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Discovery of X-rays. X-rays were discovered on November 8, 1895, by Dr. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. Accidental discovery First radiograph of Mrs. Roentgen's hand Roentgen received the first Nobel Prize presented for physics in 1901. Public viewed discovery as a novelty
Discovery of X-rays • X-rays were discovered on November 8, 1895, by Dr. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. • Accidental discovery • First radiograph of Mrs. Roentgen's hand • Roentgen received the first Nobel Prize presented for physics in 1901. • Public viewed discovery as a novelty • Radiographic imaging and therapy important to the medical sciences
X-rays as Energy • A form of electromagnetic radiation • Behave both like waves and like particles • Move in waves that have wavelength and frequency • Wavelength and frequency are inversely related • X-rays also behave like particles and move as photons
Properties of X-rays • X-rays are invisible. • X-rays are electrically neutral. • X-rays have no mass. • X-rays travel at the speed of light in a vacuum. • X-rays cannot be optically focused. • X-rays form a polyenergetic or heterogeneous beam. • X-rays can be produced in a range of energies. • X-rays travel in straight lines.
Properties of X-rays (cont.) • X-rays can cause some substances to fluoresce. • X-rays cause chemical changes to occur in radiographic and photographic film. • X-rays can penetrate the human body. • X-rays can be absorbed or scattered by tissues in the human body. • X-rays can produce secondary radiation. • X-rays can cause chemical and biologic damage to living tissue.
Birth of Radiology • Dry plate- used to record x-ray images • exposure required were extremely long. • Glass plate easily broken. Thomas Edison developed the first intensifying screen WWI x-ray film was produced the cellulose nitrate film base and was highly flammable and a fire hazard
X-ray Production • The production of x-rays requires a rapidly moving stream of electrons that are suddenly decelerated or stopped. • The negative electrode (cathode) is heated, and electrons are emitted (thermionic emission). • The electrons are attracted to the anode, move rapidly towards the positive electrode, and are stopped or decelerated.
X-ray Tube Housing • Metal or glass envelope • Negatively charged electrode • Positively charged electrode
Cathode • Filament • Source of electrons • Filament current • Thermionic emission • Coiled tungsten wire • Large and small • Focusing cup • Space charge effect
Anode • Rotating anode • Requires a stator and rotor to rotate • Tungsten metal • High melting point • Efficient x-ray production • Target • Decelerates and stops electrons • Energy converted to heat and x-rays • Bremsstrahlung and characteristic interactions
Target Interactions • Bremsstrahlung interactions • Braking or slowing down radiation • 85% of x-ray beam • Characteristic interactions • Projectile electron energy at least 69.5 keV • Inner shell electron ionized • 15% of x-ray beam • X-ray properties the same
Review of Interactions in the x-ray tube • Bremsstrahlung- electrons interacts with the atomic nucleus, more energy is lost and a stronger x-ray is produced; account for the majority of the x-ray beam. • Characteristic Radiation - electrons interact with an orbital electron from the atom, the pulling down of another electron from an outer shell causes an x-ray to be produced; account for a small majority of the x-ray beam
Heterogeneous Beam • Contains low energy rays which will be absorbed by the x-ray tube • Average energy of the beam is 1/3 of the maximum energy • X-rays are an inefficient process • 99% heat, 1% converted to x-rays
X-ray Beam • Primary Radiation (PR)- portion of beam from tube to the patient; radiation before it enters the patient • Remnant Radiation (RR)- radiation emerging from patient’s body to expose the film; image forming radiation
Primary Beam Distribution • 5% of primary beam passes through the patient without any interactions • 15% of the primary beam interacts with atoms and produce secondary radiation, they make it out of the patient and expose the film. • 80% will be totally absorbed by patient
Distribution of Remnant Radiation • 20% or 1/5 of the intensity of the original beam exposes the film • With remnant radiation about 75% to 80% of the beam is made up of secondary radiation
Prime Factors of Radiography • mA- milliampere • S- seconds time • kVp- kilovoltage peak • SID- source to image distance These are all controlled by the technologist
X-ray Emission Spectrum The range and intensity of x-rays emitted changes with different exposure technique settings on the control panel.
Kilovoltage • Creates potential difference • Determines the speed of the electrons in tube current • Greater speed results in greater quantity and quality of primary beam • Increasing electron speed will increase x-ray beam penetrability
Milliamperage • Unit to measure tube current or number of electrons flowing per unit time • mA directly proportional to quantity of x-rays produced • Double the mA will double the number of x-ray photons produced
Milliamperage and Time • Exposure time determines the length of time x-rays are produced. • Increasing time will increase the total number of x-rays produced. • Exposure time and x-ray quantity are directly proportional.
