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HOW TO MAXIMIZE THE COMP PLAN. RETAIL COMMISSIONS EARNED BY EVERY RANK $50 for any Discounted Retail Package sold 22%-30% for retail purchases from our website. QUICK START BONUS BREAKDOWN BY RANK
HOW TO MAXIMIZE THE COMP PLAN RETAIL COMMISSIONS EARNED BY EVERY RANK $50 for any Discounted Retail Package sold 22%-30% for retail purchases from our website • QUICK START BONUS BREAKDOWN BY RANK • 20% 60% 20% Total • PKG AC + M + SM QSB • 199 NA NANANA • 499 $ 20 $ 60 $ 20 $100 • 999 $ 50 $150 $ 50 $250 • 1899 $ 85 $255 $ 85 $425 • Quick Start Bonuses are paid every week, • 3 weeks in arrears HIGHEST RANK QUALIFICATION VS PAID AS RANK FUTURE RANK PACKAGE TIME QUALIFICATIONS MATCHING LEVEL BONUS WC NONE, $49 KIT FOREVER NONE NONE SC $ 199 30 DAYS 100 GBV NONE AC $ 499 60 DAYS 300 GBV 20% L1 QSM $ 999 90 DAYS 1000 GBV 30% L1, 10% L2 QSSM $1899 90 DAYS 5000 GBV 35% L1, 10% L2 & L3 EX MGR, EX DIR & EX DIAM DIR =
YOU SM LEFT TEAM RIGHT TEAM SM M 5000 BV 7000 BV AC AC SC SC AC SM AC M AC M AC M SC AC M SC Lesser Team This Month = 10% Team Bonus SC SC M AC SM AC SC M AC M AC M SM M AC AC AC M SM AC M M M SM = Personally Sponsored by YOU = L1 35% MLB = Sponsored By = L2 10% MLB = Spillover from Above = NO MLB for YOU = Sponsored By = L3 10% MLB = Sponsored By = NO MLB for YOU = Sponsored By = L4 NO MLB for YOU = Sponsored by = L5 NO MLB for YOU
Lesser Team This Month = 10% Team Bonus YOU SM LEFT TEAM RIGHT TEAM SM M AC AC SC SC WHAT IS CARRYOVER VOLUME & HOW DOES IT WORK? 2000 BV from C/O account would be used to balance your teams = 10% = $600 C/O “savings account” would be zero 10% of R Team = $500 2000 BV would go into L C/O “savings account” for future use 2000 BV from C/O (L) account would be used to balance your teams = 10% = $900 C/O “savings account” balance would be 1000 (L) 10% of R Team = $500 3000 BV would go into L C/O “savings account” for future use 90 BV Autoship must be maintained each month in order to receive ALL Bonuses and to retain your Carryover Volume! Your 1stCarryOver Month will appear 1 month in arrears after the 25th of the month when monthly bonuses are paid
UNILEVEL – MLB (Matching Level Bonus) YOU LEFT TEAM RIGHT TEAM SM M AC AC SC SC AC 10% MLB on Level 2, 3 & 4 by Qualified Rank: A = NA M = Level 2 SM = Level 2 & 3 EM = Level 2, 3 & 4 ED & DE = Level 2, 3 & 4 AC M MLB on Level 1 by Qualified Rank: A = 20% MLB M = 30% MLB SM = 35% MLB EM = 40% MLB ED & DE = 50% MLB AC M M SC AC M SC SC M AC SC AC M SM M LEVEL 1 Personally Sponsored by YOU = 20-50% by Your Rank SM M AC AC LEVEL 2 Personally Sponsored by LEVEL 1 People = 10% for all Ranks AC SC SC M AC LEVEL 3 Personally Sponsored by LEVEL 2 People = 10% for all Ranks AC M M SC SM LEVEL 4 Personally Sponsored by LEVEL 3 People = 10% for EM, ED, DE AC M SC SC M M = Personally Sponsored by YOU = L1 35% MLB = Sponsored By = L2 10% MLB = Sponsored By = L3 10% MLB = Sponsored By = L4 NO MLB for YOU until you reach EM or above
Important Things to RememberWhen Enrolling New Consultants! • Never have two ZPG back offices open at the same time! You risk enrolling your new consultant in the wrong back office. • Make sure your new consultant knows how important it is to set up their autoship when they enroll. • New Signups must set up their autoship in the same month that they enrolled to be processed during their enrollment month or NO LATER THAN the 15thof the following month in order to begin accumulating "carryover" (unused) Binary Volume • If you are enrolling someone and you are not qualified to receive all or most of the Quick Start Bonuses, you can upgrade your account by midnight Eastern on Sunday of the SAME week you enrolled your new consultant to capture the Quick Start Bonus: • $1899 DRP = SM = 100% of Quick Start Bonuses • $999 DRP = M = 80% of Quick Start Bonuses • $499 DRP = A = 20% of Quick Start Bonuses • When enrolling more than one consultant one right after another in the same back office, be sure to completely log out after each signup, close that browser and open a new one, then log back in before enrolling your next new signup. Otherwise you risk ERRORS on your next signup or the autoship order on either one or both of your new enrollments.
