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CHC50608 Diploma of Community services. CHCCOM504B Develop, implement and promote effective workplace communication ppt# 1 Development of effective communication strategies. Aims of Module.
CHC50608 Diploma of Community services CHCCOM504B Develop, implement and promote effective workplace communication ppt# 1 Development of effective communication strategies
Aims of Module The knowledge and skills required to required to apply higher level communication skills that underpin effective workplace operations
Objectives of Module Learning objectives: Contribute to the development of effective communication strategies; Understand different types of communication styles; Conduct interviews Represent the organisation to a range of groups; Facilitate group discussions; Facilitate work group interaction; Use specific communication techniques to assist in resolving conflict; Produce quality written materials;
Objectives of ppt 1 Communication • Define Communication. • Identify different types of communication. • Identify different levels of communication. • Understand different types of groups communication. • Factors/barriers which effect communication. • Overcoming barriers to effective communication. • How to evaluate effective communication. Utube A failure to Communicate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ox5LhIJSBE&feature=fvwrel Discuss what has happened in this clip, what assumptions were made due to diversity in communication styles? Utube - A Failure to Communicate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ox5LhIJSBE&feature=fvwrel
What is Communication? • Talking is an important element of communication but it is not the only component of communication, nor is it the most important aspect of communication. • Communication is the process of conveying meaningful information, so that two or more individuals create a level of understanding that is shared among all parties. Discuss what were the key strategies of John’s communication? Utube Communication skills easy step #1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8VhV-1oCjA&feature=related
ELEMENTS OF THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS Process includes: • Sender • Messages • Receiver • Feedback
Types Of Communication There are Four Types of Communication Visual Communication Written Communication Verbal Communication Non-Verbal Communication Discuss why is it important to be aware of these types of communications? What happens if we are not aware of these and utilise only one form of communication in our workplace? Utube - communication skills easy step #2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ShBKooOOlE&feature=relmfu
Visual Communication Visual Communication • share ideas that relate to the business • provide information to those that work in the company • outline specific points that need to be emphasized for the success of the business. Examples • specially designed signs • electronic communication • documents • presentations.
Written Communication Written communication • Reports • evaluations • Emails • instant messages • physical and electronic memos • training materials
Verbal Communication VERBAL COMMUNICATION: • Vocabulary • Meaning of words & phrases • Pacing • Clarity and Brevity • Timing and relevance
Non-Verbal Communication NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION • Personal appearance • Posture and gait • Facial Expression • Eye Contact • Gestures • Sounds • Territoriality And Personal Space • Artifacts
LEVELS OF COMMUNICATION Intrapersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication Transpersonal Communication Therapeutic Communication Small group communication Public Communication Discuss what level of communication do you feel comfortable with 90% of the time, why? Utube-
IINTRAPERSONAL COMMUNICATION: Occurs within individuals; • Self concept, self awareness, self-talk • Self-verbalisation • Self-instruction • Inner thought and inner dialogue
INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION • Involves 2 people - One-to-one interaction • Also known as Dyadic communication – Dyad, a unit made up of 2) • Getting to know someone personally • Formal or Informal Utube - Workplace Communication Skills http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO8Jz7b9wH8&feature=related
TRANSPERSONAL COMMUNICATION • Occurs within persons spiritual domain • Prayers, meditation, religious rituals or other means to communicate with there higher power.
Therapeutic Communication • Is purposeful • Has well defined boundaries • Is client focused • Non judgmental • Use well planned, selected techniques Therapeutic communication includes: Empathy Trust Honesty Validation Non-judgemental approach
SMALL GROUP COMMUNICATION: • Occurs when a small number of people meet together • It is goal directed • It involves Group dynamics
Communicating across cultures When communicating across cultures, the following must be taken into consideration: Acceptance and respect for differences Esteem Self-assessment Dynamics of difference Obtaining/expanding knowledge of cultures Avoiding stereotypical generalisations Misconceptions about cultural homogeneity Culture as not the only determinant of identity and behaviour Interpreters Translation services
Use of coaching in workplace communication When training of staff in effective communication, the following must be taken into deliberations: • Systems and communication • Source(s) of information • Checks and balances • Coaching: • Colleagues • Clients • Training needs analysis Utube - How to avoid arguments and confrontation in the work place : Effective Dialogue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Hj_AnsUoH4
PUBLIC COMMUNICATION • Interaction with an audience • Key factors include eye contact, gestures, voice inflection and media materials
Factors affecting communication Other factors that need to be taken into consideration when using targeted communication skills to build relationships include: • Time skills • Rapport • Dignity • Confidentiality • Listening and reflecting • Conflict and negotiation skills • Barriers to effective communication • Interviewing • Meetings/agendas • Special considerations: • Involuntary clients • People with disabilities • Culture • Feedback • Evaluation • Workplace culture • Training of staff • Networking
Barriers/Constraint to communication • Barriers to communication include: • Anticipating the other • Stereotyping • Assumption of meaning • Premature change activities • Inattentiveness • Poor reflective skills Utube - 06 Barriers to communication http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gSqxi5T7PY&feature=related
Overcoming Barriers/constraints to Communication Active and passive listening Overcoming stereotyping Not faking understanding Learning to trust others to find their own solutions Focusing Improving reflective skills
Evaluation in Organisations • Evaluation is systematic determination of merit, worth, and significance of something or someone using criteria against a set of standards. • Evaluation often is used to characterise and appraise subjects of interest in a wide range of human enterprises • Includes the arts, criminal justice, foundations and non-profit organisations, government, healthcare, and other human services Examples of Red Cross evaluation tools and resources - http://www.redcross.org.au/resources.aspx
Feedback and evaluation Feedback describes the situation when output from (or information about the result of) an event or phenomenon in the past will influence the same event/phenomenon in the present or future. When an event is part of a chain of cause-and-effect that forms a circuit or loop, then the event is said to "feed back" into itself. As an organisationseeks to improve its performance, feedback helps it to make required adjustments.
