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Isabelle Barbour HKLB State Program Oregon Public Health Division

Explore the correlation between grades and health barriers, learn about resources and partners to address these issues, and understand the importance of supporting school staff for better student outcomes in Oregon schools.

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Isabelle Barbour HKLB State Program Oregon Public Health Division

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Isabelle Barbour HKLB State Program Oregon Public Health Division

  2. Health-related barriers to learning. • We can do something about it. • There are partners that can help. • Staff matter too. • Learning-related barriers to health.

  3. Health-related barriers to learning. Correlation between grades and ate less because there was not money to buy food 11th Grade OHT 2009

  4. 2. We can do something about it.Coordinated School Health HKLB.org

  5. 3. There are partners that want to help schools address health-related barriers to learning.

  6. 4. Staff matter too. School employees have one of our state’s most critical functions ~ preparing youth to become successful and productive citizens. 104,000 school staff employed in Oregon’s public education system spend half of their waking hours at work* School employees are susceptible to the same health risks and chronic conditions as other employees. Rising healthcare costs affect the bottom line School employees serve are tremendous role models for our students http://www.oeachoice.com/ • Thorpe KE, Florence CS, Howard DH, Joski P. The rising prevalence of treated disease: effects on private health insurance • spending. Health Affairs, W5-317-25, 27 June 2005. • SB931: Task Force for a Comprehensive Obesity Prevention Initiative Obesity Research, 12:18-24 • Oregon Labor Market Information System website – 2010 data and National Center for Educational Statistics

  7. 5. There are learning-related barriers to health. Healthy People 2020 • Increase educational achievement of adolescents and young adults. www.healthypeople.gov/hp2020/objectives Oregon Health Improvement Plan • Strategy: Target resources to improve child and student health to support improved educational outcomes. http://www.oregon.gov/OHA/action-plan/hip-report.pdf?ga=t

  8. Health-related barriers to learning. • We can do something about it. • There are partners that can help. • Staff matter too. • Learning-related barriers to health.

  9. Questions? Isabelle Barbour, Team Lead Healthy Kids Learn Better Program Oregon Public Health Division isabelle.s.barbour@state.or.us 971-673-0376

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