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STEVEN PAUL JOBS Steven Paul Jobs is one of co-founders of Apple. Inthelate 70’s, he createdfirstpersonalpcwithotherco-founder Steve Wozniak. Steve Jobsworked as head of board of NextComputerandPixar. In 1985, he Firedfrom board of directors.Afterthat he foundNextComputerCompany. In 1986, he boughtPixarfromLucasfilm. In 1997, he returned Apple afterApple’sbuyingNext. In 2007, Fortune magazine selecthimthemostpowerfulbusiness man. Until 5 weeksbefore his death, he wasthechairman of theAPPLE’s board (ceo) and general manager.
CHARACTERISTIC OF JOBS Firstly, Steve Jobswas a manwhoalwaysaimedtheperfect in all of his worksso, toreachtheperfect, he focusedunbeliveableto his job. He did not carewhatotherssays. He nevertalkedaboutwhat he had done andgaveimportancetoprivacy. He was a perfectspeakersince this he has greatabilitytopersuadeothers. But accoringtosome, his thesefeatureswasoutcome of his narcissistpersonality. He did not usuallycareaboutothersthinkings. He neverbelievedthatsomeonewouldperform a jobbetterthanhimso he didnot give he did not shareanyresponsibilitiesrelatedwithstrategicjobs. Thus, mostpeoplethinkthatthere is not anycreativeones inside Apple. Thiscausesquering of Apple’screativeforceafterJobs.
ABOUT APPLE, INC. • Applewasfounded in 1 April 1976 • Incorporated in 3 January 1977 • Headquarters-Cupertino, California • Cofounders-SteveJobs, SteveWozniak • Industry-Computer software, computer hardware, consumerelectronics • CEO-TIM COOK • Revenue$ 156.508 billion (2012) • Profit$ 41.733 billion (2012) • Employees 72,800 (2012)
A COMPARISION • Apple has a 41.7 billion dollars of net income as of November 2012 whilst; • Microsof, ebay, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Yahoo have a net income of 34.4 billion dollars of net income together. • Dell, Asus, Acer, IBM, Lenovo have 19.4 billion of dollars net income together. Numbers tell a lot about Apple’s uniqueness in the sector.
PRODUCTS • Hardware-Mac pc series, Apple Remote Desktop • Software – Mac OS X, MAC X Server, Quick Time, i Life, i Work, etc. • Consumer Electronics – i pod, i pod hi-fi i phone, APPLE TV
MISSION • To produce best PC’s in the world. • To lead digital revolution • Reinvent mobile • Defining mobile media and computing devices future
APPLE’S VISION Apple is commited to bringing the personal computing exercise to students, educators Creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware software and Internet offerings. In sum, Apple’ s vision is to become the ‘’best’’ at designing and manufacturing electronic devices in the world.
STRENGHTS • Customer loyalty combined with expanding closed ecosystem • Apple is a leading innovator in mobile device technology • Strong financial performance ($10,000,000,000 cash, gross profit margin 43.9% and no debt) • Brand reputation • Retail stores • Strong marketing and advertising teams
WEAKNESSES • High price • Incompatibility with different OS • Decreasing market share • Patent infringements • Further changes in management • Defects of new products • Long-term gross margin decline
OPPORTUNITIES • iTV launch • Emergence of the new provider of application processors • Growth of tablet and smartphone markets • Obtaining patents through acquisitions • Damages from patent infringements • Strong growth of mobile advertising market • Increasing demand for cloud based services
THREATS • Rapid technological change • 2013 tax increases • Breached IP rights • Price pressure from Samsung over key components • Strong dollar • Android OS growth • Competitors moves in online music market
A DifferentManagementStyle Ceos usually did not want their most talented workers to work during holidays, but Jobs did it for years. That is his most talented workers worked no matter holiday it was holiday or not. Yet, Jobs was more important than life for his employees. Steve Jobs was a Ceo whose existence was felt even he was not around the workplace.
After Apple was better understood, its enemies, and fans noticed a different firm. That is, Apple was firm which use different methods apart from ones had developed by management science for decades. But in reality, it was not the case.
Apple was full of secrets in a time when transparency was dominant manner in business world. Apple only expected from its workers to obey the commands not to create ideas. This case is almost same today.
SMART PHONES: COMPETITORS In this product category, ıts main rivals can be said as LG, SAMSUNG, NOKIA, and Google and Android which is the top player.
