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ICSTORe is a platform that allows users to search for grant applications, track newly released documents, order printed or downloadable versions, and generate reports. Customize and export hit lists to Excel for easy access and analysis.
ICSTORefor ICSearch, Track, Order, and Reporting of Documents eRA Symposium May 10, 2002
ICSTORe • Search for grant applications based on a variety of fields and generate a hit list • Sort the hit list according to your defined criteria • Identify and track newly released documents • Publish books or collections of documents that can be divided into different sections, each with its own sort.
ICSTORe, cont. • Print documents for selected applications at the NIH central printers • Generate a download file of documents merged into a single PDF • Generate a download zip file of individual PDFs • Export your hit list to Excel
You can access ICSTORe from QuickView or ICO one of two ways: • Run a query using the query parameters in QV or ICO. Then click ‘ICSTORe’ • to transfer you current hitlist to ICSTORe. Before running a query from QV or • ICO, click ‘ ICSTORe’, then use the ICSTORE query parameters to run a query. • When you navigate to ICSTORe from Peer Review, your hit list with applics. • from your default meeting will transfer over. 4
When you transfer your current hit list to ICSTORe, the ICSTORe query parameter block will be grayed out (disabled). You can then sort your transferred hit list, use the various ICSTORe options for requesting summary statements, customize your hit list, and/or export the hit list to Excel. To use the ICSTORe query parameter block to generate a new hit list, click ‘Enter Query’. This will wipe out the current hit list and ready the query parameter block for input.5
ICSTORe has 3 Tabs or screens: • Track & Order – the default screen’ • Book Definition – for customizing the order of docs. in Books • Advanced Search Criteria – available in March release 6
To run a new Query on the ICSTORe Track and Order screen: • Click ‘Enter Query’ • Enter desired Query Parameters and any combination: • Council (YYYYMM) - Grant number components - Document (Sum.Stmnt) • PO (Pgm. Official) - Score - App_ID • SRG/SRA - Appl.status - Released as of… • Incl. Duals - PCC • Click ‘Run Query’ 7
To View Query Results: • Scroll through default hit list • Customize hit list • Sort, sequence, & order the hit list • Export hit list to MS Excel • Fields in default hit list • Grant Number • SRG/SEP Mtg. 6. Priority Score • PI Name 7. Percentile • Sum.Stmnt. Status 8. PO Name, Phone, e-Mail • Sum.Stmnt. Init. Release Date • Sum.Stmnt. Initial Latest 8
Customize Hit List If you hadn’t already customized your hitlist, then when the screen comes up, the ‘Selected Field Name’ Block will be populated with the default hitlist fields in the default order. To add additional fields, select desired field from Available Hitlist Fields block and click >> to move the field over to ‘Selected Field Name’ block. Use the << arrow to remove a selected field. You can change order# of selected fields. The system will remember each user’s customized hitlist between sessions. 9
To sort hit list, click on column heading. Notice order #s will be out of sequence. 10
Click ‘Resequence’ to renumber your sorted hit list starting with ‘1’. 11
. Reordering the Hit List • To switch the order of any row of the hitlist, overwrite • the order numbers as desired. • Here the hit list has order numbers 1 and 3 switched. 12
Exporting Hit List • After customizing and sorting your hit list as desired, • click ‘Export to MS Excel’ to download hit list data to a spreadsheet. 20
Tracking Documents • Release of new documents since a particular date • Release of new documents since last time you checked • Applications for which documents haven’t yet been released • Identification of revised documents
Tracking Documents: • Applications for which Summary Statements hadn’t yet been generated will have a NULL status. • This can be important information. • Applications with different Initial Release and Latest Release dates have been revised. • Query on ‘Released as of Date’ to identify documents released on or after the user-entered date. 22
Tracking documents released since the last time you checked (especially useful for Program Staff) • Run a query for your portfolio (PO name or PCCs). • Save the query (see instructions for saving and retrieving queries). • When you run a saved query, the ‘Last Run’ date will be automatically set to today’s date. • Next time you check, retrieve your saved query. Notice that the ‘Released as of Date’ will • default to your previous Last Run date. Run the query. The Released as of Date will be • compared with the documents’ Latest Release date. • The Last Run date will now be set to today’s date. The next time you retrieve this query, • the Released as of Date will be set to your previous Last Run date. • Note that you can always change the Released as of Date. 23