Beam Filtration • Aluminum filtration added to x-ray beam to absorb low-energy photons • Total filtration • Inherent • Added • Reduces patient exposure
Compensating Filtration • Added to primary beam to alter its intensity • Wedge filter • Trough filter • Used to image non-uniform anatomic areas • Thicker part of filter lined up with thinner part allowing fewer x-ray photons to reach anatomic area
Image Formation • Differential absorption • Anatomic tissues absorb and transmit x-rays differently based on their composition (atomic number and tissue density). • Bone absorbs more x-rays than muscle. • Attenuation: the primary x-ray beam loses some of its energy (number of photons) as it interacts with anatomic tissue. • Absorption • Scattering
X-ray Beam Absorption • During absorption, the energy of the primary beam is deposited within the atoms comprising the tissue. • Photoelectric effect: complete absorption of the incoming photon • X-ray ionizes atom • Low energy secondary x-ray photon created • Probability of photoelectric effect dependent on the energy of the incoming x-ray photon and tissue atomic number
Determining Attenuation of the Beam • Three essential aspects of tissues will determine their attenuation properties and the resulting subject contrast: • Tissue Thickness • Tissue density • Tissue atomic number
X-ray interaction with matter • When the primary x-ray beam interacts with anatomic tissues. Three processes occur during attenuation of the x-ray beam: • Absorption • Scattering • Transmission
Transmission • If the incoming x-ray photon passes through the anatomic part without any interaction with the atomic structures, it is called transmission. • The combination of absorption and transmission of the x-ray beam will provide an image that represents the anatomic part.
Scattering • The Compton effect occurs when an incoming photon loses some but not all of its energy, then changes its direction. • It can occur within all diagnostic x-ray energies and is dependent only on the energy of the incoming photon, not the atomic number of the tissue. • Higher kVp reduces the number of interactions overall, but the number of Compton interactions increases in comparison to the number of photoelectric interactions.
Photoelectric Effect • The secondary x-ray photon does not reach the film. • The photoelectric effect is crucial to the formation of the radiographic image. • The photoelectric effect is responsible for the production of contrast on the radiographic image.
Photoelectric Effect • During attenuation of the x-ray beam, the photoelectric effect is responsible for total absorption of the incoming x-ray photon.
Scattering/ Compton Effect • The Compton photon may be scattered in any direction. • Scatter refers to any x-ray photon which has changed direction from the direction of the primary beam. • The Compton Effect may be considered as scatter, since 99% of all scattered x-ray photons originate from Compton interactions in the patient.
Where do interactions occur • Compton interactions occur only in the outer shells of an atom. • Photoelectric interactions occur only in the inner most shell of an atom.
Factors Affecting Beam Attenuation • Tissue thickness • X-rays are attenuated exponentially and generally reduced by ~ 50% for each 4 to 5 cm (1.6" to 2") of tissue thickness. • Type of tissue • Tissues composed of a higher atomic number will increase beam attenuation. • Tissue density • Increasing the compactness of the atomic particles will increase beam attenuation. • X-ray beam quality • Higher kVp increases the energy of the x-ray beam and will decrease beam attenuation.
Exit Radiation • Remnant or exit radiation is composed of transmitted and scattered radiation. • The varying amounts of transmitted and absorbed radiation create an image that structurally represents the anatomic area of interest. • Scatter radiation reaching the image receptor creates unwanted exposure called fog.
Secondary Radiation vs. Scatter Radiation • Secondary Radiation refers to any radiation resulting from interactions within the patient. • Scatter radiation refers only to that secondary radiation which has been emitted in a direction different than the original x-ray beam. • Most secondary radiation is scattered.
Radiographic Quality • A quality radiographic image accurately represents the anatomic area of interest, and its information is well visualized for diagnosis. • Visibility of anatomic structures • Density • Contrast • Accuracy of structural lines (sharpness) • Resolution or recorded detail • Distortion
Density • A film image is evaluated by the amount of density or overall blackness after processing. A radiographic image must have sufficient brightness or density to visualize the anatomic structures of interest.
Image Contrast • The radiograph must exhibit differences in the brightness levels or densities (image contrast) in order to differentiate among the anatomic tissues.
Subject Contrast • Subject contrast is a result of the absorption characteristics of the anatomic tissue radiographed and the quality of the x-ray beam. • The ability to distinguish among types of tissues is determined by the differences in brightness levels or densities in the image or contrast. • Contrast resolution describes an imaging receptor's ability to distinguish between objects similar in subject contrast. • Gray scale: number of different shades of gray that can be stored and displayed in a digital image • Scale of contrast: the range of densities visible on film
Scale of Contrast Short scale or high contrast Long scale or low contrast
Recorded Detail • Anatomic details must be recorded accurately and with the greatest amount of sharpness. • Recorded detail refers to the distinctness or sharpness of the structural lines that make up the recorded film image. • All radiographic images have some degree of unsharpness.
Distortion • Radiographic misrepresentation of either the size or shape of the anatomic part • Size distortion or magnification is an increase in the object's image size compared to its true or actual size. • SID and OID affect magnification. • Shape distortion is a misrepresentation of an object's image shape. • Elongation and foreshortening • Central ray (CR) alignment of the x-ray tube, part, and image receptor affect distortion.
Scatter • Unwanted exposure to the image receptor resulting in fog • A result of Compton interactions • Provides no useful information • Scatter or fog decreases image contrast.
Modern x-ray film • Radiographic film is composed of two main parts • Base • Emulsion
Film Construction • Consists of emulsion of finely precipitated silver bromide crystals • Crystals are suspended in a gelatin and is coated on both sides with a transparent blue tinted polyester support called the base
Manifest Image • Visible image you see when the film is processed • What you see as your final radiograph
Film-screen Image Characteristics • Film used as medium for acquiring, processing, and displaying the radiographic image • Film emulsion: active layer of film that contains the crystals that serve as latent imaging centers • Intensifying screens: used to convert exit radiation intensities to visible light and expose the emulsion crystals • Film is chemically processed to display the range of densities created as a result of the x-ray attenuation characteristics of anatomic structures.