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Discover the key initiatives and achievements in the maritime sector, including infrastructure investments, safety programs, and environmental studies for sustainable growth and development. Get insights into port projects, Marine Highway Routes, and safety measures for the maritime industry.

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  1. MARITIME ADMINISTRATION AND INDUSTRY HIGHLIGHTS 2014-2015:Meeting the Challenges of Today and Tomorrow

  2. Maritime Administration at a Glance

  3. MARAD: Infrastructure and the Economy

  4. The Maritime Industry at a Glance • Source: American Association of Port Authorities’ 2015: State of Freight Report

  5. Infrastructure and the Economy In 2014, seven TIGER grants were awarded for port projects totaling more than $74 million USDOT has awarded 39 projects, almost $500 million in Maritime infrastructure and maintenance projects since TIGER’s inception in 2009 Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery

  6. Infrastructure and the Economy The Port Planning and Investment Toolkit released in Nov 2014 • The purpose of the toolkit is to assist ports in planning, funding and executing infrastructure projects. • It is an ongoing initiative to help U.S. seaports obtain much-needed funding for freight transportation, facility and other port-related improvement projects.

  7. Infrastructure and the Economy • $1.6 billion in loans administered to support shipbuilding and repair in U.S. Shipyards • $324.6 million in loans approved Title XI Loans

  8. Infrastructure and the Economy Deepwater Port Licensing Program: The enabling legislation for this program establishes a licensing system for ownership, construction and operation of oil and natural gas deepwater port structures located seaward of U.S. territorial waters. In 2015, facilities licensed under the Deepwater Port Licensing Program imported 2.6 billion cubic feet of gas.

  9. Infrastructure and the Economy: Addressing Congestion Marine Highways: Are for expanding the use of our Nation’s navigable waterways to relieve landside congestion, reducing air emissions, and increasing the efficiency of the surface transportation system • In 2014, two new Marine Highway Routes were designated: • M-295 Long Island Sound • M-35 Upper Mississippi River In 2015, DOT approved three new Highway projects: M-495 Potomac River Commuter Ferry Project M-55/M-35 Container on Barge Project M-95 New York Harbor Container and Trailer on Barge Project

  10. Infrastructure and the Economy: Addressing Congestion Port Conveyance Program: Surplus Federal properties, made available to local port authorities for port development purposes, expand the capacity of the Nation's Marine Transportation System and build our economy • MARAD has conveyed approximately 2,700 acres of surplus Federal property since 1996 • In 2014, completed the review to convey 22.9 acres in Los Angeles for use as a port facility

  11. Ports and the Economy • Intermodal shipments are concentrated in the top 12 deep water ports • 65% of U.S. imported and exported containerized freight flows through just 10 ports Source: DOT’s Beyond Traffic: Trends and Choices 2045

  12. MARAD: Promoting Safety and Strengthening Security

  13. Strengthening Security Maritime Security Program (MSP) and Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement (VISA): The security of our nation continues to rely heavily on U.S. commercial sealift capacity. The MSP and VISA programs are designed to provide a coordinated seamless transition from peace to war or national emergency while these vessels continue serving in the commerce of the United States. MSP ships globally project and sustain our U.S. Armed forces with multi-modal capability anywhere, anytime.

  14. Strategic Sealift Highlights: Ship Activations Syrian Chemical Weapons In August 2014 - MV CAPE RAY completed its historic mission to support the Defense Threat Reduction Agency in neutralizing almost 600 tons of Syria’s declared chemical weapons. Fight against Ebola In November 2014 – MV Cape Rise and Cape Wrath were deployed to support the global effort to end the Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa

  15. Safety: Training to Fight Shipboard and Dock-Side Fires MARAD operates a Fire Training Center (FTC) in Swanton, OH, located on Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority property. Merchant mariners and land based fire fighters are trained in the prevention and suppression of shipboard and dock-side fires. In FY 2014, the FTC taught nearly 400 students a wide array of courses, ranging from the Basic and Advanced Fire Fighting course for mariners, active U.S. Coast Guard, and Navy reservists to specific training for first responders.

  16. Safety: Counter-Piracy Initiatives Anti-Piracy Assistance Team (APAT) Assesses physical security and vulnerabilities to piracy, and provide guidance to ship crews on best practices to prevent piracy and to respond to pirate attacks.

  17. MARAD: Stewards of the Environment

  18. Environmental Work Environmental Studies • Total Fuel Cycle Analysis Study compares lifecycle criteria pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions from marine use of LNG fuel as compared with conventional marine fuels • LNG Bunkering Study focuses on LNG bunkering options, regulatory gaps, risk evaluation, and training for vessel crews, facility operators and emergency responders

  19. Environmental Work LNG-Powered Vessels • Feb 2014 Harvey Gulf launched the first of six planned LNG-powered offshore support vessels • Apr 2015 GD NASSCO and TOTE launched the first world’s LNG-powered container ship

  20. MARAD: Educating the Next Generation and Workforce Development

  21. Strengthening the Workforce MARAD ranked in the top 20% of 315 subcomponent Federal agencies. It improved its ranking to 51st place, up from 139th in 2013. Recognized as among the most improved organizations in the Federal Government in 2014.

  22. Educating the Next Generation and Workforce Development Outreach to Future Maritime Industry Leaders In 2014/2015, MARAD participated in outreach around the country: • 10 universities • 2 high schools • Over 1,000 students and faculty Military to Mariners: Connecting U.S. veterans to opportunities in the maritime industry

  23. Workforce Development: Advancing Women Women on the Water Conference: Brought together female mariners --from Midshipmen and Cadets to Captains-- to discuss maritime careers, transition from academy to industry, and professional development opportunities.

  24. Workforce Challenges Workforce Challenges: • New opportunities are increasing internationally as the worldwide shortage of licensed officers continues • High Demand for marine engineers

  25. Merchant Marine Academies U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) • One of five service academies • Federally-funded, Maritime institution of higher education that offers a 4-year undergraduate program that includes one year of sea time working aboard merchant and/or military cargo vessels. • In 2014/2015, the infrastructure improvements were completed: • Cleveland Hall barracks • Delano Hall Dining Facility • Mallory Pier • Geothermal Wells in Truxton Arcade

  26. Merchant Marine Academies State Maritime Academies MARAD also provides financial support and training vessels to State-operated maritime academies

  27. MARAD: Investing in the Nation’s Maritime Industry and Future Leaders

  28. International Engagement International Activities • Actively engaging in foreign economic and political developments to promote United States maritime transportion interests. • Improving maritime transport relations with certain countries and to ensure U.S. carriers' participation in the transport of U.S. international trade cargoes in a secure, safe and competitive transportation environment. • Improving foreign market access, increasing revenues, and generally improving operating efficiency in international trade for carriers and shippers, as well shipbuilders.

  29. Investing in Future Leaders National Security Multi-Mission Vessel (NSMV) • Program for purpose built Public Nautical School Ship, with incorporated Federal Response Capabilities for National Security, Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Missions • Concept design under development

  30. Building for the Future The National Maritime Strategy • A framework of actions needed to reinvigorate and chart a sustainable course for the U.S Maritime Industry • Some of the proposed actions focus on: • Long term, reliable funding to modernize and expand our ports • Increasing the competitiveness of U.S. Flag vessels in international trade • Long term, reliable funding to invest and recapitalize inland waterway infrastructure • Sustaining and growing our shipbuilding capability; and • Grow the Maritime workforce

  31. National Maritime Day Reminders Tweet About It! Use hashtag #NationalMaritimeDay to share your thoughts about this event WiFi Access at the eventLogin: NMD.0521 Password: Marad2015!

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