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316(b) Research

316(b) Research.

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316(b) Research

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  1. 316(b) Research • “We have found the results from the EPRI 316(b) research to be very helpful. The EPRI report on strobe lights and acoustic systems, combined with existing literature, convinced us that these technologies, in their current level of development, were not the best fit for our facilities." • – Steve Summer, SCE&G

  2. Regional Haze • "We Energies provided regional haze research results (1012575), including recent analyses of international emission contributions to regional haze impacting the four upper Midwest Class I areas (1015251), to the Midwest Ozone Group as part of comments submitted to LADCO concerning the need for additional (e.g., beyond "on the books") control measures for attaining reasonable progress goals for this region." – Dave Michaud and Terry Coughlin, We Energies

  3. Industry Expertise • “An exclusive advantage provided by our EPRI Environment participation is to bring together the prominent national and international expertise required to develop, review, and implement complex research relevant to our industry. No other organization is dedicated to such a mission.” –Mark Boggs, Tennessee Valley Authority

  4. Greenhouse Gas Inventory –Martin Rehm, Tri-State G&T

  5. 316(b) Research • “The EPRI ORERP (Ohio River Ecological Research Program), which is managed by Doug Dixon under Program 54, is a unique collaborative research project that has recently addressed 316(b) issues at power plants up and down the river.  Most recently, EPRI developed a 316(b) sampling program that required less sampling, yet provided more fish impingement information, than a typical 316(b) study.  The application of a model-based sampling program allowed each company to save over $500,000 per tested facility, but provided more information than a traditional study.  The results of the work have allowed participating companies to successfully negotiate 316(b) requirements for their facilities.” –Tim Lohner, American Electric Power

  6. Groundwater Data Management • "We have been using the MANAGES data base since its inception and find it a valuable tool for groundwater data management. Some of our remediation sites have been monitored for over a decade and MANAGES makes it easy to store and interpret data which would be voluminous in hard copy. The system also helps us meet the regulatory requirement of electronic reporting.” –Mark Collins, We Energies

  7. 316(b) Research • “Overall the results and support we have received from EPRI on 316(b) issues has been fantastic! We have found the screening technology reports very informative, and the easy access and quick response that we receive from Dave Bailey has been most helpful in forming our 316(b) compliance strategies."  • – Ann Wearmouth, Mirant

  8. Global Climate Change Webinars –Barbara A. Walz, Tri-State G&T

  9. Ergonomic Handbooks • "The Ergonomic Handbooks served as a catalyst to educate the workforce on the musculo-skeletal impact of routine job tasks on the body and to build business cases for new interventions – validating ergonomics makes good business sense." –Karen G. Noe, Public Service Electric & Gas

  10. Transmission Line Siting • “EPRI and Georgia Transmission Corp. (GTC) have shown leadership by developing a standardized overhead transmission line siting methodology that is open and transparent, helps utility professionals make more informed decisions based on more comprehensive data, and addresses public and regulatory concerns in measurable and meaningful ways. • The Kentucky Public service Commission applauded us for employing this regimen and analytical tool to gather informed, proactive, and constructive input from stakeholders and to apply it for transmission line siting.” – Mary Jane Warner, East Kentucky Power Cooperative

  11. 316(b) Research • “We estimate EPRI efforts to assist us in development of compliance alternatives for Phase II of the 316(b) rule at two of our facilities have saved us on the order of $300,000 in initial study costs and likely well over $100,000 annually in O&M and compliance sampling costs. We have always believed that EPRI efforts have been an important component in solving both our environmental and operational challenges. The decision to utilize EPRI services is about as easy as it gets.” • – Erik Silvola, Great River Energy

  12. Use of 316(a) Variance Studies • “The Colorado Water Quality Control Commission recently amended their temperature standards for the first time since their inception in the late 1970s. During the course of the stakeholder process of reviewing and commenting on the proposed standards, EPRI (Bob Goldstein) provided important technical support and guidance to us (Tri-State) on the use of the Clean Water Act 316(a) variance studies and the appropriateness of laboratory versus field studies in the determination of potential impact on aquatic life. Bob Goldstein provided a concise overview of the state of science in thermal discharge study.” –Chantell Johnson, Tri-State G&T

