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Team Members : - 1. Mr. Rewati Kumar Giri 2. Smt. Baijanti – IWMP, Bundu (soil conservation 3. Mr. Subhash, RKM, Ranchi 4. Mr. Hakim Manjhi , KGVK, Ranchih. Consolidation & Exit Policy. Withdrwal in literal sense is a Negative Connotation so far support is concerned. (
Team Members : - 1. Mr. Rewati Kumar Giri 2. Smt. Baijanti – IWMP, Bundu (soil conservation 3. Mr. Subhash, RKM, Ranchi 4. Mr. Hakim Manjhi, KGVK, Ranchih Consolidation & Exit Policy
Withdrwal in literal sense is a Negative Connotation so far support is concerned. ( • Consolidation and withdrawal phase is the most important and crucial phase in the participatory development projects. • This phase facilitate the users to maintain the project activities in a sustainable manner during the post project period and initiate the new activities by users themselves. • In this phase the resources augmented and economic plans developed in final year • sustainable livelihoods and raise productivity levels. • It’s a phase withdraw of all intervention/supports during the project period. Complete 70% of consolidation works within 6th months of final year for strategic endower. • Clearly outlined road map of sustainability and accepted by mass for sustainable. A. 1. Withdrawal strategy
Impart the trainings conducted. • Caring and nurturing role towards structures, institutions, convergence etc. • ownership stakeholders in management of the program. • Organizing all village level CBOs towards conservation of water, resource generation, maintaining of structures etc in regular basis. • Exclusive growth of IWMP. A. 2. Role of institution
The purpose of WDF is fund meant for repair and patech work for previous activities. • Need operational rule for WDF and be operated under the apex body on basis of resolution and approval of passed through Gram Sabha. • resolution of Gram Sabha/Apex body should be send to concerned Banks. • Qtly review of Fund used and further plan for growth to be mandatory. • If possible thematically the fund expenditure plan will be made an allocated accordingly on the basis of thematic requirement. A. 3. WDF Management
It’s the of DPR based works and detailed about particular activity. Micro-watershed /Year wise and to be matched with Annual Action Plan. Documentary films also could be the evidence in case of trainings and capacity Building. Present format is sufficient for aforesaid purpose A. 4. Project completion Report
UG group to be oriented as per the need of future possible requirement. • Set their minimum byelaws for operational continuity of the structures in the post project phase. • Generate their Fund at their group level on monthly and quarterly basis and to be deposited in the Banks. • Desired to conduct User group meeting for review and planning, based on their productive plan. • Accountability of Panchayat towards the generated structures to be ensured. • Samagam/Interface of User Groups and Panchayat Body to overcome the difficulties if they faced. A. 5. Sustainability of the structures in the post project Phase
Purse of documentation should some specific purpose like replication/learning/demonstration of rare production/impossible efforts. • Many of convergence actions that leverage the pace and growth of soil and water conservation works, productivity, livelihood and or strengthening of Apex body’s works could be considered as the success stories. • It should be captured in every micro-watershed basis. A. 6. Identification and documentation of the success stories within the project area
Process documents is a guideline and must contained important aspects, pertaining of operational and resolutions for maintaining of structures after post of the project by the UG/Apex body/Panchayat etc. • What when, why, how, whom, where etc. related answer should be mentioned in the process documents. • Statutory records must be taken into account in order to further measuring of tangible change. Hence changes in relation to finance, maintenance , setting few more rule and regulation and convergence action etc. should be also the part of process documents. A. 7. Process Documents
Benefit and losses should be explained to the institutions about have and have not in economic terms in order to sensitize. • Every groups will deposit token money just becoming the part of WDF association member in regular basis. • Apex body should developed some Pay and Use mechanism. • Review and planning for multiply the fund through generating income against assistance that the groups have received the support from WDF. A. 8. Growth & Maintaining of WDF
Productive and maintaining purposes. Restricted to spent the fund only on created assets/structures under IWMP phase. fund to be used in proportional manner. A. 9. Use of WDF
Consolidation basically is the stage of compiling the any form output/assets. Organized and structured well acceptance withdrawal stagy appropriate for handholding. Assured the strategies that makes accountable to the Apex body for further continuity. A. 10. Concept
They Nurturing and Caring • Responsible and Accountable towards Fund, • Ownership towards generated structures and further development. • Decentralized and transparent mechanism for sharing of benefit and other in equal principals or as agreed consensus among the CBO. • Liaison with other line department for Fund, skil building and any other things. • Written declaration from CBOs for maintaining of structures. A. 11. Role of CBO
Reasonable & logical decision is desired steps stepping ahead. Following could be steps for consolidation and exit are : - i. Orientation to UG/Apex body for appropriate handholding. ii. Documentation of every required events/intervention (DPR & completion Report) iii. Update A/C , Audit Report to W/C at the time of withdrawal. iv Gram and other register v. Album and photographs. vi. Stocks vii. Pending and outstanding (if left ) Viii List of items if any (like chair/table etc) ix. Bank Pass Book w/c to be updated. x. WDF status & Pass Xi. Handover and take over Witten declaration from every responsible institutions. A. 12. Process Steps
Monitoring system : objective of monitoring system should be very specific. • Monitoring system must be informative , explanatory, tangible, user friendly and also desired to global representation. • System also be a transparent, decentralized and capture the issue/solutions of mass. • Monitoring system at Grass root : CBO meets/Interface. • Specific Format in Hindi/English for monitoring A. 13. Monitoring System
Need of training, • Purpose of training to Apex. • Thematic and structure wise contents and delivery mechanism. • Duration of training should be two days. • Resource person should be Block and district level. • Pictorial as well as thematic areas to be discussed (outlining of • Expected outcome should be awareness, accountability , functional skills to handling the structures and also able to link up with different support institutions. • Able to mobilize resource for maintaining of structures through Panchayat and other supports. B. 1. Training on Apex
2 members from WDF fund. • Elected representative • Federation members of user Group associations. • Representative from MNREGA,ATMA, • At least 3 members from W/C • Duration could be 1 Years. • Eligibility criterion : Development concern and Active track record. • Minimum operational reregulation. B. 2. Formation of apex institutions.
