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Work attire's top ten effects on productivity in the office

A uniformed crew may brighten your day and inspire you to work harder. According to studies, people judge others depending on their attire. Because of this, we've put up a list of ways to dress for success without losing your confidence.<br><br>Do you think your job performance is all that matters? What a mistake! Prospective employers value attractiveness as much as qualifications. From how you dress to how often you're late to work to when you make that crucial cold call, first impressions matter in business.

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Work attire's top ten effects on productivity in the office

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  1. 1/6/23, 1:59 PM Work attire’s top ten effects on productivity in the office | by Jon Shelby | Jan, 2023 | Medium Open in app Get unlimited access Search Medium Jon Shelby Jan 6 · 7 min read · Listen Save Work attire’s top ten effects on productivity in the office You’ve heard the old saying, “Clothes make the man.” To be honest, they don’t. However, the truth is that the clothes you wear affect your mood, which in turn affects your productivity at work. Simply put, a little (or ah-some) effort put into your appearance can pay off in the professional world. https://medium.com/@jonshelby09.22/work-attires-top-ten-effects-on-productivity-in-the-office-ed8b1a4e9de7 1/6

  2. 1/6/23, 1:59 PM Work attire’s top ten effects on productivity in the office | by Jon Shelby | Jan, 2023 | Medium Simply being in the presence of a uniformed cohort of staff can lift your spirits, improve your day, and motivate you to get more done. We know this because studies have shown that people judge others based on their clothing choices. Because of this, we’ve compiled a list of suggestions to help you dress for success while still maintaining your self-assurance. So you believe that your performance on the job is the only thing that matters? Oh, how wrong you are! An applicant’s appearance is just as important as their qualifications to prospective employers. In the business world, first impressions are everything, from how you dress to how often you’re tardy to work to when you choose to make that all-important cold call. 1. Wear clothes that fit. It’s a simple piece of advice, but improperly fitting garments can lead to feelings of discomfort and even embarrassment. Furthermore, if your clothing could be more and more balanced, it may prevent you from focusing on what matters, like your work or schoolwork. To move and exercise freely, clothing needs to be loose and comfortable. If the temperature outside becomes too high or low, you should find a more relaxed outfit. Particularly if you work in healthcare, you should consider this. The scrubs you wear as part of your healthcare uniform are meant to be comfortable because of the nature of the work you do. Comfort is of the greatest importance for those who work in the healthcare industry because it is one of the most taxing fields and employees often work long shifts. Scrubs will keep staff members comfortable even when they are rushing around, lifting patients and equipment, or being exposed to potentially hazardous infections. 2. Dress in the dark if possible. If you can, dress as if it were night. Since you likely won’t be able to see yourself clearly in the mirror when getting dressed in the morning, it’s better to avoid wearing anything particularly expensive in case you accidentally spill something on it. If you’re wearing something simple and loose-fitting, you’ll be able to move freely and confidently around town. That way, if someone asks what you had for lunch or supper, https://medium.com/@jonshelby09.22/work-attires-top-ten-effects-on-productivity-in-the-office-ed8b1a4e9de7 2/6

  3. 1/6/23, 1:59 PM Work attire’s top ten effects on productivity in the office | by Jon Shelby | Jan, 2023 | Medium and you have an ink smudge or a mustard smear on your clothes, they won’t assume the worse. 3. Avoid being too casual. Having a favourite pair of jeans is great, but it’s also crucial to know when to wear them. It’s probably not the best idea to show up to a meeting with corporate clients in faded blue jeans if you’re in sales. Dressing for success entails donning garments that allow you to project an air of self-assurance and ease. A few suggestions on how to dress for success: Keep your cool, but not too much so. Although a t-shirt and jeans could be acceptable at your office, it’s always preferable to look your best when interacting with clients and customers by dressing formally or in your teamwear uniform. If you don’t want people to focus on you instead of the services you’re providing, dress professionally. Think carefully before you buy any extras. Ensure that the pieces you choose both express your individuality and work nicely together. Never wear mismatched belts and watches with your shoes. Don’t forget to accessorise; a pair of earrings or a necklace can spruce up a business casual ensemble. Get dressed for success in the field you’re working in. Don’t feel obligated to wear whatever is now popular in the world of fashion, as fads come and go swiftly (though if it looks good on you and fits well, go ahead). 4. Don’t be too formal. Try to avoid becoming overly formal. The goal of business casual wear is to convey competence without coming across as stuffy or overdressed. While some businesses demand a tie and suit at all times, others allow employees some leeway on dress code during the week. To avoid any awkwardness if a member of top management happens to drop by your desk unexpectedly, it’s important to familiarise yourself with the company’s dress code policy and adhere to it as strictly as possible. 5. You can never go wrong with a blazer. https://medium.com/@jonshelby09.22/work-attires-top-ten-effects-on-productivity-in-the-office-ed8b1a4e9de7 3/6

