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Culture. Unit 1, Lesson. Smart Start. Adaptation vs. Modification – how are they different? Which one is better? (Four sentences). Keep this in mind: be a Open-Minded.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Culture Unit 1, Lesson

  2. Smart Start Adaptation vs. Modification – how are they different? Which one is better? (Four sentences)

  3. Keep this in mind: be a Open-Minded We are talking about all the different ways that people can be different – including the people sitting around you. Please make sure that you are not judging others for their beliefs, but rather learning from their differences.

  4. Today’s Objectives • SWBAT define culture. • SWBAT describe the aspects that create different cultures.

  5. Challenge! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZFF8EuaGjM

  6. Vocabulary: Culture Culture is a word for the “way of life,” or how groups of people do things.

  7. Check you out! • SWBAT define culture.

  8. Culture • Cultural aspects are the parts that make up culture. • Language • Beliefs • Traditions • Art • Music • Political Systems • Technology • Architecture • Food • Religion • Can you think of more?

  9. Important Question What humanities vocabulary words have we learned that you think have to do with culture?

  10. Hmm…Big Thoughts Why are there different cultures?

  11. Before we begin reading… ?? , ! …let’s learn to annotate!

  12. Annotation Symbols General Vocabulary ___ Main Idea Subject Vocabulary ? I have a question Fact?? This is confusing Big Idea ! Aha! This is great! Making a connection Make a note

  13. French Beside Christmas and New Years Eve, one of the most important French holydays, especially for the citizen of Paris (Parisians) is the 14 of July. In this day, the French remember the event that became the beginning of the French revolution: the taking of the Bastille (14th July 1789). The Bastille was a very big prison in the downtown of Paris where political prisoner (mostly people that were opposing the king and his power) where kept. Following months of political crisis the citizens of Paris entered in the Bastille and free the prisoners. As mentioned, this is considered the beginning of the French revolution: few months after this event the King XVI and the Queen Maria Antoinette were arrested and the Republic was proclaimed. During this time the French national Song La Marseillaise (the song from Marseille) was composed and the motto ` Liberté, Fraternité and Egalité´ (Freedom, Brotherhood, Equality) become famous all around the world.

  14. Group Work Read and annotate the article, and figure out which cultural aspects it is telling you about.

  15. Brazil Men shake hands while greeting one another and they maintain eye contact. Women greet each other with a kiss on both cheeks from left to right. If invited to a Brazilians home for dinner, arrive 30mins late, and dress with flair and elegance. There is a class system everyone follows. The darker skin one has, the more disadvantaged socially a person will be. Brazilians take dressing well very seriously. Men wear dark colored business suits, and are dressed conservatively. Women wear elegant and feminine dresses, and are expected to have manicures and pedicures. Clothing is very mainstream, and western. Most clothing is extremely colorful for events, and lounge time.

  16. Indian Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism are all religions that began in India. Today, Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world, followed by Buddhism which is the fourth largest. 80% of the people who live in India practice Hinduism. One important Hindu belief is that the cow is respected and seen as a symbol of ahimsa (peace) and good fortune. For hundreds of years, India has practiced the custom of extended families. An extended family is where parents, children and grandparents all live together. Uncles and aunts and their children may live in the same home, too. The oldest male is the head of the family who makes most of the important decisions. As India becomes more modern, this practice is changing so that parents with their children live in homes by themselves. Arranged marriages have been a tradition in Indian society, too. Most Indians have their marriages planned by their parents but there are about 10-20% of marriages today that are not arranged. In the past, women were married quite young, but today the age for the bride is increasing.

  17. Today’s Objectives • SWBAT describe the aspects that create different cultures.

  18. Independent Work • Create a culture based on the description. • Use the description to come up with at least FIVE different aspects of the culture that lives in that area. • Then, draw a picture that shows the physical geography and the people who live there. • Make sure there are at least THREE of the cultural aspects that you decided on in your picture.

  19. Independent Work: Physical Geography The trees are taller than buildings. They are everywhere, and very dense. The summers are cool and the winters are freezing. There are some hills, and you can see the mountains in the distance, but we live in the middle of the forest, near the stream. The stream freezes over in winter, and we have to break the ice on top. The forest is full of animals.

  20. Exit Ticket Silent Classroom

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