  13. Fish Protection • “Over the past decade, EPRI’s 316 Fish Protection Program has provided expertise and extensive research, data compilation, and assessment results regarding cooling water intakes and the effects of these intakes on fish populations, all of which have been of tremendous value to both regulators and the regulated community.” –Jim Wright, Tennessee Valley Authority

  14. Managing Dissolved Oxygen at Hydroelectric Plants • "We Energies' Environmental and Hydro Operation staff used EPRI Report 1005194, Maintaining and monitoring dissolved oxygen at hydroelectric projects, to structure an analysis of options to correct low DO problems at several of its hydroelectric plants. The stream-lined analysis saved both time and effort during consultation with state and federal agencies; it eliminated the need to consider the most costly alternatives from further consideration." – Dave Michaud, We Energies

  15. Groundwater Data Management • “Groundwater data management couldn’t get any easier from data import to statistics and reporting; add in the user support and you have a one-stop solution.” • –Chantell Johnson, Tri-State G&T

  16. 316(b) Research • “The 316(b) Synthesis Report (on-line) is clearly the best, a one-stop-shop where all the technologies are listed. We did not have to hire a consultant to do a thorough review of all available technologies; it was all right there. It saved us time and money.” • – Dennis Dunning, New York Power Authority

  17. Toxic Release Inventory Reporting – Lisa A. Warren, Tri-State G&T

  18. Mercury in Coal Combustion Byproducts • "We Energies has used results form EPRI's work on the environmental fate of mercury in coal combustion byproducts (Report 1010061) in recent discussions with state agencies in support of our application to allow land spreading of WFGD-produced gypsum for agricultural soil beneficiation. Report 1010835 was also used to support this beneficial use assessment." – Bruce Ramme and Robert Meidl, We Energies

  19. Mercury Characterization and Control Interest Group • “The Mercury Characterization and Control Interest Group (MerCCIG) has been an extremely valuable tool to help utilities burning coal better quantify and understand mercury emissions from coal-fired plant because of the ability to share data.  To gather that same amount of data individually would be extremely expensive.  For example, the fact that numerous other utilities were seeing significant co-benefit mercury emission reductions with the installation of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems allowed us to have a "warm and fuzzy" feeling about our mercury emissions after the installation our SCR and FGD systems.” –Tom Burnett, Tennessee Valley Authority

  20. Condensable Particulate Matter –Dana Stephens, Tri-State G&T

  21. Global Climate Change Seminar • “Impressed with Global Climate Change Seminar; it had good balance of science, economics, and policy. I learned a lot and it was good to have time away from the office to focus on the issue.” • – Bob Teetz, KeySpan

  22. 316(b) Research • “After a thorough review of several contracting options, we chose EPRI to help develop a comprehensive strategy for cooling system impact studies and options associated with 316(b) compliance. Site visits by EPRI staff were extremely helpful in explaining the new law and compliance alternatives to our staff and serving as a basis for site specific options, biological sampling design and strategic cost estimates that were extremely valuable to our management for budgetary guidance. • Cost saving due to using our EPRI membership advantage was approximately $400,000 in reduced consulting, engineering and outside contractor expenses. Our management and environmental staff have been extremely pleased with the comprehensive services provided by EPRI in helping us meet our cooling water permit requirements.” • – John Thiel, Dairyland Power Cooperative

  23. Clean Air Mercury Rule • "The process that resulted in the federal Clean Air Mercury Rule was as politically and emotionally charged as any the utility industry has seen in recent memory.  Throughout this process EPRI was instrumental in providing stakeholders and decision makers with the best available science concerning our current understanding of how mercury behaves in the environment.  During the long and often contentious stakeholder process that we went through in Georgia, EPRI, and Leonard Levin in particular, provided invaluable support both in making sure that the positions our company took during the rulemaking were grounded in the best science available, and in also trying to communicate that information directly to our state regulatory agency.  And while “sound science” sometimes gets trumped by “political reality”, we at Oglethorpe commend EPRI for its tireless efforts in trying to make sure that policy choices are informed by the best available information." • –Boyd Vaughn, Oglethorpe Power Corp.

