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Eating Disorders and Trauma. Elysia Lopez Lucy Kahluzkhaya. Eating Disorders Review. As a quick review, there are 2 types of Anorexia and Bulimia: Anorexia (Restricting): less likely to purge or binge. Less likely to have problems with psychopathology.
Eating Disorders and Trauma Elysia Lopez Lucy Kahluzkhaya
Eating Disorders Review • As a quick review, there are 2 types of Anorexia and Bulimia: • Anorexia (Restricting): less likely to purge or binge. Less likely to have problems with psychopathology. • Anorexia (Binge/Purge): More likely to have regular cycles of binging and purging. Severe distortion of body image. More severe, more depression.
Eating Disorders Review Cont’d. • Bulimia (Purging): self-induced vomiting, or laxatives. • Bulimia (non-purging): Still binge eating, but instead of purging, they compensate by excessive exercise or fasting periods.
Latest Research regarding Trauma • The latest research out there regarding eating disorders and comorbidity does not involve mood disorders (depression) • but rather trauma • more specifically Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. • New Research shows that the effects of trauma can induce eating disorders in certain men and women • And may be more likely than depression for comorbidity.
Corstorphine’s Research Done in 2007 • Multiple impulsive behaviors are common in the eating disorders, and multi-impulsive patients appear to do more poorly in treatment. • Impulsive behaviors is just what it seems: behavior done on impulse (compulsively). • A study done by Corstorphine addresses the links between reported childhood trauma and multi-impulsivity in the eating disorders. • examining whether specific types of trauma are predictive of specific impulsive behaviors in this population. • The sample consisted of 102 individuals who met strict criteria for an eating disorder, and they were interviewed regarding trauma history and comorbid impulsive behaviors. • Results: Any reported history of childhood trauma was associated with a higher number of impulsive behaviors and with the presence of multi-impulsivity. • Childhood sexual abuse was particularly important, and was associated with self-cutting, alcohol abuse, and substance abuse (amphetamines, cocaine, cannabis and 'other substances', including ketamine and benzodiazepines).
Briere’s Research: Completed July 2007 • Research suggests that individuals with eating disorders are more likely to have been abused or neglected as children, or to have been victimized in adolescence or adulthood. • These experiences, in turn, are often associated with a range of psychological symptoms • as well as, in some cases, a more severe or complex Eating Disorder.
Briere’s Research Findings • trauma-specific psychological tests were used to: • identify clinically relevant trauma histories in the ED patient • uncover trauma-relevant symptoms that may complicate or intensify a given instance of ED. • discuss the clinical implications of a detailed trauma assessment, including its usefulness in guiding treatment for ED-trauma patients.
Levitt’s Analyses of Previous Research • This Research was conducted in response to Briere’s and Corstophine’s work mainly • concerned about the interaction between adverse childhood experiences and eating disorder behaviors. • In the first article, Brewerton (Levitt’s assistant) provides a review of the comorbidity between eating disorders and trauma, with an emphasis upon post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). • Corstorphine discussed the clinical links between emotional abuse and eating disorders. • In the next article, Sansone discussed the developmental implications of childhood trauma in relationship to borderline personality disorder (BPD), which may heighten the subsequent risk for the development of eating disorder symptomatology.
Levitt Continued… • Next, Briere reviewed general and specific psychological assessments/ tests • which are relevant to and/or designed to identify trauma histories. • In his Treatment Section, Levitt describes: • a therapeutic organizational model based on self-regulation theory that has been found to be clinically useful and effective for working with the complex, multi-symptomatic eating disorder patient who has histories of trauma and/or abuse.
Moorehead’s Research in August 2002 • This study investigated early predictors for developing eating disorders by young adulthood • in a community sample of women participating in a 22-year longitudinal study. • Method: Twenty-one women were identified at age 27 with lifetime full or partial eating disorders. • These women were compared with 47 women with no history of eating disorders on predictive factors form three broad domains. • Results: The women with eating disorders had more serious health problems before age 5 and mother-reported anxiety-depression at age 9. • At 15, mothers described them as having more behavior problems.
Moorehead’s Results Cont’d. • Before age 15, families of the eating disorder group had more histories of depression, eating problems and changes in family financial circumstances. • Discussion: This study identifies early predictors distinguishing girls who develop eating disorders. • Findings point to the need for continued research in the area of early health to comprehensively examine the biologic, behavioral, and environmental risks for eating disorders.
How does Moorehead’s Research relate to trauma and EDs? • For a young child, severe illness and family discrepancies (such as abuse, divorce, alcoholism, etc) can be traumatic • This includes cases of PTSD in young children due to familial environmental stressors • Moorehead’s study confirms that, at least for young women, stressful family issues can lead to Eating Disorders. • Especially abuse, depressive mothers, and sexual abuse.
Isabelle Caro – Her campaign against Anorexia and how it affected her life
Video on the affects of Childhood Trauma on Body Image • This video is about Isabelle Caro, who had a very hard childhood. She has been anorexic for most of her life: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VS2mfWDryPE&feature=related
Works Cited • http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=psyh&AN=2006-23070-004&site=ehost-live • http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=psyh&AN=2007-12986-006&site=ehost-live • Levitt, J., & Sansone, R. (2007, July). Past mysteries and current challenges: Eating disorders and trauma. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention, 15(4), 281-283. Retrieved April 4, 2008, doi:10.1080/10640260701454303 • http://www.raderprograms.com/article5.aspx