Industry Analysis Apple Inc, has broad portfolio of industry sector. Sectors in which Apple perform business can be classified into 4 categories; the computer industry, Mobile devices(phones, and tablets) and movie download industry.
THE ONE MAN Apple equals to Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs can be said as a dictator in Apple. All of desicions was made by Steve Jobs no matter it was small or big. He used to scold his employees. However,there was a great respect inside the organization to Steve Jobs.
His effect in company still remain.. Employees ask themselves what Jobs would do if he was alive. Same effect also can be observed in Disney for its founder Walt Disney.
APPLE THE DARK HORSE There are 2 types of privacies in Apple. One is internal privacy, and the other one is external privacy. It is not allowed to employees to give any information to outside includes their families. Apple can have a claim to employees if they behave in opposite manner.
APPLE THE DARK HORSE Some parts in the company that are forbidden to enter. You can not enter these parts if you are not allowed whatever your position is. In sum, you are provided information about what you are expected to do.
DESIGN Apple produces artwork not only electronic device. Jobs always worked with people who have artifical point of view. Design process starts with product and end with packaging. Designers are employees who have most respect inside Apple. Designing is the only department that directly give reports to CEO.
Conclusion • Apple is a companythatthingsmostly done overSteveJobssuch as onemancompany. • Today, it is possibletohavesomedifficulties on creationside since lackingcreation inside Apple • HowwillAppledealwiththiscase? Time willshow. • It’ssuccess is theoutcome of it’suniquemanagementstylethatrelies on mostlyJobs. • ThesuccessthatApplereachedwithSteveJobs is not a coincidence.
Strategic Management and Business Policy 15-08-1413 GÖKHAN GELMEZ 15-08-1458 GÜRHAN DEMİR 15-08-1428 MEHMET AKDEMİR 15-08-1424 ERSEL ERDEM 15-08-1445 ALP AYKUTLU 15-07-292 İBRAHİM DEVECİ
Contents: • About Turkish Airlines • Meeting customer needs • Globalisation • SWOT • Strategic Partnership & Alternatives • Research and devolopment • Conclusions
1. About Turkish Airlines TURKISH AIRLINES COMPANY TurkishAirlines has beenestablished in 1933 Thecompany’shead Office is located in Istanbul (TURKEY) Total assets of nearly: 6 billion EURO TurkishAirlines is a global airlinescompany has overall15.240 personnels TurkishAirlines is member of Star Alliance Is the only4 Star Airline in allcategories in Europe. network consists of 27 memberairlines
Mission To become preffered global Airline copmany with flight safety, reliability, service quality. Vision A continued growth trend over industry average Zero major accidents/crashes A personnel constantly developing their qualifications Sales and distribution costs below industry averages
History of Turkish Airlines The "State Airlines Administration" operating under the supervision of the Ministry of National Defense has been established on the 20th of May.(1933) Number of passengersincreasedfrom 18000 to 37000 in 1945(1945) The first international voyage "Ankara-Istanbul-Athens" was flown on the 12th of February.(1947) Turkish Airlines Inc. was established on the 1st of March with a capital stock of 60 million TL .(1956) Sales offices were opened in Rome and Athens.(1959) The network grew with the addition of Amsterdam, Belgrade and Tabriz.(1965) The Düsseldorf and Stuttgart route have been put into service.(1971) The airline became an international aviation organization possessing 27 aircraft, 3.-909 seats and 5.735 personnel.(1982)
The number of personnel employed has reached 5.775.(1983) The Information Processing Center in the Ataturk Airport has been put into service. All reservation and lost baggage transaction have begun to be managed in an electronic environment. (1985) In October, THY passengers were invited to join the loyalty program, “Miles & Smiles”.(2000) On 9 December, electronic ticketing was begun and online check-in procedures were adopted.(2003) The number of passengers carried exceeded 12 million.(2004) Turkish Airlines was granted the “National Quality Award” in aviation.(2007) In April Turkish Airlines became the 20th member of Star Alliance.(2008) A new promotional campaign was begun with the slogan, “Feel Like A Star”.(2009) Skytrax, a traveler website based in the UK, rated Turkish Airlines Europe’s best for 2010.(2010) Best airline in Europen in 2012.
GROUP COMPANIES ANADOLU JET SUN EXPRESS AIR BOSNA TURKISH CARGO TURKISH TECHNIC TURKISH GROUND SERVICES (TGS) THY OPET (PETROL COMPANY) Note: Sun Express founded in October 1989 as a subsidiary company of Lufthansa and Turkish Airlines. Owned 50% - 50% by THY and Lufthansa, respectively.
