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Understanding Interpersonal Communication Development in Adolescents

Explore the importance of interpersonal communication in adolescents, focusing on different communication types, self-disclosure, and building relationships. Learn how communication shapes identity and fulfills interpersonal needs.

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Understanding Interpersonal Communication Development in Adolescents

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  1. Adolescent’s Interpersonal Communication Dr Nooraida Yakob 29 October 2012

  2. DEFINITION • Communication - the process of responding to the information • Human’s communication – a process of communication in order to share feelings / information with others through the use of verbal and non verbal language • Interpersonal communication - a specific form of human’s communication in handling relationships with other people

  3. Interpersonal communication occur spontaneously, transparent, nonjudgmental and based on the similarities between individuals with other individuals. • Example : if you are from the same place, the communication becomes more personal and the quality of your communication become more intimate

  4. Based Bebee (2005) • There are two views: • Contextual view • The number of people involved • Have affinity/similarities between them • Feedback are given and often is immediate

  5. Developmental View • According to this view, communication occurs when: • Individuals involved have been known for a long time • Each individual is unique • Example : Communication between a salesman is not the same as communication between friends or family

  6. According to Martin Buber (2005) • Divided into three types of communication: • Communication "I-It" • Communication in our social life • Usually exists between you and salesman, you and waitress • Usually, the relationship begins with this type of communication. • The closer the relationship is will lead to you the second stage of "I-You"

  7. According to Martin Buber (2005) Communication "I-You" • Most of our communication is “I-YOU” • Interactions that exist still weighed on the social role • Example : teacher-student relationship • The relationship exists is still not close - Example : ordinary partnership, co- workers and you-cousins.

  8. According to Martin Buber (2005) Communication "I-Thou" • High-level of communication • The communication exists is beyond the social role and often affect the uniqueness of the individual • Communication involves : trust and personal matters lead to a close relationship • Example : communication of lovers, parents and children, siblings, close friends

  9. Communication "I-Thou" • There are individuals who never achieve this communication • There are several ways to achieve this type of communication: • Be a good listener • Build a close relationship • Resolve and avoid conflicts effectively • The success of developing this type of communication gives the individuals a satisfaction in life

  10. The Importance of Interpersonal Communication • Improving your communication skills with family members • Build a close relationship with friends and the one who you loved • Improved your relationship with your colleagues • Increased your physical and emotional health

  11. The Importance of Interpersonal Communication • Request the information • Based on the Social Penetration Theory – with the information, the interaction between individuals will be more effective • As a result : you can expect what your friend’s thinks, do and felt • You can get the information in a passive way by observation • You can get information by actively engage in communication • Self-disclosure

  12. The Importance of Interpersonal Communication • Build a context of understanding • help us better understand what someone says in a given context • depending on how they are said or in what context • Two types: • Content message - surface level meaning of a message" • Relationship message – explained how the message was said • These two are sent simultaneously, but each affects the meaning assigned to the communication.

  13. The Importance of Interpersonal Communication • Establish your identity • The roles we play in our relationships help us to establish identity • the public self-image we present to others • Interpersonal needs • Express and receive interpersonal needs • The needs are : Participation, control and affection

  14. The needs …. • Inclusion • is the need to establish identity with others. • Control • is the need to exercise leadership and prove one's abilities. Groups provide outlets for this need. Some individuals do not want to be a leader. For them, groups provide the necessary control over aspects of their lives. • Affection • is the need to develop relationships with people. Groups are an excellent way to make friends and establish relationships.

  15. Forms of Interpersonal Communication • Oral Communication • Verbal • Expression language - speech • Receptive language – understanding/comprehending • Non-verbal communication • Use facial expressions - eye-contact, your drawing, writing, body movement, etc.

