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One Child One Team One Plan Practice Model. Training for the Pilots. The Pilots explained. The pilot sites. Counties Galway and Mayo (32 schools, 7 SCP projects, 22 HSCL Coordinators, 6 EWS staff) Clonmel (5 schools, HSCL, SCP and EWS staff) East T allaght (5 schools, 1 SCP, 2 HSCL, 1 EWS)
One Child One Team One Plan Practice Model Training for the Pilots
The pilot sites • Counties Galway and Mayo (32 schools, 7 SCP projects, 22 HSCL Coordinators, 6 EWS staff) • Clonmel (5 schools, HSCL, SCP and EWS staff) • East Tallaght (5 schools, 1 SCP, 2 HSCL, 1 EWS) • Darndale Dublin 17 (2 schools, 1 SCP, 2 HSCL 1 EWS) • Killenaule (Tipperary) (1 school, HSCL, SCP, EWS)
The pilot sites (Continued) • Limerick (3 schools, HSCL, SCP, EWS) • EWS trialing a referral based service throughout the country • 3 EWS pilots of One Child in Non DEIS areas
Management of the pilots • CEO • Pilot Project Steering Group • SMT member overseeing each of the pilot sites • Regular audit • Evaluation
Purpose of the Pilots To assess: Whether it can be demonstrated that NEWB service strands can work more effectively together Whether it can be demonstrated that outcomes for children and families have been enhanced, or whether there is potential for so doing (given a longer time frame to work in) Whether the practice model can actually deliver on each of its components using the proposed processes and documentation
Audit of records • Audits at weeks 4, 8 and 12 of the pilot period on both targeted and intensive records and one semi-structured interview with key HSCL, SCP, EWS staff and at least one Principal in each of the pilot sites • The purpose of the audits is to discover whether key participating staff are adhering to the processes as set out in the One Child operational guidance and to establish the extent to which all aspects of the practice model are being demonstrated through the recording of assessments, interventions and outcomes
Purpose of the Evaluation • To see if the practice model is showing early signs of success or failure, which will determine the need for further implementation, further testing or re-design • To establish if there are improved outcomes for students (and families) through the implementation of the One Child practice model • To see if the processes adopted in the One Child operational guidance are workable and impactful and can be deemed to be best practice
One Child One Team One Plan Practice Model Module 1 Vision, Values and the principal aim of NEWB
NEWB: The Vision The vision is to provideexcellent services through a “One Child” approach. This will enable children to experience the NEWB strands (where they work together) in a seamless and consistent way (whoever is providing the service) so that they can be helped to take full advantage from the education system and, hopefully, reach their potential.
NEWB Core Shared Values We use evidence from research and best practice to develop our services We focus on children’s education and through our services improve their potential for learning and well-being We aim to work in an integrated way with our educational partners We seek to develop solutions by working in partnership with parents, children, young people and families We putchildrenat the centre of everything we do We work in partnership with other providers which strengthens the delivery of our services We respond to need in a considered and proportionate manner We work with high performing teams who, through good quality leadership and management, are focused on improved outcomes for children We have respect for children and families, embracing fairness and difference to promote equality We work together towards excellence and quality with integrity and mutual respect We support staff and nurture their potential
The principal aim of NEWB Maximising Attendance Participation and Retention
One Child Practice Model Module 2 The 9 key components of the practice model
Component 1 We put children at the centre of everything we do
Component 2 The Intervention continuum
One Child, One Team, One Plan: The Intervention Continuum Attendance, Participation and Retention Encourage – Support – Reward – Advise – Influence – Encourage – Support – Reward – Advise – Influence Advocate – Contract – Pressure – Warn – Enforce Intervene proportionately to move children to the left Schools and the School Community In all Schools Educational Welfare Service Home School Community Liaison And additionally in DEIS Schools School Completion Programme
Component 3 A Referral/request for service
Component 4 The use of a problem-solving framework: Understand – Plan – Do – Review
Component 5 The use of a 4 Dimensional model to understand the needs of children and families for intensive service provision
Component 6 The provision of support and interventions to meet assessed need
Component 7 The use of an outcomes framework to assess the success or otherwise of the support or interventions provided
Component 8 Recording proportionate to the interventions provided
Component 9 Lead Worker
All of these components make up The One Child Practice Model
One Child Practice Model Module 3 Support for SOME The Operational Guidance
Who provides Support for SOME?
Targeted Interventions The term targeted intervention is used where NEWB strand staff become involved with individually named children and families where the presenting problem is likely to be resolved with either a one off piece of work which will help to solve the problems identified or time limited focussed support. Being on a ‘targeted list’ is the entry point for those requiring targeted support or interventions.Once a student joins the Targeted List and work begins with a NEWB strand, he/she becomes the subject of a Targeted Work Record, i.e. a summary of what targeted interventions have been provided. .
For the One Child pilots Targeted interventionswill focus only on those childrenwho reach the threshold for ‘major concerns’
How a student enters the • Targeted Work Record • Someone (most likely a member of school staff but could be a parent or sometimes a student him/herself) has identified that Student (S) has additional/unmet educational welfare needs beyond the capacity of universal or preventative interventions (Support for ALL) to resolve. The concern here is ‘growing’ • The person with the concern brings this, in the first instance, to the attention of the designated EWO (or in DEIS schools to HSCL and/or SCP coordinator) who will open a Targeted Work Record
An early task is to summarise the difficulty on the first sheet of the targeted work record. This can be done either by the person with the concern or by the EWO (or in DEIS schools by the HSCL or SCP Co-ordinator) • If the EWO (or in DEIS schools HSCL and/or SCP coordinator)considers that this additional/unmet need is the within the remit of the NEWB service strands then s/he adds S’s name to the Targeted List for discussion at the next APR ‘meeting’ (see below) • Where the information received is incomplete then the relevant NEWB service strand will source whatever information is required to assist them to reach as full as possible a picture of the factors that give rise to the identified difficulty/unmet need
If it is considered that the unmet need is within the remit of the NEWB, a Unique Identifying Number (UIN) is created made up of the school roll number + the initials of the name + date of birth. A Targeted Work Record (TWR) is begun for that student • Where it is evident that a student’s need is wholly or partly outside the remit of the NEWB, this will be noted on the TWR and steps taken at school level to seek appropriate avenues of assistance that might be more relevant.
The Understand – Plan – Do – Review Cycle Support for SOME
Understand • Identifying Needs
The threshold is reached for referral for a Meitheal • When the student/their family have needs (in addition to the educational welfare needs) in the following categories and it is clear that a multi-agency response is needed: • Housing, employment and finance • Parental health or mental health problems which impact on the child’s development and well-being • Child’s health or mental health problems that have an impact on their development and well-being issues • Substance misuse that impacts on the child’s health and development • A child’s self care and independence • Risk taking behaviour • Children involved in anti-social behaviour, low level offending
The threshold for referral due to Child Welfare and Child Protection concerns • Making a referral for child welfare concerns is recommended if other needs in addition to educational welfare needs emerge where it is clear that a social work/ multi-agency response is needed.
The Plan Getting the One Team in place
The Plan • Identifying planned outcomes • and • who does what when
The Plan • The potential for identifying a lead worker
What is an outcome? An outcome is a measurable result from an action or activity (intervention) designed to bring about some change
Do • Implementing the plan