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Overview of the status and understanding of by-catch in the Southeast Asia region

Explore the status and understanding of by-catch in Southeast Asia, SEAFDEC's efforts, challenges faced in the region, and initiatives for responsible fishing practices and reduction of by-catch. Learn about the promotion of by-catch reduction devices and collaboration with related organizations.

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Overview of the status and understanding of by-catch in the Southeast Asia region

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Overview of the status and understanding of by-catch in the Southeast Asia region SEAFDEC TRAINING DEPARTMENT SAMUTPRAKARN THAILAND

  2. What is SEAFDEC Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center SEAFDEC - is a regional inter-governmental body for the purpose of promoting fisheries development in the region. SEAFDEC - Established 1967 SEAFDEC -

  3. SEAFDEC Member countries SEAFDEC member countries are Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan,Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam

  4. Organization Structure

  5. The International Workshop on the Estimation of Discards and Measures to Reduce By-catch in the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific Ocean, May 2003 Southeast Asian Region Fisheries Identified three factors, which differentiate the fisheries of the region from most temperate fisheries:

  6. Dominated by small-scale fisheries

  7. Multispecies nature of the fisheries with fishers depending on many different species

  8. Long tradition of consuming a wide variety of fish and fish products

  9. The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (FAO, 1995)

  10. REGIONAL GUIDELINES FOR RESPONSIBLE FISHING OPERATIONS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA “By-catch is a general term for the component of the catch, which is anticipated to be caught during an industrial fishing operation, in addition to the target catch.”

  11. By-catch in Southeast Asia • Unwanted catch • Incidental catches of marine mammals, birds and reptiles • Trash fish • Under-size commercial valuable species • Low and No value species

  12. Problem faced in Fisheries of Southeast Asian Region Cover net Cod-end • Trawl fishery Catch of commercially important species juvenile

  13. Problem faced in Fisheries of Southeast Asian Region • Longline fishery Sea turtle mortality

  14. 2001MILLENNIUM CONFERENCE Action plan to reduce unwanted catch in the region Responsible fisheries and by-catch reduction project

  15. FAO-GEF + SEAFDEC Promotion on the Used of By-catch Reduction Devices in Southeast Asia Region Reduction of Environmental Impact from Tropical Shrimp Trawling (REBYC) 2002-2008

  16. + WWF-NOAA SEAFDEC • Promotion of the use of circle hook in longline fisheries • Tuna longline fisheries observer training Vietnam Thailand Malaysia Indonesia

  17. SEAFDEC initiative activities related topic of Fisheries Management Practices and By-catch reduction issue

  18. Promotion on the Used of By-catch Reduction Devices Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) Juvenile and Trash Excluder Devices (JTEDs)

  19. Research and Study on Light Fishing and Stationary Gears to reduction by-catch Stationary Fishing gears Light Fishing

  20. Modification of Fishing Gears Long-line (Circle hook) Small-scale gears : Trap

  21. Modification of Fishing Gears Appropriated technique to reduce mortality of sea turtle by audience frequency Improve the DFADs to reduce by-catch

  22. Human Capacity Building Promotion on the Concept of Fishery Refugia Regional Training Workshop on the use of Selective Fishing Gears and Devices

  23. Margarita Lizárraga Medal year 2006-2007 The Margarita Lizárraga Medal Award was established during the FAO  Conference in 1997 in memory of Dr Margarita Lizárraga, Senior Fishery Liaison Officer, for her decisive role in promoting the CCRF and her productive work in the field of fisheries for nearly forty years, particularly in developing countries

  24. Collaborative activities with related organization on by-catch reduction issue • IOSEA • UNEP • FAO • AMC • MI • TUMSAT • GEF • WWF • NOAA

  25. Thank You

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