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Radiation Protection aspects LSS1 - TAN region. Cristina Adorisio (CERN - DGS/RP). Outline. Residual dose rate measurements Last TS (June 25 th , 2012) Evolution of activation Prediction for Xmas technical stop and LS1 Work-Dose Plan LHCf reinstallation during Xmas technical stop
Radiation Protection aspectsLSS1 - TAN region Cristina Adorisio(CERN - DGS/RP)
Outline • Residual dose rate measurements • Last TS (June 25th, 2012) • Evolution of activation • Prediction for Xmas technical stop and LS1 • Work-Dose Plan • LHCf reinstallation during Xmas technical stop • ATLAS ZDC reinstallation during Xmas technical stop • AFP installation region estimation • TCL5 collimator activation • Conclusions LTEX Meeting, September 13th - 2012
Thanks to: A. Herve (CERN DGS/RP) TAN- LSS1L RP measurements done on June 25th 2012 All values at contact TOP 4 : 12µSV/h SIDE 3 : 38µSv/h TOP 5 : 12µSv/h SIDE 1 (côté tunnel):10µSv/h TOP 3 :10µSv/h TOP 6 : 16 µSV/h TOP 1 : 27µSV/h TOP 7 : 44µSv/h SIDE 1 9µSV/h TOP 2 : 5µSv/h SIDE 2 : 16µSv/h SIDE 3 : 39 µSv/h
Thanks to: A. Herve (CERN DGS/RP) TAN- LSS1R RP measurements done on June 25th 2012 All values at contact SIDE 3 : 35 µSv/h SIDE 1 : 11 µSv/h (*) TOP 4 12µSv/h TOP 5 10µSv/h TOP 3 : 8µSv/h TOP 6 15µSv/h TOP 2 : 9µSv/h TOP 7 27µSv/h TOP 1 : 77µSv/h SIDE 2 : 16µSv/h (*)
Thanks to: A. Herve (CERN DGS/RP) TAN- LSS5L RP measurements done on June 25th 2012 All values at contact SIDE 1: 13µSv/h TOP 4: 24µSv/h SIDE 3: 54µSv/h TOP 5: 20µSv/h TOP 3: 28µSv/h TOP 2: 18µSv/h TOP 6: 26µSv/h TOP 1: 63µSv/h TOP 7: 50µSv/h SIDE 2: 14µSv/h
Thanks to: A. Herve (CERN DGS/RP) TAN- LSS5R RP measurements done on June 25th 2012 All values at contact SIDE 3: 95µSv/h SIDE 1: 13µSv/h (*) TOP 4: 22µSv/h TOP 5: 30µSv/h TOP 3: 22µSv/h TOP 6: 30µSv/h TOP 2: 19µSv/h TOP 7: 50µSv/h TOP 1: 48µSv/h SIDE 2(*): 16µSv/h
TS#2 Survey measurementsSummary Residual dose rate on contact (mSv/h) LTEX Meeting, September 13th - 2012
Evolution of activation • The measurements could be used to estimate the residual dose rate during the TS in 2012 and the LS1 • Referring to June 2012 detailed measurements done on TANs, the scaling factors is: • 1.35 for Xmas TS 2012 → essentially driven by the peak luminosity • Referring to Feb. 2012 detailed measurements done on TANs and on the detectors, the scaling factors is: • 3 for LS1 → essentially driven by the integrated luminosity LTEX Meeting, September 13th - 2012 measurements extrapolations
LHCf re-installation – Xmas TS 1 week cooling time LTEX Meeting, September 13th - 2012
LHCf re-installation – Xmas TS 1 week cooling time LTEX Meeting, September 13th - 2012
LHCf re-installation – Xmas TS Summarizing (1 week cooling time): 1 week cooling time LTEX Meeting, September 13th - 2012 • The estimated dose are done considering the maximum dose rate at the position of the worker (TAN aisle, TAN top or side on contact). • The individual dose for two of the LHCf physicists falls into the ALARA level II. • Collective dose falls into ALARA level II.
Evolution of activation • No MD before the Xmas TS • No MD also before TS#3 → relook at the estimations after the next TS LTEX Meeting, September 13th - 2012 measurements extrapolations
LHCf re-installation – Xmas TS Summarizing (1 DAY cooling time): 1 DAY cooling time LTEX Meeting, September 13th - 2012 • The estimated dose are done considering the maximum dose rate at the position of the worker (TAN aisle, TAN top or side on contact). • The individual dose for the LHCf physicists falls into the ALARA level II. • Collective dose falls into ALARA level II.
1 week cooling time ATLAS ZDC re-installation – Xmas TS LTEX Meeting, September 13th - 2012
ATLAS ZDC re-installation – Xmas TS Summarizing (1 week cooling time): 1 week cooling time • The estimated dose are done considering the maximum dose rate at the position of the worker (TAN aisle, TAN top or side on contact). • The individual dose for the ATLAS ZDC physicists falls into the ALARA level II. • Transport part is the same as for LHCf detector (they will be transported together/at the same moment). LTEX Meeting, September 13th - 2012
ATLAS ZDC re-installation – Xmas TS Summarizing ( 1 day cooling time): 1 DAY cooling time • The estimated dose are done considering the maximum dose rate at the position of the worker (TAN aisle, TAN top or side on contact). • The individual dose for the ATLAS ZDC physicists falls into the ALARA level II. • Collective dose falls into ALARA level II. • Transport part is the same as for LHCf detector (they will be transported together/at the same moment). LTEX Meeting, September 13th - 2012
TCL5 activation Residual dose rate on contact (mSv/h) LTEX Meeting, September 13th - 2012 measurements extrapolations • Extrapolation to 2015 is done considering: • the energy difference (3.5TeV to 6.5TeV) • a max peak luminosity of 2.2∙1034cm-2s-1
Conclusions • The estimation for the Xmas TS are done considering 1 week cooling time • Some estimation for shorter cooling time (1 day) considering the absence of the MD before the Xmas TS • The estimation for the LS1 are done considering 3 months cooling time • All the estimations will be updated/reviewed using the survey measurements which will be done during next technical stop TS#3 LTEX Meeting, September 13th - 2012
ALARA Optimization is a legal requirement if accumulated individual dose exceeds 100 μSv/year (ALARA) LTEX Meeting, 5 April 2012 • Optimization includes • work coordination • work procedures • handling tools • design • material required optional