, collections management and workflow - L: Baru; R: Helly & Krishtalka 5:00 Observatory CI Challenge 4: Collaborative environments - L: Minsker; R: Jones

  5. CEO Discussion Group December 7 9:00 Closing the gap between observatory needs and IT tools & approaches that span the observatories. - L: Gray; R: Livny, Ellisman, Burch 10:45 The path forward. - L: Michener, Sanderson, Chao, Duncan, Welge, Baru

  6. CEO Discussion Group Introductions

  7. Agenda 8:45 Welcome and NSF Perspective Dave Campbell & Sangtae Kim 9:00 Charge/Agenda Coordinating group 9:15 10 minute briefings on OOI, CLEANER, HOI, NEON 10:05 Discussion 10:20-10:30 Break 10:30 Introduction to CI topics – Baru, Ludaescher, Welge 11:10 Observatory CI Use Cases LEAD: Bill Michener & Bob Detrick, RESPONDENTS: Cherri Pancake & Matt Jones 12:30-1:30 Working Lunch 1:30 Observatory CI Challenge 1: Networking and security LEAD: Phil Papadopoulos, RESPONDENTS: David Maidment & Art Sanderson 2:30 Observatory CI Challenge 2: Metadata, semantic information, and ontologies. LEAD: Danielle Forsyth, RESPONDENTS: Jim Bonner & Bertram Ludaescher 3:30 Break 4:00 Observatory CI Challenge 3: Resource registration, collections management and workflow LEAD: Chaitan Baru, RESPONDENTS: John Helly, Leonard Krishtalka 5:00 Observatory CI Challenge 4: Collaborative environments LEAD: Barbara Minsker, RESPONDENTS: Matt Jones 5:30 Summary, what have we neglected, planning for homework. 6:00 Break for dinner (Neighboring restaurant) December 7 8:30 Light refreshments 9:00 Closing the gap between observatory needs and IT tools & approaches that span the observatories. LEAD: Jim Gray RESPONDENTS: Miron Livny, Mark Ellisman, Jeff Burch What software tools/approaches are common to different environmental observatories? Of the necessary tools, which exist now? What are the obstacles to their adoption? What tools would be helpful if they had a little more work? What tools are missing? How much of the design and implementation of information infrastructure for environmental observatories can be shared across observatories? 10:30 Break 10:45 The path forward. LEAD: Bill Michener, Art Sanderson, Yi Chao, Jon Duncan, Michael Welge, Chaitan Baru What should the communities do next, what should NSF do next? 12:00 Working Lunch 1:00 Adjourn

  8. “Virtual Organization” conceptual view of information infrastructure Resource registry Search tools Private virtual Work-spaces Meta-data Onto-logies Shared virtual Work-spaces Workflow generation tools Monitoring & control services Event detection Real-time data streams Datasets Models Analysis and visualization Other D D D Private or published results Workflow Orchestration engine Q A D data M Q/A Q M model Long-term archives Compute servers Digital libraries analysis A Identity management SCIENCE Portal Scientists Registration service Local resources Information resources Task Observing Systems Hardware resources

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