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Overcrowding at WRHS School Board Workshop – October 7 , 2014

Overcrowding at WRHS School Board Workshop – October 7 , 2014. Overview. Capacity is 1633 Current Enrollment is 2332 (143% of capacity) 170 growth this year over last year 2015-16 Projected ADM is 2427 (149% of capacity) 2016-17 Projected ADM is 2523 (155% of capacity).

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Overcrowding at WRHS School Board Workshop – October 7 , 2014

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Overcrowding at WRHS School Board Workshop – October 7, 2014

  2. Overview • Capacity is 1633 • Current Enrollment is 2332 (143% of capacity) • 170 growth this year over last year • 2015-16 Projected ADM is 2427 (149% of capacity) • 2016-17 Projected ADM is 2523 (155% of capacity)

  3. Overcrowding Effects • 2013-14…..11 Floaters • 2014-15 • 3 floaters • Exhausted additional 10 portables • Elective classes are at maximum capacity • Lunches are at maximum capacity (476 seating) • A couple of hundred students eat outside • Increased passing time to allow for students to arrive to class on time • Gym capacity is 1200

  4. Possibilities & Results • Boundary Shift – Chris Williams • Partial • Complete • Blended Learning Model • Need 500 + to make a difference • Not enough interest • Shift in Grade Level • Impact on too many schools • 10-Period Day • Done with success in the past

  5. 10 Period Day Schedule PERIODTIMEGRADES LUNCHESTRANSPORTATION 1 7:30-8:25 10-12 Arrival Bus Service for 10-12 grade only 2 8:30-9:20 10-12 3 9:25-10:15 10-12 4 10:20-11:10 9-12 * Arrival Bus Service for 9th grade only 5 11:15-12:05 9-12 * 6 12:10-1:00 9-12 * 7 1:05-1:55 9-12 ** Dismissal Bus for 10-12 grades only 8 2:00-2:50 9th *** 9 2:55-3:45 9th 10 3:50-4:40 9th Dismissal Bus Service for 9th grade only NOTE: * 10-12 grade lunches ** 9-12 grade lunches *** 9th grade lunches

  6. Timeline

  7. Things to Consider • Athletic schedules, co-curricular activities, clubs • On-line classes • Meeting times, pep rallies, grade level assemblies • School culture • Testing needs/times • Master schedule • Supervision • Additional staff/faculty

  8. Resources Needed • Additional Staff • Technology/Textbooks • Teacher furniture • Transportation • FNS • Additional breakfast • Additional lunch period

  9. Questions and Comments

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