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Next steps for implementing CARD. from 4 th CARD Steering Committee Meeting submitted for consideration by 3 rd CARD General Meeting. Agenda 6: Next steps for implementing CARD. Member countries:
Next steps for implementing CARD • from 4th CARD Steering Committee Meeting • submitted for consideration by • 3rd CARD General Meeting
Agenda 6: Next steps for implementing CARD Member countries: Cameroon, Ghana, Guinea Conakry, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Uganda & Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Central African Republic, DR Congo, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Liberia, Rwanda, Togo and Zambia • Complete needs–resource matching • Identify priorities to be handled at national, sub-regional and regional levels • Develop action plans to boost the rice sector through national, sub-regional and regional level interventions • Coordinate with the CAADP processes to ensure that investment priorities of NRDS are reflected in CAADP Investment Plans
Agenda 6: Next steps for implementing CARD Member countries (cont.): • Create awareness about the NRDS and the action plans at government level and with donors • Embed NRDS in PRSPs and other planning and financial instruments at national, sub-regional and regional level • Establish links with REC representatives and keep them informed and involved in advancing CARD interests • Actively look for ways to connect with research institutions working on rice-based systems to enable large-scale diffusion of promising rice technologies
Agenda 6: Next steps for implementing CARD Supporting Partners: Aga Khan Foundation, BRAC, Brazil, CRS, Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, USAID, Viet Nam • Take stock of south-south collaboration on rice value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa • Contribute to the establishment of a south-south rice value chain platform • Task Force for reducing post harvest losses • Task Force for human and institutional capacity strengthening NB: This will be facilitated by AfricaRice, IRRI, JICA & FARA
Agenda 6: Next steps for implementing CARD Steering Committee technical members: (AfricaRice, AGRA, FARA, IRRI, JIRCAS, CARD Secretariat) • Assist 2nd Group member countries with NRDS development (AfricaRice, AGRA, FARA, IRRI, CARD secretariat) • Actively pursue linking rice research and development activities in Africa under the Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP) with CARD to ensure wide-scale dissemination of sustainable rice technologies (AfricaRice, IRRI, JIRCAS) • Finalize baseline study through the Rice Statistics Project (AfricaRice) • Explore the use of all five FARA Networking Support Functions to support CARD (FARA, AfricaRice) • Create awareness about CARD at the Regional Economic Communities (AfricaRice, FARA, NEPAD and CARD Secretariat)
Agenda 6: Next steps for implementing CARD Steering Committee development partner members: (African Development Bank, AGRA, IFAD, JICA, World Bank) • Actively pursue possibilities to fund NRDS implementation and south-south collaboration • Coordinate funding and establish synergies to avoid duplications and gaps • Draw up investment plans on key factors such as, capacity building, post harvest and infrastructure • Create awareness about CARD activities with other donors, such as the European Union, etc. • Support CARD’s three pan-African member institutions, i.e., NEPAD, FARA and AfricaRice to promote rice amongst their stakeholders
Agenda 6: Next steps for implementing CARD CARD secretariat: • Assist member countries in Group 2 with NRDS development (AfricaRice, AGRA, FARA, IRRI, CARD secretariat) • Continue keeping track of NRDS development and implementation (‘GPS’ of rice-related activities in Africa) • Pro-actively pursue possibilities to establish public-private sector involvement, especially in the post-harvest sector (also through south-south collaboration) • Develop evidence based materials about the importance of the rice sector in Africa to help convince donors and countries to provide budget support • Monitor donor support to CARD and to CAADP to identify synergies • Create awareness about CARD with the regional economic communities (AfricaRice and CARD Secretariat)
Agenda 6: Next steps for implementing CARD CARD secretariat (cont.): • Organize steering committee meetings • Organize the next CARD General Meeting in October 2011 in Uganda and invite RECs • Conduct M&E to produce quantitative information about rice sector development and measure impact of CARD • Report at the next General Meeting on the status of rice production in Africa and present an assessment of progress towards achieving the target of doubling rice production by 2018