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Hormones and Behaviour

Hormones and Behaviour. Hormones and Behaviour. Endocrine vs Exocrine. -ductless. -have ducts. -rich blood supply. -no direct contact with blood. Hormones and Behaviour. The Endocrine Glands (Invertebrates). Neurosecretory cells. Corpora cardiaca. Gonads. Prothoracic gland.

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Hormones and Behaviour

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hormones and Behaviour

  2. Hormones and Behaviour Endocrine vs Exocrine -ductless -have ducts -rich blood supply -no direct contact with blood

  3. Hormones and Behaviour The Endocrine Glands (Invertebrates) Neurosecretory cells Corpora cardiaca Gonads Prothoracic gland Corpora allata

  4. Hormones and Behaviour The Endocrine Glands

  5. Hormones and Behaviour Tobacco Hornworm

  6. Hormones and Behaviour Tobacco Hornworm - Moulting Ventromedial neurons (Brain) EH ETH (Eclosion Triggering Hormone) Pre-Moult Behaviour Stimulates Inka cells on trachea Falling ecdysone Surge in EH/ETH Ecdysis behaviour Segmental Glands CCAP (Crustacean cardioactive peptide) CNS Peripheral NS Change in circulation And air swallowing

  7. Hormones and Behaviour Hypothalamopituitary system

  8. Endocrine Glands - What do they do

  9. Hormones and Behaviour 1. Surgical Studies Anolis Lizards

  10. Hormones and Behaviour 1. Surgical Studies Anolis Lizards Castration Androgens replaced Mean number of displays/min Time

  11. Hormones and Behaviour 2. Correlational Studies Song Sparrows

  12. Hormones and Behaviour 2. Correlational Studies Song Sparrows Plasma Testosterone level Territory Pair formation Egg-laying Egg-laying Brood 1 Brood 2 F M A M J J A S

  13. Hormones and Behaviour How Effect is Brought About Generally Stimulus CNS Hormone secreting cells Behaviour

  14. Hormones and Behaviour Modes of Action 1. Modifier of Behaviour -biting behaviour of mosquitos Female needs blood to develop ovaries Feeds Blood meal Inhibits Ovaries produce ecdysone Ovarian development begins

  15. Hormones and Behaviour Modes of Action 2. Releaser of Behaviour Among invertebrates - Moth - eclosion hormone (EH) Turns on sequence of behaviour EH produced in brain & corpora cardiaca Among vertebrates - general scheme Pituitary Nervous system (Hypothalamus) Stimuli Endocrine gland Behaviour

  16. Hormones and Behaviour Effects of Hormones Influence on releasers e.g. secondary sexual characteristics - sexual swelling in female baboons

  17. Hormones and Behaviour Effects of Hormones 2. Influence on receptors e.g. sensitivity of brood patch

  18. Hormones and Behaviour Effects of Hormones 3. Activation of neuron groups e.g. eclosion behaviour of moths - activated by nerves on specific segments

  19. Hormones and Behaviour Effects of Hormones 4. Effects on brain structure e.g. Ventral hyperstriation in female canaries

  20. Hormones and Behaviour Effects of Hormones 5. Hormone release controlled by behaviour Red Deer - roaring by males influences estrous

  21. Hormones and Behaviour Effects of Hormones 5. Hormone release controlled by behaviour Red Deer - roaring by males influences estrous Exposed to vasectomized and roaring male Cumulative % calving Exposed to tape of roaring male Isolated females Date

  22. Reproductive behaviour of the Ring Dove Male Female Photoperiod increases Female present Testosterone increases Activate hypothalamus Male courtship Pituitary Egg growth FSH Gonadal estrogens Nest building & copulation Nest building & copulation Progesterone (testis) Pituitary LH Inhibits testosterone action Ovulation Block courtship & aggression Pituitary prolactin Prolactin production progesterone Egg incubation Stimulates more prolactin Crop milk drop in prolactin Squab feeding drop in prolactin

  23. Egg laying in Aplysia

  24. Egg laying in Aplysia When ready to lay eggs Stops moving and eating Increase in heart and respiration rate Muscles on reproductive tract contract Eggs appear - egg string Grabs string in upper lip Waves head in stereotyped fashion Pulls string and coats with mucous Attach to rock

  25. Egg laying in Aplysia

  26. Egg laying in Aplysia When ready to lay eggs Stops moving and eating Increase in heart and respiration rate Muscles on reproductive tract contract Eggs appear - egg string Grabs string in upper lip Fixed Action Patterns Waves head in stereotyped fashion Pulls string and coats with mucous Attach to rock

  27. Egg laying in Aplysia Genes/nerves hormones ELH (egg laying hormone) gene Produces one large protein (codes for 271 amino acids) Protein broken down to ELH a - bag factor b -bag factor Also involved - peptide A and peptide B

  28. Egg laying in Aplysia Peptide A and Peptide B Release a - bag factor and b - bag factor Stimulate bag cells (clusters of neurons) Release ELH Excitatory (a) and Inhibitory (b) effects Hormone -increases contraction rate of reproductive tract muscles ? Probably coordinate firings for FAP’s Increases firing rate of abdominal ganglion

  29. Hormones and Mating Crews (‘84, 87) Gonadal Activity Associated Dissociated Constant Time

  30. Hormones and Mating Associated

  31. Hormones and Mating Disassociated Thamnophilis sirtalis parietalis

  32. Hormones and Mating Disassociated Thamnophilis sirtalis parietalis Males emerge early spring Females emerge over next 1-3 weeks Females mate with males waiting at nest entrance Males mature gonads 5 - 10 weeks later & store sperm Females mature gonads immediately to produce eggs

  33. Hormones and Mating Crews (‘84, 87) Constant Taeniopygia guttata castanotis

  34. Hormones and Mating Crews (‘84, 87) Constant Taeniopygia guttata castanotis 0.60 0.40 0.20 0 LH Level (ng/ml) Dry Water Humidity Grass Water/Humid Water/Grass Humid./Grass Water/Humid./Grass

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