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Test your knowledge of ancient civilizations with questions on Greece, Byzantine & Islamic Empires, Africa, Japan, and Rome. Challenge yourself with Final Jeopardy!
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Greece Byzantine & Islamic Empires Africa Japan Rome 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy
Greece100 The Golden Age of Greece occurred in which city-state? Answer
Answer Greece100 Athens
Greece 200 Why was Greece separated into city-states? Answer
Answer Greece 200 Greece was separated (isolated by the Pindus Mountains)
Greece 300 This leader borrowed money from the Delian League to rebuild Athens… Answer
Answer Greece 300 Pericles
Greece 400 Athens had a Direct Democracy, which is… Answer
Answer Greece 400 When citizens vote on laws
Greece 500 When Alexander the Great conquered Egypt, Persia, and India he spread… Answer
Answer Greece 500 Hellenistic Culture
Byzantine & Islamic Empires 100 Justinian and Theodora created a law code called the ___________ and a church called the ____________. Answer
Answer Byzantine & Islamic Empires 100 Justinian Code and Hagia Sophia
Byzantine & Islamic Empires 200 The split between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church Answer
Byzantine & Islamic Empires 300 The ___________ Empire had a great leader (Suleiman the lawgiver) and conquered Constantinople, later renaming it ___________. Answer
Answer Byzantine & Islamic Empires 300 Ottoman; Istanbul
Byzantine & Islamic Empires 400 What did the Islamic Empire’s Astrolabe do? Answer
Answer Byzantine & Islamic Empires 400 Told sailors where they were located in the world
Byzantine & Islamic Empires 500 Two great accomplishments of the Islamic Empires were in math (what type) and an artistic system of writing that replaced regular pictures (what is it called?) Answer
Answer Byzantine & Islamic Empires 500 Algebra; Calligraphy
Africa 100 The area below the Sahara Desert is called… Answer
Answer Africa 100 Sub-Saharan Africa
Africa 200 The belief in Africa that spirits living in nature… Answer
Answer Africa 200 Animism
Africa 300 _________ ________ of Mali made a pilgrimage to ______ putting Mali on the map and spreading Islam. Answer
Answer Africa 300 Mansa Musa; Mecca
Africa 400 These people migrated across Africa spreading their culture and their language. Answer
Answer Africa 400 Bantu
Africa 500 The West African Kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai traded their _____ for the Northern African Muslims’ _______ in the _________-_________ trade. Answer
Answer Africa 500 Gold; Salt; Gold-Salt Trade
Japan 100 The belief in Japan that spirits live in nature is called ______; they called these spirits _____. Answer
Answer Japan 100 Shintoism; Kami
Japan 200 The rigid class structure that traded protection for goods and services. Answer
Answer Japan 200 Feudalism
Japan 300 The code of honor of the Samurai is called ____________, while the European Knights called their code of honor ___________. Answer
Answer Japan 300 Bushido; Chivalry
Japan 400 Japan traded with _______ by crossing the land bridge of __________, but decided to stop sharing of goods and ________ _________. Answer
Answer Japan 400 China; Korea; Cultural Diffusion
Japan 500 Label the Japanese Feudalism Chart Answer
Answer Japan 500 • Emperor • Shogun • Daimyo • Samurai • Peasants • Artisans • Merchants
Rome 100 ______________ ____________ were Roman laws that the ___________ demanded be written down because the __________ were abusing their power. Answer
Answer Rome 100 Twelve Tables; Plebeians; Patricians
Rome 200 The Romans voted on representatives making them a ________. Answer
Answer Rome 200 Republic
Rome 300- Daily Double Daily Double
Rome 400 What was Rome’s greatest fear? How did they set up their government to prevent this? Answer
Answer Rome 400 Greatest fear – 1 ruler Prevented by: -Consuls could only serve for 1 year and then couldn’t run again for 10 years -Allowing for Dictator in an emergency, but only for 6 months.
Rome 500 The __________ is the branch of the Republic that made laws for all of Rome. The __________ controlled the military and ran the government. Answer