  16. The Development of Self-concept 1. Interaction with other individual - see yourself through the mirror 2. Joined yourself in the group 3. Expected role 4. Label yourself - The label comes from personal reflection 5. Personality

  17. The development of Self-Esteem • assessment of self-perceptions on the ability, talent, skills and appearance

  18. How to Increasing your self-esteem • Intrapersonal Communication • Your positive self-image • Avoid comparing yourself with others • Limit the events and experiences to the broader aspects • Ability to focus on your vision • Get support from an appropriate individuals

  19. Self-disclosure • The strategy used to share the information with others • With a view, the relationship becomes more intimate/close • By using “Johari window” • Used to better understanding of their mental instability • http://kevan.org/johari

  20. Johari Window (Joseph Luft & Harry Ingham, 1950’s OPEN BLIND HIDDEN UNKNOWN Not Known to self Known to self Known to Others Not Known to Others

  21. A Johari window consists of the following 56 adjectives used as possible descriptions of the participant. In alphabetical order they are:

  22. Open: Adjectives that are selected by both the participant and his or her peers are placed into the Open quadrant. This quadrant represents traits of the subjects that both they and their peers are aware of. Hidden: Adjectives selected only by subjects, but not by any of their peers, are placed into the Hidden Quadrant, representing information about them their peers are unaware of. It is then up to the subject to disclose this information or not.

  23. Blind Spot: Adjectives that are not selected by subjects but only by their peers are placed into the Blind Spot quadrant. These represent information that the subject is not aware of, but others are, and they can decide whether and how to inform the individual about these "blind spots". Unknown: Adjectives that were not selected by either subjects or their peers remain in the Unknown quadrant, representing the participant's behaviors or motives that were not recognized by anyone participating. This may be because they do not apply or because there is collective ignorance of the existence of these traits.

  24. Open Area • Other people know about you. You also know about yourself. • The more you know about yourself or other people know about you, the greater the open space this section • Example : your attitudes, feelings, emotions, knowledge, experience, skills and insights

  25. 2. Blind Area • Others know about you, but you did not know • This section is realized by you and you unconsciously communicate it to others • Information may be in the form of body language, behavior, voice, style • When you learn and begin to realize about yourself, this section begins to diminish

  26. 3. Hidden Area • You know about you but other people did not know about you • Information including feelings, opinions, prejudices, and experience • You think about the facts, thoughts, feelings, fantasies that you do not want others to know due to your nature (shyness) • Keeping it as secrets

  27. 4. Unknown Area • This section is not known by you and others • There are things you did not already know about yourself • Example “ • How to act when faced with the death of someone that you loved . Other people do not know • Example : talents / abilities that you have • Everybody has this area

  28. The characteristic of self-disclosure • Occurred gradually • Occurred from the less personal information to more personal • Have certain risk • Related to trust and honest • Potential to improve the quality of interpersonal relationships

  29. Relationship Development • Knapp’s Relationship Escalation Model • There are five stages: • Initiatian - short stage :-10-15 seconds. Eg. Greeting • Experimenting - you ask questions to obtain more information and make a decision whether to continue the relationship or not • Intensifying - self-disclosure occurred, the relationship becomes more informal and are committed to that relationship

  30. Continued .... • Integrating - becomes close, work together, and start to share the identity with partners • Bonding – you have the relationship however only few of relationship ended at this level.

  31. The Termination of Relationship • Knapp’s Relationship Termination Model • There are five stages: • Differentiating • you start to use the word "I" instead of "we" • Beginnings of self-reliance/autonomy • Early signs to terminate the relationship

  32. Continued .... • Circumscribing • No further communication between you and your partner • Try to avoid discussion by changing the conversation topic • Other people did not notice this situation- only you know about this • Trying to discuss the relationship- did not want to end the relationship

  33. Continued .... • Stagnating • Do not want to discuss the relationship anymore because other people already know about the broken relationship • most of them know that there is no more relationship

  34. Continued .... • Avoiding • Physically separate • Try to reduce and avoid discussions and meetings • Termination • Positive or negative depending on the situation • Situation A-semester break : physically separate with your roommate - or • Situation B – physically separate with your family or • Situation C – divorce ? or

  35. Group Communications (Small Group) • Mc Grath (1984) - a group formed by two / more individuals who meet the following features: • Always communicate through a structured and predictable way • Shared the goals • Identifying them as a part of a group and dependable to each other

  36. Continued .... • Occurs both verbally and non-verbally • Position, location – need an effective communication system • Influence the members’ behaviour

  37. THE END

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