Examples of feedback in organisations Financial audit Performance appraisal Shareholders' meetings Marketing research 360-degree feedback Walkouts Lockouts
CHC50608 Diploma of Community services CHCCOM504A Develop, implement and promote effective workplace communication ppt# 2 Interviews
Objectives Understand how to conducting interviews Types of interviews Process and protocols for interviews Strategies and techniques for Interviews and discussions
Interviews An interview is a conversation between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee. The Interview Structure An interview process can be divided into six phases: Introduction Warm Up General Issues Deep Focus Retrospective Wrap Up (Kuniavsky, 2003 b; Preece, 2002)
Types of interviews • Informal, conversational interview • General interview guide approach • Standardised, open-ended interview • Closed, fixed-response interview Critique this interview and discuss if informal/formal and what type of interview? Utube -Collaborative Practice in Action - The Coach Conducting Client Interview 1 & 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L2zl2oYYkc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULm-LHHT_iA http://www.pollakheenan.com/
Informal, conversational interview • No predetermined questions are asked, in order to remain as open and adaptable as possible to the interviewee’s nature and priorities • During the interview the interviewer “goes with the flow”.
General interview guide approach The guide approach is intended to ensure that the same general areas of information are collected from each interviewee this provides more focus than the conversational approach, but still allows a degree of freedom and adaptability in getting the information from the interviewee
Standardised, open-ended interview The same open-ended questions are asked to all interviewees This approach facilitates faster interviews that can be more easily analysed and compared
Closed, fixed-response interview All interviewees are asked the same questions and asked to choose answers from among the same set of alternatives. This format is useful for those not practiced in interviewing.
Protocols Rapport Importance Especially with unstructured formats Encourages honesty and openness Does not mean you are sacrificing neutrality Respect, professionalism Treating the user as a partner Listening more than talking (Hackos and Redish, 1998; Kuniavsky, 2003) Interview Pitfalls Extending the interview beyond time Missing key points Explaining a system’s behaviour Asking for predictions on actions Watch for: Perceived threat to interviewee’s self or job image Emotional reactions Lying or embellishments Response Bias Giving replies they think are desired Socially acceptable answers User’s vs. the system’s fault Opinions of no importance Discuss what types of processes and protocols would you implement in either a informal or formal interview stages? Utube – (6.19 min) Interview Techniques - STAR Method http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nN7Q7DrI6Q
Interviewing steps/processes • Collect reliable, valid unbiased information regarding the performance situation/s • Notify the employee of the need for a meeting and inform them of the reason for the meeting • Are there other personnel – managers or HR – who should be notified or involved • Ask the employee if they wish to nominate an impartial observer to attend the meeting • Set a mutually convenient time & date for a meeting, may depend on the nature of the problem, best to hold the meeting on neutral ground Utube – (6.51) Job Interview Tips, Techniques, and Skills http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wjn_rOTgRTo
At the interview Essential considerations: Clearly explain the problem in terms of performance and KPIs. Clearly explain what areas of performance are not meeting expectations. Ask the employees to give their perspective/ opinion. Give them opportunities to ask questions and offer ideas. Remember that personal problems can impact on work performance. Be prepared to empathise if this is the case, but be aware, also, that privacy requirements prevent intrusive questioning. Ask what you can do to help. Be prepared to support the employee. You might need to offer resources, training, coaching, support in terms of time, delegation of some tasks to others etc. Determine and document an agreed improvement plan with specific timeframes and dates re-evaluation. Organise follow-up meetings and progress evaluations. Ensure that the expectations, standards and goals are clear, reasonable, achievable and agreed. Document and record all discussion and outcomes.