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Effective Classroom Management Strategies for Diverse Learning Environments

Learn about classroom management styles, tasks, working with families, behavior norms, and responding to inappropriate behavior. Discover how to create a well-functioning learning atmosphere in today's diverse classrooms.

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Effective Classroom Management Strategies for Diverse Learning Environments

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Classroom ManagementChapter 8 Carol Weinstein Wilford A. Weber

  2. Objectives • To define classroom management, explain the relationship between classroom management and discipline, and describe the concept of “culturally responsive classroom management.” • To contrast the characteristics of authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive teachers. • To identify the ongoing tasks involved in classroom management and to explain how each contributes to a well-functioning learning environment.

  3. What is Classroom Management?Why is it a Problem? • Classroom are crowded environments. • Classrooms are more culturally diverse than ever. • Half of the nation’s children with disabilities are now educated in general classrooms. • Children are growing up in circumstances that create physical, emotional and psychological problems. • Educational programs did not prepare teachers for the challenges of today’s classrooms.

  4. Three Styles of Classroom Management • Authoritarian • Permissive • Authoritative

  5. The Tasks of Classroom Management • Designing the Physical Environment • Building Positive Student-Teacher Relationships • Be welcoming • Learn about your students’ lives • Develop Cultural Literacy • Communicate high expectations • Develop good communication skills • Foster an atmosphere of community • Provide opportunities to learn about each other • Hold group meetings to encourage open communication and group problem-solving • Be alert for bullying and peer harassment • Teaching the norms for behavior

  6. Working with Families • Deciding on goals of communication • Deciding on the timing and means of communication • Preparing for parent-teacher conferences • Conducting a parent-teacher conference • Communicating with diverse families

  7. Responding to Inappropriate Behavior • Dealing with minor misbehavior • Non-verbal strategies • Dealing with more serious misbehavior • Penalties • Dealing with chronic misbehavior: • Reality Therapy • Using strategies based on behavioral learning principles • Keeping anecdotal records Whenever possible, it’s preferable to use a consequence that is logically related to the misbehavior

  8. Final Thoughts on Classroom Management Clearly, learning to be an effective classroom manager is a multi-faceted, complex endeavor. It involves knowledge, reflection, hard work--andtime. And like skiing or swimming it requires on-site learning.

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