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Local Transport Performance and Futures Chris Carter Transport Strategy Manager

Local Transport Performance and Futures Chris Carter Transport Strategy Manager. Contents. Latest transport performance indicators Recent significant transport investment announcements Coordination of transport works Forthcoming events and policy announcements. Performance Update.

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Local Transport Performance and Futures Chris Carter Transport Strategy Manager

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Local Transport Performance and Futures Chris Carter Transport Strategy Manager

  2. Contents • Latest transport performance indicators • Recent significant transport investment announcements • Coordination of transport works • Forthcoming events and policy announcements

  3. Performance Update • Local Transport Plan 2 Delivery Report Five year review 2006 to 2011 • Local Transport Plan Delivery Report First year progress Apr 2011 to Mar 2012 • Available at: www.mynottingham.gov.uk/ltp3

  4. Public transport patronage

  5. Main route average journey speed (peak time)

  6. Carbon emissions from transport

  7. All road casualties (Killed or seriously injured)

  8. Other • 15% increase in cycling trips since 2010 • 91% satisfaction with local bus journeys – national average = 85%(2011 Passenger Focus survey) • 85% satisfaction with local street - up from 81% in 2010 (2011 Citizens survey) Ongoing challenges: • Deterioration in local roads in need of maintenance (Up from 5% to 6%) • Compliance with air quality standards for the City Centre

  9. Recent Transport Investment Announcements • £15m Local Sustainable Transport Fund • £5m Better Bus Areas bid successful • Up to £9m City Deal linked to Growth Plan • Commitment to upgrading and electrification of the Midland Mainline

  10. Major Transport Works Coordination NET Phase 2 A453 Widening Ring Road Station Hub (main contract) Station Area Blockade

  11. Upcoming events and announcements • Ring Road Major Scheme information events • National Transport Strategy Refresh • Local Major Transport Scheme Funding Devolution • High Speed Rail • National Airports Policy development

  12. Contact details:chris.carter@nottinghamcity.gov.ukTel: 0115 8763940

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