  24. Mercury "State of the Science" • "We Energies has used the following EPRI communication briefs concerning mercury in the environment to inform Wisconsin's Natural Resources Board members on the "state of the science:” • 1014438- Sources of mercury depositing in the U.S. • 1014500- Integrated approaches to managing mercury • 1014496- Health effects of mercury: New insights • 1014451- Status of mercury controls: an update • 1014428- Mercury "hot spots" Emissions and deposition patterns" – Dave Michaud and Kathleen Standen, We Energies

  25. Solving Environmental Challenges • "EPRI is a critical component to solving our environmental business challenges, and the indispensable support received from the TAS staff over the years for finding EPRI projects to support our needs like the WARMF project and periodic customer follow-ups for application of research have been invaluable.  The EPRI technical staff is second to none in our industry, and we would find it hard to do our jobs without EPRI.” • – Michalene Reilly, Hoosier Energy

  26. EMF Seminar • "I want to express my sincere thanks to all of you for your efforts yesterday in conducting the EMF Seminar for Con Edison and Orange & Rockland personnel. I think you did a great job distilling 30 years of research and communication issues into a 5 1/2 hour seminar. The participant feedback was excellent; employees from various organizations learned a great deal about a complex topic. The handout of all the slides will serve as a terrific reference document for all involved." • –John Wilson, Consolidated Edison Co. of New York

  27. Air Permit Applications- New Coal Plants • "We Energies has used results gained from PISCES program projects, specifically measurements of mercury at existing power plants (Report 1000608) as well as evaluations of SCR/WFGD impacts on mercury speciation and capture in our support materials for air permit applications for new coal-fueled power plants (Report 1014450)." – Dave Michaud and Terry Coughlin, We Energies

  28. Industry Support on Water Issues • "Thank you so much for the continued interest and support of EPRI to the Advisory Committee on Water Information (ACWI), a formal committee established by the Secretary of the Interior under the Federal Advisory Committee Act. Our very special and sincere thanks go to Dr. Robert Goldstein, who has been a strong contributor to ACWI. Dr. Goldstein has provided a pillar of support for ACWI's Sustainable Water Resources Roundtable, which has made considerable progress over the past few years. We are delighted to have him continue to represent EPRI on the Advisory Committee. Our sincere appreciation to Dr. Goldstein and other EPRI staff who support our efforts to improve the availability and use of Water Information for the Nation." • –Toni Johnson, Advisory Committee on Water Information

  29. 316(b) Research • “The EPRI-UWAG 316(b) Workshops have been most helpful; we compliment EPRI for opening up the second workshop to include consultants and contractors.  The presentations at the workshop and the ability to network were important to us.” • – Carla Logan, Constellation

  30. Ambient Water Quality Criteria • “EPRI’s work was vital in informing the state’s decision to withdraw a scientifically flawed arsenic standard, helping us avoid $12 million in compliance costs at one ash pond site and similar challenges at other facilities.” –Jack Preston, SCANA

  31. Air Permit Applications- New Coal Plants • "We Energies used mercury deposition modeling developed by AER among other technical analyses to support the Air Permit Application for the then proposed Elm Road Generating Station. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources subsequently approved the permit application." – Dave Michaud and Terry Coughlin, We Energies

  32. Manufactured Gas Plant Clean-up • "Our MGP clean-up site was located on a picturesque town harbor on Maryland's Eastern Shore and was surrounded by new residential development and busy recreational marinas. Our mission was to complete the clean-up in a careful and responsible way -- mindful of the impact of odor and the footprint of our harbor dredging activities. EPRI's technical direction -- especially the odor control models and tools -- guided our progress every day -- and were critical to our success." –Wesley L. McNealy, Pepco Holdings, Inc.

