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Welcome to Parent Information Night!. Mrs. Ramshaw ( Ramshaw University) 5 th grade. A Little About Mrs. Ramshaw. B.A . in Liberal Studies with Sociology and Education emphasis from UC Riverside Master of Arts in Teaching with Reading emphasis Teaching for 13 years; 3 at Rosa Parks
Welcome to Parent Information Night! Mrs. Ramshaw (Ramshaw University) 5th grade
A Little About Mrs. Ramshaw • B.A. in Liberal Studies with Sociology and Education emphasis from UC Riverside • Master of Arts in Teaching with Reading emphasis • Teaching for 13 years; 3 at Rosa Parks • Have taught 1st, 4th, 5th, and 6thgrades • Teacher on Special Assignment: ELL Coordinator and Intervention Coordinator • Demonstration teacher and presenter for Literacy Coordinators trained in CELL/ExLL • Trained in: CELL/ExLL, Step Up to Writing, GATE, Differentiated Instruction, Bilingual Education, Kagan Cooperative Strategies • Teacher of the year in 2006 at Jefferson Elementary • Married for 6 years with 2 children: Charlie (4) and Sophia (2) • One dog-Pepper (Goldendoodle) • Raised in Corona • Like to read, exercise, watch movies, camp, garden, or anything else that allows me to spend time with my family
Ramshaw University Schedule 8:25-10:30 Language Arts* 10:30-10:45 Recess 10:45-12:15 Math* 12:15-12:45 ELD/Intervention/Enrichment* 12:45-1:25 Lunch 1:25-2:10 Science or Social Studies* 2:10-2:25 Ready for Home/Complete Classroom Jobs 2:25-2:50 P.E. (Monday, Thursday, Friday) Read Aloud, Shared Reading, Reciprocal Teaching, Interactive Writing, Independent Writing, Book Clubs, Independent Reading will be used throughout the curriculum • Library: Thursday 12:15 • Computers: Friday: 12:15 • Reading Buddies with Mrs. Eikleberry: Friday afternoons
Attendance Policy • Imperative students attend & be on time • Late Slip from office after morning bell • Medical appointments after school or afternoon • Leaving early? Missing a day? Get homework or class assignments in advance • Report absences to Rosa Parks attendance clerk at 736-7305. • Independent Study for 5 consecutive days absent • Make up missed class work/homework within two days after returning • Must ask teacher for quizzes or tests missed.
CELL/ExLL Teaching Practices • My style of teaching is called Extended Literacy Learning (ExLL) which does not lend to a lot of seat work. You will not see worksheets coming home unless they are math practice. Centers and projects are designed in a way that they are practice of skills already taught. This allows me the opportunity to work with small groups uninterrupted. • I am fully trained in ExLL, and it is important to know that the purpose of ExLL is to teach students to effectively work independently. Everything I teach in whole group is directly connected to what I expect to see in independence. ExLL teaches students to think and problem solve independently. In order for your child to come to this way of learning, everything I teach is very interactive. • I encourage a lot of talking and we do this without raising our hands. I teach them conversational learning which requires them to have conversations in whole group rather than waiting to be called upon. I teach them everything that goes with a conversation including looking at the person who is speaking, waiting for someone to stop talking before speaking, etc. Please take a moment to visit this website to familiarize yourself with ExLL strategies. http://www.cell-exll.com
Classroom Behavior Guidelines I have classroom expectations that are covered in the Classroom Pledge that is recited every morning, Discussion Norms, and Classroom Rules Classroom Pledge - We are wonderful people. - We are intelligent and have the ability to learn. - We are responsible for our future. - Each day we will put our best effort into all our work. - Each day we will respect others, treating them how we want to be treated. - Each day we will respect ourselves taking care of our bodies and our minds. - We will achieve our goals now so we can do great things in our future. Discussion Norms • Show respect by looking at the person who is speaking. • All opinions are accepted and respected. • Allow each person time to respond. • Make sure all members are aware of the event being discussed. • Use polite terms when responding. Classroom Rules • Learn and allow others to learn • Respect everyone and everything • Be kind • Do your personal best • Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself
Behavior Guidelines Continued • Each student has a job that must be completed in class. Students are then paid at the end of each month. The pay for each job varies. Students then use that money to pay room and board for their desk. In addition to completing their jobs, students may earn money by excelling academically in the classroom as well as following the classroom rules. • They are also fined if they do not follow the classroom rules. The amount of the fine depends on the severity of the infraction. Positive Reinforcement • Students in class have many opportunities in which they can receive positive reinforcement. Some rewards include: • Phone calls or notes home • Table and/or Group points • Class points • Compliments given to them by other classmates in the compliment jar • Being chosen as Lead Scholar for the day • Earning "Ramshaw Bucks" • Using any extra money they have earned at the classroom auction
Making Better Choices Cards • When a student is fined he/she will be bringing home a "Making Better Choices" card. • The card requires the student to reflect upon the infraction and the choices that need to be made in the future so that the infraction does not occur again. • The card needs to be signed by both the student and parent and returned to school the next day.