2. Meeting Customer Needs 2.1. Niche Market Turkish Airlines, started flights from Erbil and Bagdat to Europa and Arabia after the war. Therefore, Irak was niche market* for Turkish Airlines. * A niche market is a focused, targetable portion of a market. A business that focuses on a niche market is addressing a need for a product or service that is not being addressed by mainstream providers.
2.2. Innovation 2.2.1. Technological Turkish Airlines will launch its Live TV and Internet Services on its flights Turkish Airlines will be the first carrier to offer live, inflight television on Trans-Atlantic flights. Turkish Airlines will also become among first European carriers by introducing wifi internet access to it passengers. Turkish Airlines will debut Live TV and connectivity via seatback portal, a first for commercial intercontinental flights. This is made possible through the use of the PLANET IFE Platform, a Global Communication Suite System developed by Panasonic Avionics Corporation. This system will also provide wireless Wi-Fi Internet after full testing and certification.
Live TV on intercontinental flights is a first and will feature a variety of programming including uninterrupted access to BBC World, BBC Arabic and Euronews channels with sport channels to soon be added. Seats are also equipped with in-seat power that allows charging of mobile devices as well as continuous Internet connectivity. Thanks to this program will be able to do so online and, via a Customer Services link, passengers will be able to provide feedback on their experience with Turkish Airlines.
2.2.2. A chef services on board Turkish Airlines (THY) has started a new service on its İstanbul-New York flights to attract discerning customers to its business and first-class sections. With the program, the flying chefs will pay meticulous attention to every detail of the meals, helping the cabin crew to serve the dishes in the most professional way, and thus the company will offer its customers the quality of a luxurious restaurant over the clouds.
3. Globalisation 3.1. More than 200 destination worldwide *Hong Kong * New York *Berlin *Medinah *London *Frankfurt *Dubai *Caira *Moscow *Atlanta *Las Vegas *Casablanca * Erbil …
3.2. Awards -TurkishAirlinesnamed "BestAirlineEurope", "Best Premium EconomySeats" and "BestAirlineSouthernEurope" bySkytrax. TurkishAirlineswinsthe "Market LeadershipAward 2011" byAir Transport World.
Turkish Airlines Swot Analysis Strengths THY has new fleets Strong financial statement Qualified staffs Member of the Star Alliance 3 Class choices:economy, comfort business Lots of food choices( breakfast, vegeatarian) More than 200 flight destination worldwide. Lots of sales agents.
Weaknesses Brand loyalty is low. Higher prices. The capacity problem of Atatürk Airport.
Opportunities Growing market, despite the economic crisis A popular tourism destination. Close to the Europe. New visa agreements with countries of Turkish Government.
Threats Terrorist attacks. Discount airlines companies New entrants in domestic market Increasing costs (fuel,personnal,foods..)
Sponsorships Turkish Airlines is currently an official sponsor of FC Barcelona,Manchester United F.C., Maroussi Basketball Club,Valencia Basket Club and the Turkish Airlines Euroleague Basketball.
The airline also has Kobe Bryant as its brand promotion ambassador and Caroline Wozniacki, the No. 1 female player in the 2010 and 2011 tennis season, has become the new face promoting Turkish Airlines Business Class and Comfort Class through 2013.
Research and Development The airlines has a maintenance centre at its hub Atatürk International Airport (IST) in Istanbul. Turkish Airlines Maintenance Center (THY Technic) is responsible for the maintenance, repair and overhaul of THY's aircraft, engines and components. Turkish Technic is to open a new engine center in partnership with Pratt & Whitney at Sabiha Gökçen International Airport (SAW). The facility will provide engine maintenance, repair and overhaul services to customers worldwide.
Turkish Airlines Aviation Academy is one of the pioneer training centers in aviation sector which provides classroom training for approximately 12.000 people and e-learning for 50.000 people with expert instructors in their field. Academy’s basic trainings are Technical Trainings Quality and Management Trainings Commercial and Ground Handling Trainings Marketing and Sales Trainings Computer and IT Trainings
Istanbul Technical University (ITU) – Turkish Airlines (THY) Technical Design Office Istanbul Technical University (ITU) – Turkish Airlines (THY) Technical Design Office has started its activities within the body of Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics at ITU. After being signed of the protocol between Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and Turkish Airlines (THY), which aims at collaborating in actions of research-development and education and using facilities and capabilities jointly, ITU – THY Technical Design Office has started its activities within the body of Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics at ITU.