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Join the CIHR webinar to learn about the Pathways Implementation Research Teams - Component 3. Hear from expert presenters and get valuable insights on equitable reach, access, and sustainability of population health interventions.
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2 Welcome to the CIHR webinar Bienvenue au webinaire des IRSC Team Grant: Pathways Implementation Research Teams – Component 3 (Second Launch)
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7 English presentation
8 Recording
9 Presenters and Collaborator Dr. Carrie Bourassa, Scientific Director CIHR – Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health Bryan Lemire, Competition Lead CIHR – Priority Driven Initiatives
10 Team Grant: Pathways Implementation Research Teams – Component 3
Agenda 1:00 pm Welcome, Review of Agenda, Webinar Logistics (Jacques Dalton) 1:05 pm Review of Funding Opportunity (Dr. Carrie Bourassa, Bryan Lemire) 1:30 am, Questions and Answers (Dr. Carrie Bourassa, Bryan Lemire) 2:00 pm, Adjournment (Jacques Dalton)
Initiative Overview • The overall goal of Pathways to Health Equity for Aboriginal Peoples (Pathways) is to: • Develop a better understanding of how to design and implement equitable reach, access and sustainability of population health interventions that will improve Indigenous health and health equity • Component 1 • Teams were funded to design population health interventions • Component 2 • Teams were funded to implement population health interventions in 4 communities • Component 3 • Teams are being funded to increase equitable reach, access and sustainability of population health interventions
Relevant Research Areas This funding opportunity will support projects relevant to the following research areas: • Mental Wellness •Diabetes/Obesity •Tuberculosis • Oral Health
Funding Opportunity Overview • Implementation Research Teams (IRT’s) will be comprised of multidisciplinary teams of researchers and knowledge users, including Indigenous community members and knowledge holders. • Researchers, knowledge users, and Indigenous knowledge holders are expected to bring together their pertinent expertise in Indigenous health research
Funding Opportunity Overview • Successful IRT Component 3 teams will be expected to: • Study the equitable reach, access and sustainability of promising culturally appropriate population health interventions using an implementation science approach • Base their studies on the interests and priorities identified by the partnering Indigenous communities • In their proposal, applicants must define “equitable reach, access and sustainability,” in consultation with partnering Indigenous communities
Funding Opportunity Objectives • To increase the equitable reach, access, and sustainability of culturally appropriate population health interventions using an implementation science approach • Develop and share recommendations, guidelines and policies for sustainability and enhanced equitable reach and access of interventionsincorporate reciprocal learning between participating Indigenous communities and research teams • Build capacity for implementation research in Indigenous communities by training and mentoring junior researchers through partnerships with communities, including students and trainees with Indigenous living experience, and community members
Initiative Partners • Collaborating CIHR Institutes • Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health • Institute of Gender and Health • Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis • Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes • Institute of Population and Public Health • External to CIHR • Public Health Agency of Canada • Indigenous Services Canada
Funds Available • The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $3,000,000, enough to fund approximately 2 grants • The maximum amount per grant is up to $300,000 per year for five years • Applicants must secure partner contribution from non-federal sources to match the CIHR contribution at a minimum of 25% of the total grant amount requested as cash and/or in-kind
Eligibility to apply: Criterion 1 The Nominated Principal Applicant (NPA) must be one of the following: • An Independent ResearcherOR Knowledge User who either: • self-identifies as Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) or • provides evidence of having meaningful and culturally safe*** involvement with Indigenous Peoples. OR b. An Indigenous community, group or organization with a research or knowledge translation mandate.
Eligibility to apply: Criterion 2 Requirements to receive funds: Organizations identified as a Nominated Principal Applicant will need to undergo a financial (iterative) assessment process and an eligibility review to meet the requirements to administer grant funds and will be required to sign a funding agreement with terms and conditions determined by CIHR. If needed, the applying organization may choose to have their funds administered by another CIHR eligible organization. OR An individual nominated principal applicant (independent research or knowledge user) must be affiliated with an eligible institution authorized to administer CIHR funds.
Eligibility to apply: Criterion 3 The team must include the following as either a Principal Applicant or a Principal Knowledge User • If the NPA is an Independent Researcher, the team must include one Knowledge User • If the NPA is a Knowledge user, the team must include one Independent Researcher • If the NPA is an organization, the team must include one Independent Researcher and one Knowledge User.
Eligibility to apply: Criterion 4 Additionally, the team must include at least one: • At least one independent researcher or knowledge user (e.g., knowledge holder*) from a different area of expertise than those listed in point 3 above. • A least one New Investigator. CIHR defines a New Investigator as any applicant who, at the time of application, has assumed their first independent research position (e.g., faculty appointment) no more than 5 years ago (60 months). • At least one community member (i.e. from the geographic community or region participating in the research) must be listed as a knowledge user. • At least one policy/decision maker listed as a knowledge user. The policy/decision maker should be a community-based individual who holds a position of policy development, senior community leadership or management, or an individual designated by any of these. These policy/decision makers will be instrumental in developing culturally appropriate, ethical, and methodologically sound engagement strategies with communities. This cannot be the same person who is listed as the Principal Knowledge User. • At least one Sex and Gender Champion with experience in culturally-appropriate sex- and gender-based analysis or with gender diversity in the community.
Eligibility to apply: Criterion 5 • The team must include at least one applicant partner and must have a minimum of 25% of the total project budget as cash and/or in-kind partner leveraging
Allowable Costs In addition to normally allowable costs, the following expenditures are eligible for payment from the grant holder’s grant funds: • Costs related to community mobilization and engagement, including culturally relevant promotional items such as, tobacco, cloth, feasting and gift-giving for honoring ceremonies, and cash reimbursements (in a method acceptable to the individual or community being reimbursed) to compensate community participation; and • Contracts and/or consultant fees for knowledge translation and communication activities for Indigenous Elders, community members, and other Indigenous Knowledge Holders involved in activities related to the Indigenous community.
Competition Process: Overview Application Deadline – September 5, 2019 Notice of decisions – November 28, 2019 Funding Start Date – December 1, 2019
Evaluation Criteria • The appropriateness of the team in regards to both its multidisciplinary composition and the range of relevant expertise of its members, including experience working with Indigenous communities. • How the study is framing population health interventions using an implementation science approach and defining equitable reach, access and sustainability (ERAS) • How the study will develop recommendations, guidelines and policies for ERAS of interventions • Relevant and measurable indicators and outcomes of the successful interventions and their ERAS.
Evaluation Criteria (continued) • How the Sex and Gender Champion is integrated into the team according to best practices • How sex as a biological variable and/or gender as a social determinant of health will be integrated into the study • How the study will develop/implement Knowledge Translation practices from the outset to ensure effective sharing (and ultimately, implementation of) research findings/recommendations • How the study will both train and mentor researcher trainees
How to Apply? • Read all instructions carefully and ask questions • Ensure you obtain PINs sufficiently in advance of the submission deadline • Consult evaluation criteria as well as specific instructions under the how to apply • Specific instructions on requirements for budget are included in this section
How to Apply? (continued) • Ensure that all required and relevant information is submitted, such as the Participant table, demonstration(s) of cultural safety, signed letters of support (specific or general), signature pages, etc.
30 Contact InformationFor all inquiries please contact:Telephone: 613-954-1968Toll Free: 1-888-603-4178Email: support@cihr-irsc.gc.ca THANK YOU! MERCI!