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QMS systems offers software and consultancy to the Manufacturing and Pharmaceutical industry at the best Price. QMS systems is built on top of ARAS Innovator solution an industry leading PLM platform.<br><br>For More Details;<br>https://qmssystems.com/qms-for-manufacturing-industry/
Purchase Process-Part 1 Purchase of Raw material ▪ RFQ to Vendor-Go to Slide ▪ Quotation from Vendor-Go to Slide ▪ Quotation Approved-Go to Slide ▪ Purchase Order to Vendor-Go to Slide ▪ Material from Vendor-Go to Slide ▪ Purchase Invoice-Go to Slide ▪ GRN for Material from Vendor-Go to Slide ▪ Stock updated for received material-Go to Slide
Process Flow Chart Create RFQ of type Vendor Save & Submit RFQ for Quotation Approve the Quotation & Check status RFQ Quotation from Vendor Quotation Approved Check Item for Updated Stock Create GRN for material from Vendor Create PO for Vendor Create PI for Vendor GRN Stock updated Purchase Invoice Purchase Order
Create RFQ ▪ Click on RFQ then click on plus icon to create new item. 2.Click Add 1.Click RFQ Creation of RFQ
▪ Click on type then select type from opened window then click on select icon. 1.Click type 3.Click Select Icon 2.Select type Creation of RFQ
▪ Select RFQ type. ▪ Click Vendor select Vendor from search dialog then click on select icon. 4.Click Select Icon 2.Click Vendor 3.Select 1.Select RFQ type Creation of RFQ
▪ Select Part and Part PO then Part Cost automatically filled from selected part and Total Cost get calculated from Part PO. ▪ Select UOM. 1.Select Part, PO 3.Total cost calculated automatically from tool and part cost 4.Select UOM 2.Part cost filled automatically from selected part Creation of RFQ
Add Attachments ▪ Click Attachments then Click on Add. 1.Click Attachment 2.Click Add Creation of RFQ
▪ Select File from search dialog then click on Select icon. 2.Click Select icon 1.Select file Creation of RFQ
▪ Attachment Added Successfully. 1.Added Attachment Creation of RFQ
Save RFQ ▪Click on Save icon. 1.Click Save Icon Creation of RFQ Creation of RFQ
Promote ▪ Submitting RFQ click on promote icon. 1.Click Promote Creation of RFQ
▪ Select State from opened window then click on select icon. 2.Click Select Icon 1.Select Creation of RFQ
Create RFQ Report ▪ Click Report then click on RFQ Report icon. 1.Click 2.Click RFQ Report Creation of RFQ
RFQ Report Creation of RFQ
Quotation from Vendor ▪ After submitting RFQ the RFQ type changes to Quotation. 1.Type Changes to Quotation Creation of RFQ
Quotation Approved ▪ In RFQ check the status that changed to Quotation Approved. 1.Quotation Approved Creation of RFQ
Create Purchase Order ▪ Click on Purchase Order then click on plus icon to create new item. 2.Click Add 1.Click Purchase Order Creation of Purchase Order
▪ Click on PO type then select type from opened window then click on select icon. 3.Click Select Icon 1.Click type 2.Select type Creation of Purchase Order
▪Enter PO number, PO name and Select PO Date and Time. 1.Enter PO No, Name 2.Select PO Date, Valid Date Creation of Purchase Order
▪ Click on Part then select Part from search dialog then click on select icon. 3.Click Select Icon 1.Click Part 2.Select Part Creation of Purchase Order
▪ Enter the PO Rate, Qty and select UOM then select GST Rate the Amount get Calculated. ▪ Enter the transportation Amt and select GST Rate the Total Gross Amt get Calculated. 1.Enter PO Rate, Qty 2. Select UOM 4.Enter Amt 5.Select GST Rate 3.Select GST Rate 6.Total Qty Creation of Purchase Order
▪ Select if Vendor/Transporter is out of state then IGST Amt get Calculated. 1.Select Vendor, Trans if Out of State 2.IGST Amt Creation of Purchase Order
Add Additional Item ▪ Click Additional Item then click Add . 1.Click 2.Click Add Creation of Purchase Order
▪Select item from search dialog then Click Select Icon. 2.Click Select Icon 1.Select item Creation of Purchase Order
▪Enter PO Rate, Qty then Amt get Calculated. ▪Select GST Rate then CGST, SGST, Gross Amt get Calculated. 6.Total Gross Amt Cal 5.Calculated Amt 2.Enter Qty 4.Select GST Rate 3.Cal Amt 1.Enter Rate Creation of Purchase Order
▪ If Vendor/Transporter is out of state then select and then IGST Amt get Calculated. 1.Select Vendor, Trans if Out of State 2.IGST Amt Cal Creation of Purchase Order
Add Advance ▪ Click Advance then Click Add. 1.Click 2.Click Add Creation of Purchase Order
▪ Select Advance Date, Amt, Tax Paid. ▪ Advance Amt get Calculated. 4. Amt Calculated from enter advance in Advance tab 1.Select date 3.Select 2.Select Amt Creation of Purchase Order
Save Purchase Order ▪ Click on save then click on Close icon. 1.Click Save Icon Creation of Purchase Order
Create PO Report ▪ Click on report then click on PO report. 1.Click 2.Click PO Report Creation of Purchase Order
Create Purchase Invoice ▪ Click on Purchase Invoice then click on plus icon to create new item. 2.Click Add 1.Click Purchase Invoice Creation of Purchase Invoice
▪Enter Vendor no and Select Date, Details and Vendor. 1.Enter Vendor No 4.Select Vendor 2.Select Date 3.Select Comp Details Creation of Purchase Invoice
Add Items ▪ Click Items then click on add to add Item. 2.Click Add 1.Click Items Creation of Purchase Invoice
▪ Select Part, PO then Enter Qty then Amt get calculated. ▪ Select GST Rate then Total Amt & Gross Total get calculated. 6.Amt get Added 7.Gross Total Cal 5.Select GST Rate 1.Select Part 3.Enter Qty 4.Rate filled from select PO, Amt Calculated after Enter Qty 2.Select PO Creation of Purchase Invoice
Save Purchase Order ▪ Click on save then click on close icon. 1.Click Save & Close Icon Creation of Purchase Invoice
Create GRN ▪ Click on GRN then click on plus icon to create new item. 2.Click Add 1.Click GRN Creation of GRN
▪ Click on type then select type from opened window then click on select icon. 3.Click Select Icon 1.Click Type 2.Select type Creation of GRN
▪ Enter Invoice No & Select Company & Suppliers Details, Part, PO then Item rate get calculated. ▪ Enter Qty & select GST rate then Gross total get calculated. 3. Select Part 4. Select PO 6. Enter Qty 1.Enter Invoice No 5.Item Rate Calculated 7.Select GST Rate 8.Total Cal 2.Select Comp. Detail, Suppliers Creation of GRN
Save GRN ▪ Click on save icon 1.Click on Save Icon Creation of GRN
Create GRN Report ▪ Click on report then click on GRN report. 1.Click 2.Click GRN Report Creation of GRN
GRN Report Creation of GRN
GRN Detail Report ▪Click on report then click on GRN Detail report. 1.Click 2.Click GRN Detail Report Creation of GRN
▪Select Dates and Vendor then click on run report. 1.Select date 2.Select vendor 3.Click Run Report Creation of GRN
GRN Details Report Creation of GRN
Material Stock Updated ▪Open Item from store and check the total available Qty. 1.Available Qty Creation of Stock