Managing Queries • Save private queries that only you can see • Save IC queries that anyone from your IC can see • View saved queries • Private only • All IC queries • Both of the above • Private and IC queries that you created • Delete Private and IC queries that you created
Saving a Query • Enter query parameters (running the query is optional) • Click ‘Save Query’ to invoke the ‘Save Query’ dialog • Enter a query name • Enter an optional description • Click the List Type drop-down list and select ‘Private’ or ‘IC Specific’ • Click ‘Save’. 25
Retrieving a Query • Click ‘Retrieve Query’ to open the Retrieve Query dialog • Filter the list of queries using the Query Type drop-down list • Select the desired query and click ‘Retrieve’. • Note: You may retrieve an IC query and use Save As to save • it under a different name, then modify it. • Deleting a Query • Follow instructions for Retrieving a Query • Note that you may delete only queries that you created. 26
Viewing a Document • Select a hit list application • with a status of ‘Final’. • Alternatively click ‘Grant Folder’. • Click ‘View’. The Summary Statement will be displayed in Adobe Acrobat from your Web browser. 27
Merging Documents • When you click ‘Merge’, all of the selected (checked) documents on your hitlist with a status of ‘Final’ will be merged into a single PDF and downloaded. You can save the file or print it from your network printer. • The advantage of a merge file, as opposed to a zip file, is that all of the documents can be printed with a single ‘Print’ command. Use this feature to create and print a book or collection of documents.
Zipping Documents The Zip feature creates an archive file for downloading that contains individual documents, each in a separate PDF. Use WinZip to extract the individual PDFs to save and/or print. As with Merge or Print, only documents with a ‘Final’ status will be included. Use Zip to save individual documents or to distribute them to different individuals.
Printing Documents • Print single documents using ‘View’ or the Grant Folder • Print multiple documents from: • Merge file • CIT Central Printers with following ‘Print Central' options: • Designate Box # - Multiple copies • Duplex printing - Exclude rosters • 3-Hole paper - Page range
Print Central Dialog. Note that only selected documents with a ‘Final’ status will be printed.The first time you select Print Central, you must register your IMPACII account with your mainframe account. 31
Book Definition • Lets ICs define complex custom sorts for IC Council Books or other document collections • Books may be comprised of 1 or 2 sections • Each section may have a different sort • In addition to traditional ‘Ascending’ or ‘Descending’ sorts, you can specify a particular sort order (e.g., by Activity with ‘R01’ first, ‘P01’ second, ‘U10’ third, followed by the rest of the activities. • Note: The Book Definition must be ‘Applied’ to your hitlist.
Managing Book Definitions • Save private definitions that only you can see • Save IC definitions that anyone from your IC can see • View saved definitions • Private only • All IC definitions • Both of the above • Private and IC definitions that you created • Delete Private and IC definitions that you created
Creating a Book Definition • From the ICSTORe Track and Order screen, click on the ‘Book Definition’ Tab. • Click ‘New’ to open the Save Book Definition Dialog. • Note: Unlike Queries, Book Definitions must be named before creating. 34
Creating a Book Definition, cont. • Enter a mandatory Book Definition name. • Enter an optional description. • Select List Type ‘IC Specific’ or ‘Private’. • Click ‘Save’. • Note: This just saves a named definition with • nothing in it. Now you must build your definition. 35
Defining a Book • First, define your sections. There are 3 options: • All – entire hit list appears in a single section, sorted as specified. • RFAs & Non-RFAs • Primaries & Duals • From the ‘Available Sections’ block, select your choice, then click >> to move it to the Section Names block. 36
Defining a Book, cont. • Second, for each section, define the sort • Select the section to be sorted in the ‘Section Name’ block. • Select the sort fields from the ‘Available Fields’ block and click >> to move the sort fields to the ‘Order of Fields w/in Sections’ block. • Select the next section to be sorted and then select the sort fields for that section. • 37 Note that the Fields are synchronized with the selected Section name. For example, if you have Primary selected (highlighted), then select ‘Activity Code’ for the sort field, Activity Code applies to the Primary section, not the Dual section.