Objective of T & E must be the part of our previous execution of norms and further to be continued accordingly. Practicing contribution raising in all phases. • 3% of allocated but which for consolidation must contained with desired activities required under exit policy. • Exposure of successful watershed project where Apex body is working on same line after completion of project. B. 3 & 4. Training and Exposure of Apex to the members of apex institutions.
Explain the larger interest and benefits of case study to the apex. them first • How Informative, creative, demonstrative and replication could be the aspects need highlight and is also an art and vision of the Apex members. • Apex formation should be started immediately and their area of interest/expertise/should be considered. • Role and responsibility of capturing case studies on different thematic areas should be adhered by all members as per their skills and expertise. • From beginning villagers will have to be involved in collection of case studies so that they can be well equipped for latter stages. • Duration 3-4 days and by Resource Agencies. • Person having imagination and writing interest should be involved training. B.5 & 6. Training on preparation of case studies.
Comparative and analytical report. • Clearly differentiate the before and after status in the report. (Baseline to Chages) • Project completion Report also outlined the progress, achievement, difficulties, challenges, possible encounter strategies. • Avoid cut copy of PCR as DPR. • Completion report to be made at every micro watershed level. So that reports can show the diversified outcomes/innovation/demonstration/process and any best practices. • Photographs/Graphs/video film etc. • Outline the different practices (socio-cultural) • Ratio of input and outputs to be mentioned the report. • Remaining tasks/activities (as per DPR) which are still not achieved during the project also to be shown through intervention Maps. • Types of documents/IEC /approach etc if please be mentioned in the report. • Changes in topography and geomorphology/agriculture/water level/migration/ etch should not be overlooked. • Coverage of land treated and remain one also. • Finally a guideline of completion report is desired from SLNA level like DPR. B. 7. Preparation of Project Completion Report.
WDT training on exit policy is essential then other Apex body. • List of documents (essential) guideline/standing order from SLNA level to be prescribed. • Case study, list of beneficiaries, structures detail (Activity completion Report),Register /(beneficiaries, stock and gramsabha, contribution details/agreement with line department/ UG agreement etc. Photographs and video. Finacial transaction records (Cash Book,Ledger, Cheque Book) • Events documents of all small activities (Kala Jatha, Jalabhisek, Paryawarn etc) C. 1. Exit Policy Documents
Strict on set guideline issued on Apes institution manual. Activity and action based selection of members for institution. Interest towards watershed, time devotion, Young and energetic Positive and literate. Positive image & contribution in the area. C. 2. Process manual of formation of Apex Institution
Cover page • Chapterization, • Summary (Preparatory Phase and challenges ) • Outcome of EPA (objective/result/how supported our further impact on major intervention). • Major intervention and impact. • Training & capacity building. • Productivity enhancement • Livelihood • Convergence Impact • Forward road map if possible (recommendation ) • Events format also requires to substantiate the Project Completion Report. • Logo. C.3. Format for project Completion Report
C.4. Template of success stories/case studies. Title of case study Presentation /written by (Name of person and designation) Overall message /lesson which we want to delivered () Background of farmers/family Struggle of the family Types of Effort applied in order to come out the problems. Contribution of IWMP (training, technical, moral, legal support, Role and contribution of other people in their success. How confident the family is realizing today ? Will the person/family members ready to contribute their support for o thier’s development. Underling the failure and root cause so that other can learn the lesion from case studies.
C.5 &7 . Videos on apex bodies and guidelines for preparing documentary video films. Videos of project area and other apex bodies successful works. Thematic area wise videos to be made in all micro-watershed level. Gender equity , Live and inspiring documentary Orienting the person (what and how they will expressed during videos) Duration of videos Expert agencies to be deployed for video graph. Train some person for Video purpose for supportive role. Duration of film at least (15-25 minutes) If need local dialect languages will be given important. Translator /script writer is requires before documentary.
C.6. Guideline For WDF Mgt. Specific and clear objective Purpose of guideline WDF Why ? Need and importance. WDF function Operating body Signatory Member ship criterion. Resignation and termination of members. Bank and case withdrawal process and statutory requirement. Amount ceiling limit (Case in Bank and Hand) Annual review of WDF. Qtly Meeting of body to manage the fund. Office bearer of WDF. PIA accountant will trained WDF accordingly as the transaction/contribution is noted. Cleary mention do & don’t WDF Penalty and punishment mechanism in order to run the WDF smoothly but this should be approved by the apex institution of the particular area.
Watershed (crisis to prosperity) • Small leaflet on different initiatives/demonstrative/best practices/new practices. • Manual training for Apex and convergence purposes. • Departments /Schemes/convergence mode • Case study/success stories • WDF operational materials. • Training materials on various issues/thematic area 9. Reading Material
Collection of other state’s video films based on various thematic areas. • Convergence based films. • Thematic area wise film (if possible ) • Script and message must convey the significant changes, • Gender equity and case deprivation is need to be taken care. • Space for poor in video. • Convey the messages for conservation and ,empowering community in a decentralized manner. • Shifting practices. • Show Evolving trends. Video Films