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Assessment Types

Assessment Types. Expert Panel 3 Bindu D’Souza, Kathryn Jensen, Amanda Ryan, Diane Sopko. Assessment in Our Daily Lives. Assessment in Our Daily Lives. Definition . Latin - “assidere” Learning Context

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Assessment Types

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Assessment Types Expert Panel 3 Bindu D’Souza, Kathryn Jensen, Amanda Ryan, Diane Sopko

  2. Assessment in Our Daily Lives

  3. Assessment in Our Daily Lives

  4. Definition • Latin - “assidere” • Learning Context • Observing, describing, collecting, recording, scoring, and interpreting information about one’s learning • Institutional Accountability Context • Assessments undertaken to determine performance, effectiveness of an institution against standards

  5. Developing Assessment Strategy • Valid • Reliable • Fair • Flexible • Cost Effective • Align with Objectives

  6. Assessment Types • Performance Based • Knowledge Based • Embedded • Criterion Referenced • Norm Referenced • Formative • Summative • Miscellaneous (self-directed, alternative, etc.)

  7. Performance Based Assessment • Performance/Authenticity • Task/Scoring • Observation/Rating • Ongoing (over period of time) • Product • Application of Knowledge

  8. Knowledge Based Assessment • Applies Knowledge • General Forms: multiple choice, essay, true/false, check all that apply • Long Term Memory • Measures Different Cognitive Levels

  9. Embedded Assessment • Information About Learning • Embedded in Instruction • Natural Part of Learning Process • Formative/Summative • Qualitative/Quantitative • Projects, Portfolios, Exhibitions • Classroom Environment

  10. Criterion Referenced Assessment • Standards Based • Achievement of Specific Skills/Concepts • PRE/POST Tests • Demonstrates Mastery of Skills • Skills Identified by Teachers/Curriculum Experts

  11. Norm Referenced Assessment • Rank Against Others • Discriminates Between High/Low Achievers • Measures Broad Skill Areas (textbooks, syllabi, curriculum experts) • Score: Percentile, Grade Equivalent, Stanine • Not Reflective of Individual Student Knowledge/Competency • Examples: Achievement Tests

  12. Formative Assessment • Integrates Assessment with Instruction • Helps “form” Student Learning • Adjusts Instruction • Benefits Individual or Group • Informal • “Low stakes” Decisions • Several Sources (questions, observation, homework, quizzes) • Quantitative / Qualitative

  13. Summative Assessment • Independent Assessment • After Learning Occurs • “High Stakes” – Assigns a Grade • Formal • “Sums up” Student Learning • Specific Sources (exams, projects, term papers)

  14. Additional Assessments • Open-ended Questions • Problem Solving • Portfolio • Self Assessment • Aptitude Tests • Personality Inventories

  15. Types of Assessment in Ed Tech Courses • Ed Tec 540 – Performance Analysis/ Job Aid • Ed Tec 541- Multimedia Development/Website • Ed Tec 544 – Instructional Product Design/Design Concept • Ed 690 – Research/Case Study

  16. Planning for Assessment • Align Type of Assessment with Objectives • Develop Assessment Framework • Create Assessment Plan • Determine Assessment Resources

  17. References • Anderson, L. & Krathwohl, D. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing. Longman: New York. • Fraenkel, J. & Wallen, N. (2003). How to design and evaluate research in evaluation. Fifth edition, McGraw Hill: • Guidelines for the development and management of performance assessments. ERIC Digests. Retrieved October 19, 2004 from http://www.ericfacility.net/ericdigests/ed410229.html. • http://www.veac.org.au/astabout.html • http://www.newhorizons.org/strategies/front_strategies.html

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