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A neurologist is a doctor who is an expert in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of problems that affect the nervous system. Joel Michael Singer is one of the finest & renowned neurosurgeons in the USA. He is one of the best surgeons in the world for brachial plexus injuries.
Content Synopsis OVERVIEW OF KEY IDEAS BY JOEL MICHAELSINGER Common Disorders Mental HealthMyths Feeling Depressed vs. FeelingBlue Self-harm vs.Suicide
CARRYING A GREATWEIGHT Mental pain is less dramatic thanphysical pain, but it is more common and also harder tobear.
AnxietyDisorders Anxietyisanormalemotion.It’syourbrain’swayofreactingto stressandalertingyouofpotentialdangerahead. Mooddisorders Ifyouhaveamooddisorder,yourgeneralemotionalstateormoodis distortedorinconsistentwithyourcircumstancesandinterfereswith your ability tofunction. Common Disorders by Joel Michael Singer
80 MentalIllness AmongAdults 60 40 Mentaldisordersareadiversegroupofconditionsthat primarily impair cognition, emotion, and behavioral control; occur early in life; and have a high aggregate prevalence in allcountries 20 0 Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4
Importanceof MentalHealth RELATION TO OVERALLHEALTH Normally the body's natural defenses and good oral health care, such as daily brushing and flossing, keep bacteria under control. However,withoutproperoralhygiene,bacteriacanreachlevelsthat mightleadtooralinfections,suchastoothdecayandgumdisease.
Mental Health Mythsby Joel Michael Singer People with mental health issues areviolent. An ongoing problem in the scientific literature is that studies have useddifferentmethodstoassessratesofviolence—bothinpeople withmentalillnessandincontrolgroupsusedforcomparison. Taking a pill cures mental healthproblems. Medicationsformentalillnessaregenerallysafeandeffectivewhen usedasprescribed. As with any medication, however, side effects may occur. Research shows that medications like antipsychotics, lithium and antidepressants can actually protect brain cells from damage caused by brain illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Feeling Depressedvs. FeelingBlue Depression It’s important to realize that feeling down at times is a normalpartoflife.Sadandupsettingeventshappento everyone. But, if you’re feeling down or hopeless on a regularbasis,youcouldbedealingwithdepression. Sadness Sadnessanddepressionsharesometraitsbutarenotthe same. Understanding the difference is important since clinical depression requirestreatment.
Nonsuicidal self-injury, often simply called self-injury,istheactofdeliberatelyharming your own body, such as cutting or burning yourself.It'stypicallynotmeantasasuicide attempt. Rather, this type of self-injury is a harmful way to cope with emotional pain, intense anger andfrustration. SELF-HARM SUICIDE Ifyoususpectthatafamilymemberorfriend may be considering suicide, talk to them about your concerns. You can begin the conversation by asking questions in a non- judgmental and non-confrontationalway.