THE ADVANTAGES OF OUR AUTOSHIP PROGRAM • Great Reasons to Be on Autoship • Save an ADDITIONAL 10% off Wholesale prices (be aware that this also takes approximately 10% off of the Binary Volume when your order is complete)… when you place a 100 BV order it will become 90 BV (it can be more or less) at the end due to this approximate 10% discount off of wholesale) ALWAYS log out when you have finished editing your order to double check your BV amount/date in the Autoship Box on your Home Page. • FREE Shipping in the USA for all Autoship Orders over $100 (that's like saving about another 10% off of a 90 BV order) • Personally qualify to maximize the Compensation Plan with 90BV each month for your Team Bonuses • Unused Binary Volume will hold in your "carryover" savings account • You can participate in a 2% Retention Bonus Pool after 90 days on 90BV Autoship • In addition, a 2% Leadership Retention Bonus is available as an additional income stream for every 3 personally sponsored consultants that are also receiving their Retention Bonus • All products are available for Autoship • Your order can be changed as needed and as often as you like • Very Important… whenever you change your autoship order, you MUST put in your billing information again or that revised order WILL NOT process…
AUTOSHIP RETENTION BONUS PROGRAM :-) All ZPG Consultants on Autoship can participate in this new bonus pool that is designed to put more money in your pocket! EVEN YOUR WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS CAN GET THIS! Now you will get rewarded for maintaining your Autoship! • Here's the simple criteria to receive the Autoship Retention Bonus from ZPG: • Consultants must be on Autoship for a continuous 3 month period with minimum 90 BV each month • Consultant's membership must be current during the entire period • Bonus pool will be 2% of the company BV for the month, which will be split between all qualified Consultants • Bonus will be paid in the monthly payout in the fourth month based on the third month's bonus pool (i.e., Qualifying months = Jan, Feb, Mar... Payout is in April based on pool created from March BV volume with March monthly bonuses) • This amount can vary... i.e., in previous months it has been running about $10-$15 as a bonus to you for a potential total of 30% off of wholesale for a 90BV order... (10% off wholesale, 10% for free shipping if you live in the USA and 10% for Autoship Retention Bonus Pool = 30% total)
AND NOW... The Leadership Autoship Retention Bonus Program! • This is where you can actually have your autoship paid for and even create an additional income stream for yourself! • Here's how to do it: • You must be qualified for and receiving the Autoship Retention Bonus yourself • Have 3 Personally Enrolled Consultants who also qualify for and are receiving the Autoship Retention Bonus • You will receive One Share in the 2% Leadership Retention Bonus Pool • You will receive an Additional share for every 3 Personally Enrolled Consultants qualifying for and receiving the Autoship Retention Bonus, i.e... 6 Personally Enrolled Qualified Consultants = 2 shares, etc. • Share value does vary, but has run from $40- $65 per sharein recent months :-)))
Important Things to Remember • New Enrollees must set up their autoship in the same month that they enrolled to be processed during their enrollment month or NO LATER THAN the 15thof the following month in order to begin accumulating "carryover" (unused) Binary Volume • If you begin your autoship AFTER your enrollment month or it is processed AFTER the 15th of the following month, then your unused Binary Volume will continue to flush until you have been on Autoship continuously for 90 days • You WILL begin to accumulate your 90 days towards your Retention Bonus Program as soon as your first autoship is processed • You can order product for someone else in your autoship cart using their credit card and shipping address and you will still be qualified for that month as long as the order ends up 90 BV or higher • If you use the same credit card to pay for more than 1 autoship (i.e., spouse or parent), make sure they have different shipping dates so the software doesn’t think the 2nd order is a “duplicate” error and not process it. • Since you receive 10% off Wholesale prices in your autoship shopping cart, remember that your BV will also be reduced by approximately 10%... • When changing your Autoship, be sure to use “Edit Autoship”... NEVER CLICK ON THE “CANCEL” BUTTON as it will cause your Binary Volume to flush and be lost. You would also start over again for the Autoship Retention Bonus program. • When changing your selection from a previous order, go to the Green screen on the left and click on the tiny trash can icon/s in upper left which say “remove from cart” when you place your cursor on them
Important Things to Remember – Page 2 • You can accumulate your 90 BV for the month, so if your order is less than 90 BV at the end after the 10% reduction… you can order another product on another day/week to complete that qualification for the month… just make sure that it is processed BEFORE the 24th of month so you have completed your 90 BV requirement for the month :-) Keep in mind that USA consultants may be charged shipping on any orders less than $100 • ALWAYS CHECK YOUR SHIPPING DATE... if today is the 17th of the month • and you are setting up your autoship, remember these guidelines: • Choosing a date from the 5th to the 18th will cause the order to be processed the following month • Choosing a date from the 19th to the 26th will cause the order to be processed in the same month, i.e., the next few days (depending on the date chosen) • CHANGES in your autoship order MUST BE DONE BEFORE MIDNIGHT EST (Eastern) two days prior to the existing date... DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO MAKE CHANGES TO YOUR ORDER • If you choose to STOP or CANCEL your autoship at any time (even for just one month), BE AWARE you will need to re-start the “90 Days” all over again to get back into the Retention Bonus Pool, plus your Carryover Binary Volume will flush each month until you qualify for the Autoship Retention Bonus again • ONCE YOU HAVE MADE A CHANGE TO YOUR AUTOSHIP ORDER, ALWAYS LOG OUT OF YOUR BACK OFFICE AND THEN LOG BACK IN TO LOOK AT YOUR ORDER ONE MORE TIME TO DOUBLE CHECK AND MAKE SURE EVERYTHING IS CORRECT... ESPECIALLY YOUR BV AND SHIPPING DATE!