  33. Rights-of-Way Issues • “A key benefit of EPRI is its ability to bring companies together to research common challenges and develop solutions that are viable, defensible, and truly effective. We’ve applied EPRI products to improve system reliability, comply with NERC requirements, reduce vegetation management costs, mitigate environmental impacts and risks, ensure compliance with laws protecting migratory birds, and partner with other stakeholders to identify compatible uses for rights-of-way. • EPRI’s work also helps us bring new employees up to speed and establish a common base of scientific knowledge, data, and field-proven solutions among all staff as they work with property owners, agency representatives, and others.” – Terry Yakich, American Transmission Company

  34. Manufactured Gas Plant Symposium • "In the MGP area, the national symposia which are held provide great opportunities for networking with utility professionals, consultants, contractors and experts in the field of MGP remediation." –Mark Collins, We Energies

  35. 316(b) Research • “At the time of the court decision on the 316(b) Phase II Rules, we were preparing to award the contract for CDS. Although this is on hold, EPRI has provided us with excellent reviews of the decision and its possible impacts. They have also provided several suggestions on how we could proceed in the interim period. We have been very pleased with the assistance and support which EPRI provided. • –Michalene Reilly, Hoosier Energy

  36. Groundwater Data Management – Aimee Toole, American Electric Power

  37. Water Quality Criteria Development and Assessment • “EPRI’s Water Quality Criteria Development and Assessment Program provided information regarding new and ongoing research on the effects of iron on aquatic life. That information facilitated the issuance of a narrative iron criterion as part of State 2007 Water Quality Standards, as opposed to a numerical standard based on older information. The narrative iron criterion resulted in TVA avoiding expensive compliance costs related to water discharge limits at several fossil power plants.” –Lindy Johnson, Tennessee Valley Authority

  38. Watershed and Water Resource Management • “When faced with a request from one of our operating companies to understand the effects of NOx and SO2 emissions controls from a coal-fired power plant on nitrogen deposition to the nearby bay in order to explore potential offsets for increased nitrogen discharge from a new sewage treatment plant, we quickly turned to EPRI for guidance. While we had some atmospheric modeling that we could leverage, using EPRI's CMAQ-MADRID-APT model, we realized that we needed to also conduct watershed modeling. Because of our long-standing relationship with EPRI around watershed and water resource management issues, we trusted Eladio Knipping and Bob Goldstein from EPRI to help us identify the right consultants and draft the scope of work. As the work progressed, Eladio and Bob continued to offer their expertise and lend credibility to the project results. Because TMDL's in mercury and nitrogen is an emerging issue that EPRI wants to pursue, this project helped lay the foundation for future EPRI research; in the end it was a win-win for EPRI and for us.” – John Jansen, Southern Company

  39. 316(b) Research • "We Energies has used many of the technical reports developed by EPRI that address feasible fish protection strategies for both steam electric and hydroelectric facilities in our consultations with state and federal agencies over the past 15-years. Reports used included the following: TR-109483 Evaluation of fish behavioral barriers; 1011786 Evaluation of an angled louver facility for guiding sturgeon to a downstream passage; TR-1005339 Laboratory evaluation of wedgewire screens for protecting early life stages at cooling water intakes; 1014934 and its predecessors,  Fish Protection at cooling water intake structure, a technical reference manual." – Dave Michaud and David Lee, We Energies

  40. Groundwater Data Management • "Tri-State manages all groundwater monitoring data in EPRI’s MANAGES program. This program allows you to quickly run graphs and reports for submittal to regulatory agencies. This enables the quarterly groundwater data evaluation process reviewing 30+ groundwater wells and wastewater ponds to occur in a matter of minutes rather than hours or days. EPRI’s support staff (Ken Ladwig and contractor Bruce Hensel, NRT) also provide rapid response to assist in questions on functionality and operation." –Chantell Johnson, Tri-State G&T

  41. Coal Combustion Products • “Duke Energy used the information in the Impact of Air Emission Controls on Coal Combustions Products Report (1014943) to brief management on the need to re-evaluate CCP management practices any time new emission controls are retrofitted onto generating units. Minor changes such as the use of additives in the boiler or injection into the flue gas down stream of the boiler for emission control can results in significant change to the characteristics CCP. The information in the report highlights the fact that these changes in characteristics could drive change disposal or reuse practices when new emission controls are installed.” – Jim Meiers, Duke Energy