Defining a Book, cont. • Third, for each sort field, specify Ascending, Descending, or By Value. • Select the sort field from the ‘Order of Fields w/in Sections’ block. • For Ascending order, do nothing. ‘Asc’ is the default. • For Descending order, click ‘Desc’ in the Sort Field Order block. • For ‘By Value’, click ‘By Value’ in the Sort Field Order block. • Select the next sort field and specify Asc., Desc., or By Value. Repeat for each sort field • Note that the Sort Field Order block is synchronized with the Order of Fields w/i Sections block. 38
Defining a Book, cont. • To specify the exact sort order for a sort field, click on ‘By Value’. • When you click on ‘By Value’, the Sort Field Order details block becomes enabled for input. • On each row, enter the value for the sort field in your desired order. Use the wildcard ‘%’ as needed. • Note that you are not specifying a query or a filter, but rather the order for your existing hit list. Therefore, the last row of your sort order will always default to ‘All The Rest’. Book definition with 1 section. Hit list will be sorted first by Activity, then by Grant Number. Within Activity, the order will be R01s, then the rest of the ‘R’s, followed by ‘fellowships, followed By Training grants, followed by the rest of the activities. 39
Defining a Book, cont. • After defining your book, return to the Track and Order screen to sort your hitlist using the book definition. • Click on ‘Track and Order’ Tab. (Your book definition will be automatically saved.) • Click on ‘Apply Book’. Your hitlist will be reordered according to your definition. Request output using Print Central, Merge, Zip, or output to MS Excel. 40
Sample Council Book Scenarios • In the 1st section, include non-RFA applications. • Sort 1st section by Activity code in following order: • P, R, S, U, K, T, all others. 41
In the 2nd section, include RFAs • Sort by RFAs number Display docs. With AI’s RFA first 42
Sample Council Book Scenarios, cont. • This is a single section book sorted by Activity. First include applications with a ‘1’ in the 3rd character, then applications with a ‘3’ in the 3rd character, then all the rest. Using this scenario, R01 and U01 will come before P50. To designate the 3rd character of the activity code, use the wildcard substitution symbol for a single character, which is an underscore ‘_’. To specify the 3rd character, use 2 underscores followed by the value of the 3rd character. 43
Sample Council Book Scenarios, cont. • This is a 1 section book sorted by PCC in the following order: 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B. Next come all applications with PCCs that do not begin with ‘2’. Note the ‘Not Equal’ operator ‘< >’ is used to specify applications with PCCs not starting with ‘2’. Finally, include all PCCs which begin with ‘2’ and are not equal to ‘2A’ or ‘2B’, then all the rest. 44
ICSTORe Advanced Queryincludes all functionality from theBook Definition Screen all functionality from the Track & Order Screen Plus Additional Features
Track & Order/Book Definition Features in Advanced Query • Search for grant applications based on a variety of fields and generate a hit list • Sort the hit list according to your defined criteria • Identify and track newly released documents • Publish books or collections of documents that can be divided into different sections, each with its own sort.
Track & Order/Book Definition Features in Advanced Query, cont. • Print documents for selected applications at the NIH central printers • Generate a download file of documents merged into a single PDF • Generate a download zip file of individual PDFs • Export your hit list to Excel
Advanced Query Functionality • Enter multiple values for selected fields • Select grant applications based on application status (special selects) • Select grant applications based on availability of selected documents: • Summary Statement exists • Abstract exists • Resume exists
Advanced Query Functionality, cont. • Select include or exclude applications with: • Subprojects • Duals • Active grants • Concerns for subjects: animal, human, gender, etc. • Phase 3 clinical trials • Foreign grants • AIDS related • Human embryonic stem cells
Advanced Query Functionality, cont. • Includes ‘CONTAINS’ operator for searching for scientific terms in long text (e.g. Summary Statement, 398 image, etc.) • Search for Null and Not Null fields • Save private queries and share IC queries