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Explore Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and their origins, beliefs, sacred symbols, rituals, and commonalities and differences among these religions. Discover the significance of major holidays, sacred texts, and core teachings.
Major Religions of the Middle EastWorld Geography • Judaism – based on the ancient Hebrew religion • Christianity – based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, evolved from Judaism • Islam – based on the teachings of Muhammad, evolved from Judaism
Sacred Symbols • Judaism – Star of David • Christianity – Cross • Islam – Star and Crescent
Judaism • Unique compared to most ancient religions because of its monotheistic belief. • Originated in Palestine • Holy book: Torah - This includes, but is not limited to the “Old Testament” • Jews still await the coming of a Messiah, or savior promised by God.
Rituals of Judaism • God is called Yahweh • Jews observe the Sabbath on Saturday • Gather in synagogues for worship • Pray three times a day • Major holidays include Passover, celebrating the Exodus from Egypt. Shabuoth is identified as the time of the giving of the Torah on Sinai. Sukkotcelebrates the autumn harvest and is preceded by a 10-day period of communal purification.
Jewish Ten Commandments (1) the prologue; (2) prohibition of the worship of any deity but Yahweh, and prohibition of idolatry; (3) prohibition of the use of the name of God for vain purposes; (4) observance of the Sabbath; (5) honoring of one's father and mother; (6) prohibition of murder; (7) prohibition of adultery; (8) prohibition of stealing; (9) prohibition of giving false testimony; and (10) prohibition of coveting the property or wife of one's neighbor.
Christianity • Based on belief that Jesus was the Messiah, son of God • Monotheistic: belief in the Holy Trinity- Father, Son and Holy Spirit • Jesus’ teachings and his apostles’ gospels are added to the ancient Hebrew beliefs to form the Holy Bible
Christian Rituals • Observe the Sabbath on Sunday • Worship in churches or cathedrals • Sacraments include: baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, marriage, penance, and extreme unction • Major holidays are Christmas, celebrating the birth of Jesus, and Easter, celebrating Jesus’ resurrection
Islam • Based on the teachings of the prophet Muhammad • Monotheistic, call God Allah • Emerged in Arabia in 600’s • Worship in mosques; Friday is their holy day • Revelations to Muhammad written down in Koran, or Qur’an, stressed by Sunnis Muslims; life of Muhammad is considered by Shiites to be as important as the teachings of the Koran
Islam • Unlike the Bible or the Torah, the Qur’an is considered the direct words of god. • Qur’an was dictated to Muhammed in a cave by the angel Gabriel. • Muslims do not allow pictures of Muhammad because he is a prophet, and only God should be worshiped.
The Five Pillars of Faith • Profession of faith (shahada): “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet.” • prayer (salat): five times a day, facing the city of Mecca • almsgiving (zakat): expected to practice charity toward those less fortunate (2.5% of savings after living expenses) • fasting (sawm): in the month of Ramadan, they do not eat from sunrise to sunset • pilgrimage (hajj): if possible, they are to visit Mecca at least once in their life.
Common Ancestry • All three religions worship the same God • Legend links the Jews and Arabs as both descendants of Abraham, the Jews by his son Isaac, the Arabs by his son Ishmael • All three recognize the earlier prophets and teachings until their religion branches off • All three religions consider Jerusalem a holy city; Muslims originally faced Jerusalem when praying
Differences • Jews believe Jesus was a prophet, but Muhammad was not • Christians believe the age of prophets ended with Jesus, so they do not recognize Muhammad • Muslims view Jews and Christians as “people of the book” but believe they corrupted God’s message.
Misconceptions • Early in the Christian period, Jews believed Christians were cannibals; sharing the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist • Christians blamed Jews for the death of Christ; tended to see all Muslims as militaristic • Muslims view the Christian Holy Trinity as a form of polytheism
Religions of the World 2.2 Bln: Christianity 1.6 Bln: Islam 1.1 Bln: Unaffilliated 1.0 Bln: Hindu 14 Mln: Judaism