  42. Ash Pond Management • “The Integrated Ash Pond Management work, which is managed by Rick Carlton under Program 56, has investigated how the water chemistry in ash ponds can be managed to maximize their treatment capabilities.  For example, EPRI helped with a TC project at the AEP Amos Plant, which determined how best to manage the water quality in the pond to maximize the removal of ammonia and still comply with effluent limits for metals such as arsenic, copper, and selenium.  With the help of EPRI and it's consultants, it was determined that pond aeration, along with the addition of nutrients and caustic, would facilitate ammonia removal in a very cost effective manner.  These ash pond management techniques have been applied to other AEP ash ponds with similar success.” –Tim Lohner, American Electric Power

  43. State Mercury Rules –Barbara A. Walz, Tri-State G&T

  44. QuickSEM • “The round-robin and follow-on QuickSEMs project have been especially beneficial to TVA in that we now feel very comfortable using the thermal analysis technique (rather than the traditional wet chemistry method) along with the QuickSEMs technology for the RATA testing to certify our mercury continuous emission monitors.” –Tom Burnett, Tennessee Valley Authority

  45. MGP Symposium • "Within the last year, I assumed new job duties supervising We Energies' Remediation Group.  The EPRI MGP 2007 Symposium provided the best means of quickly climbing the learning curve in the state-of-the-art technologies, case studies and professional networks. I immediately used these contacts and information in my job. It also allowed me to identify and respond to some needs for research that we are now jointly funding through EPRI." – Thomas Jansen, We Energies 

  46. Clean Air Mercury Rule • "The Clean Air Mercury Rule was adopted in Indiana along the lines of the EPA rule in large part due to the contributions of EPRI.  The weeks leading up the hearing were intense with a number of resolutions being proposed to make the rule more stringent.  Many thanks go to Leonard Levin, of EPRI, for his review of the EPA report on Watershed Mercury.  We used it to support our oral comments and rebut statements by the environmental groups who did cite the study in written and oral comments to the board.  In addition to Leonard's review of the report, we appreciate the other work that he, various EPRI staff and the contractors did throughout the entire multi-year ordeal.  I firmly believe that the technical work that EPRI did on both the modeling and the pollution control issues made a significant contribution to improving the understanding of the issues and educating the decision makers so that we could come out with a reasonable rule." –Dan Weiss, Duke Energy

  47. Air Permit Applications- New Coal Plants • "We Energies has used results gained from PISCES program projects, specifically measurements of mercury at existing power plants (Report 1000608) as well as evaluations of SCR/WFGD impacts on mercury speciation and capture in our support materials for air permit applications for new coal-fueled power plants (Report 1014450)." – Dave Michaud and Terry Coughlin, We Energies

  48. Watershed and Water Resource Management • “EPRI’s Watershed and Water Resource Management Program provides unique technical resources for impending and strategic issues that have recently intensified due to our region’s enduring drought and climatic anomalies. The Program allows us to stay current with significant and otherwise inaccessible research, developments, and guidelines on important options for existing and future water environment challenges in the Tennessee Valley.” –Greg Brodie, Tennessee Valley Authority

  49. Coal Combustion Products • “Recently, we have been in the process of permitting a new landfill to handle coal combustion products (ash and FGD solids). Ken Ladwig assisted in comparing existing groundwater concentrations to concentrations in the ash product. He provided typical indicator parameter data ranges to put our data in perspective. Tri-State also used EPRI’s risk analysis of coal combustion products (CCPs) to respond to the EPA’s NODA request on the current state of CCP disposal locations.” –Chantell Johnson, Tri-State G&T

  50. eTherm - A Repository of 316(a) Variance Studies • ““The eTherm website has been very helpful as a one-stop site to locate historic 316(a) variance studies and determine where on-going research is headed.” –Chantell Johnson, Tri-State G&T

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