  4. 1/6/23, 1:59 PM Work attire’s top ten effects on productivity in the office | by Jon Shelby | Jan, 2023 | Medium A blazer is a safe choice for any occasion. Blazers are a must-have for both men and women, even when you’re not in the office. Because of their classic style and sophistication, they are appropriate for any formal or casual event. You can seem polished and put together in a blazer without coming off as overly formal. A suit is another great option if you need to blend in at a business conference or social event when formal attire is required. In addition, business attire, such as suits and corporate jackets, is strongly advised, particularly for interviews. 6. Avoid wearing T-shirts, hoodies, and sweatshirts to work unless it’s Casual Friday. How you present yourself and the company you work for through your attire is important. Others’ impressions of you may be influenced by the way you dress. Ten ways in which what you wear to work can affect your productivity are listed below. Wearing a T-shirt, hoodie, or sweatshirt to the office is frowned upon unless it’s Casual Friday. This is not a business-appropriate outfit, even if it is freezing outdoors. Do not wear a sweatshirt in place of a sweater if you need to stay warm while dressing formally. Don’t let your jeans bunch up at the ankles or fall at the waist. In addition, make sure your shoes are spotless and well-polished, without any scuffs or holes. 7. Dress for your body type. Dress to emphasise your best attributes. When it comes to physical characteristics, no two people are the same. If you want to look your best you should choose clothes that fit your body shape. Select blouses with flattering necklines, good work shoes for hospitality, and waist-defining accents like belts and ruffles to show off your curves. If you want to make a good impression on your employer, you also need to dress appropriately for your position and the company’s values (for example, wearing jeans to a job interview is never appropriate). 8. Choose solid colours over prints and patterns. Opt for solid colours rather than those with designs or patterns. If you’re not sure if the print on your shirt or pants is too busy for the office, it’s probably best to go with a https://medium.com/@jonshelby09.22/work-attires-top-ten-effects-on-productivity-in-the-office-ed8b1a4e9de7 4/6

  5. 1/6/23, 1:59 PM Work attire’s top ten effects on productivity in the office | by Jon Shelby | Jan, 2023 | Medium solid colour. Do the opposite and put on black over white. If you want to come across as more authoritative, choose darker colours, which will make you appear leaner and taller. 9. Invest in good shoes and carry your worn-out ones in your bag to change into before you leave work. The simple act of purchasing a new pair of shoes can have a profound effect on a person’s outlook. Given that most people spend over 80 percent of their waking hours on their feet, purchasing a quality pair of shoes is one of the best investments you can make in your career. Rather than risking blisters from standing on hard surfaces all day, it is advisable to invest in a pair of footwear. 10. Check yourself out in a mirror before you leave the house every morning. In most cases, we don’t give much thought to what we wear to the office. It’s only a job, after all. Wrong. In the same vein as my previous point, there are many ways in which the clothes you wear to work can affect your productivity. Feeling more competent, certain, and even potent is a possible side effect. They can be distracting, unpleasant, and even make you feel bad about yourself. It’s a good idea to take a quick look in the mirror every morning before you head out the door. When you’re in a hurry to get to work or out the door, it’s easy to forget to check your appearance, but doing so will ensure that you leave looking professional. Before leaving the house, make any necessary adjustments to your attire, such as straightening your tie or correcting your shirt collar. The main thing to take away from this is that looking professional is important for success in any field. It’s important to remember that appearance is subjective; what one field considers to be business appropriate may not be appropriate for another. However, if you are dressing for an interview, a job interview, or an interview for a future profession, it is safe to assume that you should adhere to the standards of business attire. https://medium.com/@jonshelby09.22/work-attires-top-ten-effects-on-productivity-in-the-office-ed8b1a4e9de7 5/6

  6. 1/6/23, 1:59 PM Work attire’s top ten effects on productivity in the office | by Jon Shelby | Jan, 2023 | Medium Dressing the part will get you recognised, and that will help you set those boundaries that are crucial to running a successful business. Once those standards have been established, however, you may set yourself up for success by putting in the effort to prepare and arrange yourself to perform your very best. Appropriate grooming and dress are essential to making a positive first impression and laying the groundwork for future success in any commercial or professional setting. Healthcare Uniform Corporate Jackets Footwear Teamwear Work Shoes Hospitality https://medium.com/@jonshelby09.22/work-attires-top-ten-effects-on-productivity-in-the-office-ed8b1a4e9de7 6/6

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