Curriculum • I teach using state and district adopted core curriculum (Houghton -Mifflin, Envision, Step Up to Writing) following the state standards and pacing guides. • Writing is a focus at Rosa Parks. I will assess their writing once a month with a writing prompt. We are currently working on summary writing and expository essay writing. The students will take a district assessment towards the end of the trimester on their ability to write a response to literature.
Projects • Students will be required to complete a monthly book report. They will be informed in advance of the type of genre they will be required to read and be given an outline of the required elements. • All 5th grade students will participate in the historic famous American wax museum in the second trimester. I will make every effort to incorporate the monthly book report with it as well as assign the famous American before Halloween in order to provide you the opportunity to purchase costumes and props if you wish. • Students will also be creating several PowerPoint presentations throughout the year. They will be given plenty of time at school to complete the actual PowerPoint. Please do not purchase PowerPoint for your home computer if you do not already have it. Again, students will be given ample time to work on them at school as long as they have completed all necessary research. • Students will also learn to create several thinking maps on the computer in a Word document. They will be shown step by step how to create these in order to feel successful. • Once the students have reviewed all the reading comprehension strategies and been taught how to use their reading response logs correctly, they will be placed in Book Club groups. The books chosen will be books at each student’s independent reading level. They will read chapter books recommended by the Houghton Mifflin reading series as well as Newberry Award winning books.
Homework Policy • Purpose: to practice concepts covered in class, reinforce concepts, and build study habits. • Student Expectations: to fill out student planner and place any worksheets in binder in the morning, include unfinished class work throughout the school day, get parent signature , return the following day • Assigned: Monday – Thursday, takes approximately 1 hour • Reading Log: Read 20 minutes daily & complete an activity that will vary from time to time. They are currently being asked to complete a summary pre-write. • If students cannot complete homework because either they do not understand it or they are taking an excessive amount of time, write me a note, send an email, or call and initial assignment. • “Extra Homework” – unfinished class work due may be expected to finish at home • Parent signature required on Homework Log • Missing homework without some form of parent communication will result in recess detention and classroom fine to encourage responsibility.
Grading Policy Our Grading Scale 90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D 59% below= F • Standard % Scale & Rubrics • Grades are based on the accumulation of weighted points • Grades are calculated on cumulative percentage and are rounded up whenever possible
What is calculated into the Grade Book? • Chapter Tests, Chapter Quizzes, Concept Tests • Essays : final copy or draft • Spelling from writing • Spelling Tests • Oral Reports • Random Class Work • Random Homework Assignment • Special Projects
Physical Fitness Assessment • All 5th grade students will complete a physical fitness assessment in the third trimester. Most P.E. activities this year will be done to prepare the class. • Students will be assessed in: sit-ups push-ups flexibility mile run
Miscellaneous Classroom Information • Parent Volunteers I love and welcome as many volunteers that want to help. I really need a room parent as well as parents that can come in and assist me in book clubs, writing, and miscellaneous filing. The role of room parent takes total commitment so make sure that you can devote this time before signing up. If two would like to co-parent, that would be great too. Any other help can be a regular day of the week, helping with projects and special days, or any other way you’d like to participate. You must have a volunteer application on file in the office. There are no siblings allowed at school when you are volunteering. Sign in at the office when you arrive and come on back! • Dress Code Remember that there are no flip flops allowed in school. All shoes must have a back on them. Sandals with open toe are OK, they just must have a back buckle. However, tennis shoes are the best choice. Try to put a pair of shorts under girls’ dresses. Hats and sunglasses can be worn to school but will not be worn in the classroom.
Finally… WEBSITE • I have a new website up and going. This will have all sorts of information, tips, and resources you will need for the school year. More importantly, this is where you will find the bi-weekly classroom news, printables, and important announcements. • Please visit my website daily, if not weekly at: WWW.CNUSD.K12.CA.US/RPES • You can contact me at the school at anytime. I will generally be able to call you back by the end of the day. I am also in the classroom most days until3:30. You may also send me notes with your child if you need to contact me. Email is the fastest and best way to contact me. I check it often, even when we are off-track. Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. I am here for you and your child and their success is my most important priority. • If you need to conference with me before the October conferences, please let me know. Thank you for coming tonight!