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Start Playing Jeopardy. Nationalism. Imperialism 1. Imperialism 2. Individuals 1. Individuals 2. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. Final Jeopardy. Nationalism 100.

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  1. Start Playing Jeopardy

  2. Nationalism Imperialism 1 Imperialism 2 Individuals 1 Individuals 2 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy

  3. Nationalism100 What is nationalism? How does it: -Unite countries? -Divide countries? Answer

  4. Answer Nationalism 100 Nationalism – Pride in your country -Unites: smaller states with similar culture want to be together. -Divides: Large Empires with many cultures – each culture/ethnicity wants its own country.

  5. Nationalism 200 ____________ (leader) helped unite the ______ states. He is famous for his _______ speech and realpolitik. Answer

  6. Answer Nationalism 200 Otto Von Bismarck Blood and Iron

  7. Category Nationalism 300 This region exploded inside the Ottoman Empire when Austrian Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated starting WWI. Answer

  8. Answer Nationalism 300 Balkan Powder Keg

  9. Nationalism 400 Kemal Attaturk kept this nation untied after the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI. He also improve conditions for _________ (group of people). Answer

  10. Answer Nationalism 400 Turkey Women

  11. Nationalism 500 ______________ used ____________ to lead a national independence movement in India. He was shot for opposing India being __________ by the British. ____________ led a nationalist movement against the Afrikaner’s ____________ laws in South Africa. Answer

  12. Answer Nationalism 500 Gandhi Civil Disobedience Partitioned Nelson Mandela Apartheid

  13. Imperialism 1 100 This area of the world practiced Imperialism because it needed _________________, ________________, and _________________ for its factories. Answer

  14. Answer Imperialism 1 100 Europe -Markets -Labor -Natural Resources

  15. Imperialism 1 200 European Imperialists were __________ believed their culture was superior) and because of ________ ___ __________ believed they need to educate the people of their colonies. They also believed it stronger countries should be allowed to swallow up weaker countries or Social ______________. Answer

  16. Answer Imperialism 1 200 Ethnocentric White Man’s Burden Social Darwinism

  17. Imperialism 1 300 _________ was the “Crown Jewel” of the British Empire. The ________ rebelled against them and almost won. Answer

  18. Answer Imperialism 1 300 India; Sepoys

  19. Imperialism 1 400 European nations led by German leader __________ _______ ____________ met at the ___________ Conference to separate the continent of __________. Answer

  20. Answer Imperialism 1 400 Otto Von Bismarck; Berlin Conference; Africa

  21. Imperialism 1 500 The British defeated the Chinese in the ______ War and forced them to sign the Treaty of Nanking granting Britain and ___________ of ___________ in China. The Chinese worker called _______ failed in their rebellion to get rid of the British. Answer

  22. Answer Imperialism 1 500 Opium; Sphere of Influence; Boxers

  23. Imperialism 2 100 A waterway build by the French and the British connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Arabian Sea (often used for trade with India) Answer

  24. Answer Imperialism 2 100 Suez Canal

  25. Imperialism 2 200 King Leopold of Belgium was awarded the Congo at the Berlin Conference. This area was rich with ___________ (a natural resource). Describe one method he used to get this resource. Answer

  26. Imperialism 2 200 Rubber (Trees) Kidnapping; Mutilation

  27. Imperialism 2 300 During the _____________ war the British fought the Zulus (natives) and the Dutch farmers (called Boers) for control over ___________ (country) because they wanted ________________ (natural resource). Answer

  28. Answer Imperialism 2 300 Boer South Africa Diamonds

  29. Imperialism 2 400 The British controlled much of the Middle East, and after WWII partitioned Palestine for the ________ (group of people) and the Palestinians, creating a homeland for the first group called ___________. Answer

  30. Answer Imperialism 2 400 Jews Israel

  31. Imperialism 2 500 After World War II, Britain and the United States put a Dictator (Shah) in charge of Iran. Soon he was overthrown by an _____________ (religion) government led by the _________________ _______________. Answer

  32. Answer Imperialism 2 500 Islamic Ayatollah Khomeini

  33. Individuals 1 100 _________ led a communist revolution in China overthrowing the Nationalists who fled to ______. Answer

  34. Answer Individuals 1 100 Mao Zedong Taiwan

  35. Individuals 1 200 ______________ led the Bolshevik revolution overthrowing the __________ of Russia and bringing _________ (type of government) to Russia. Answer

  36. Answer Individuals 1 200 Vladimir Lenin Czar Communism

  37. Individuals 1 300 Similarly to Mao in China, ___________ (person) had a _______ ______ plan for better factory and farm production (including collectives) in Russia. He killed millions who he thought stood in his way in the ________ ________. Answer

  38. Answer Individuals 1 300 Joseph Stalin 5-year plan Great Purge

  39. Individuals 1 400 Adolf Hitler of Germany and Benito Mussolini of _______ led __________ (type of government) that controlled all aspects of peoples lives. Give one way this type of government controls you. Answer

  40. Answer Individuals 1 400 Italy Totalitarian (Fascist) Propaganda; education; spying; secret police (intimidation)

  41. Individuals 1 500 During the Industrial Revolution ____________ __________ spoke of Laisse-Faire (government staying out of the economy), while _______ ________ spoke of shared ownership (communism) and revolt. Answer

  42. Answer Individuals 1 500 Adam Smith Karl Marx

  43. Individuals 2 100 _______________ was the absolute ruler of the Ottoman Empire, known as the lawgiver. ___________ was the absolute monarch of the Mughal Empire in India. Answer

  44. Answer Individuals 2 100 Suleiman; Akbar

  45. Individuals 2 200 The leader who brought Communism to Cuba during the Cold War and allowed the Russians to put ___________ in Cuba starting the _________ ________ Crisis. Answer

  46. Answer Individuals 2 200 Castro Missiles Cuban Missile Crisis

  47. Individuals 2 - Daily Double Daily Double

  48. Individuals 2 400 Count Camillo Cavour and Giuseppe Mazzini were nationalists who wanted to unite __________ (country) after the Congress of __________ separated it. Answer

  49. Answer Individuals 2 400 Italy Vienna

  50. Individuals 2 500 Emperor __________ of Japan opened the country up to trade with the United States after hundreds of years of isolation under the Tokagawa Shogunate when Commodore ___________ _________ arrived with his fleet and a letter from the US President. Answer

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