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The big ideas of social studies

Dive into the big ideas of Social Studies utilizing the GRAPES framework - Geography, Religion, Achievements, Political, Economics, and Social Structure. Discover how climate, landforms, and resources shape civilizations, religious beliefs influence societies, remarkable achievements endure, political systems govern, economies function, and social structures organize communities. GRAPES Quiz challenges your knowledge with scenarios testing your understanding of how each element intertwines with historical events. Engage with key concepts and analyze the impact of these components across different cultures and time periods.

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The big ideas of social studies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. G.R.A.P.E.S. The big ideas of social studies

  2. Geography G How climate and landscape affect lifestyle. • Crops (ex: corn, wheat, etc. • Natural Resources (ex: diamonds, oil, copper, etc.) • Landforms (ex: mountains, desert, etc.) • Climate (Weather) • LOCATION of Civilization

  3. G- Geography Examples

  4. Example: Geography Civilizations began along rivers like the Nile because they provided the water needed for irrigation.

  5. R Religion Society’s beliefs about morals and the afterlife. • Rules? • How does Religion affect different part of your lives? • Who/what did they worship? • Rituals? • Holidays? • Holy Books?

  6. Example: Religion The Ten Commandments are religious rules that God gave to the ancient Hebrews.

  7. A Achievements The lasting works of a society. • What did they build? • What did they invent? • How did they improve technology? • Which ideas, if any, still affect our lives today? • What can other cultures learn from this culture?

  8. A. - Achievements • Achievements are important discoveries for future generations to enjoy. • Art, architecture, technology, inventions, and ideas are usually the achievements we enjoy and try to improve. • All civilizations are measured by their achievements. Iron Ore Trephination The Telescope

  9. Example: Achievements Millions of people still visit the pyramids in Egypt every year.

  10. P Political system Who runs a society, and how do they do it? • How does someone come into power? • Who has power, and how is it used? • How do those with power keep it or lose it? • Type of government? • Patterns of warfare? • Laws • Punishments/Consequences

  11. Example: Political system A limited form of democracy was practiced in Athens.

  12. E Economics How a society uses its scarce resources. • Do they trade or sell? • What do they trade or sell? • Do they use money? • What are the trade routes? • Do they have taxes? • How do they use their taxes?

  13. Example: Economics Gold has been a valuable resource in many civilizations for thousands of years.

  14. Social Structure S The different levels or classes in a society. • Who are the “most important” people in society? What do they do? • Who’s at the bottom? • What privileges were given to each class? • Recreation- What did they do for fun? • Music? • Art?

  15. Example: Social Structure Indian society was divided into a rigid caste system.

  16. GRAPES QUIZ • View the following slides and choose which of the G.R.A.P.E.S. matches with the ideas on the screen. • Be Careful, sometimes the answer could me more than one of the GRAPES.

  17. GRAPES QUIZ #1 • Arnold Schwarzenegger elected governor of California

  18. GRAPES QUIZ #2 • Farmer has no water to plant his crops.

  19. GRAPES QUIZ #3 • Muslims take time to do one of their 5 daily prayers.

  20. GRAPES QUIZ #4 • Man becomes homeless; he cannot afford to pay rent or by a house.

  21. GRAPES QUIZ #5 • Barack Obama is the first African-American President of the USA

  22. GRAPES QUIZ #6 • The new iPhone has 5GB of free space, can show live TV, and holds 1000 songs

  23. GRAPES QUIZ #7 • Hurricane Katrina destroys many homes.

  24. GRAPES QUIZ #8 • The USA lands the first man on the moon in 1969

  25. GRAPES QUIZ #9 • Baby is baptized.

  26. GRAPES #10 • People protest immigration laws.

  27. Answers • Political • Geography / Economic • Religion • Economic / Social • Political / Social • Achievements / Economic • Geography / Economic • Achievements • Religion • Political / Social / Geographic / Economic

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