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An interview with an artist. Spanish Webquest By: Jillian Richardson Spring 2011. Introduction.
An interview with an artist Spanish Webquest By: Jillian Richardson Spring 2011
Introduction Culture is an extremely important part of learning a foreign language as it gives us a better idea of the people and places where the language is spoken. That being said, art is one of my favorite parts of Hispanic culture! But who exactly are some famous Hispanic artists that have not only left their mark on their own country’s culture but also on our culture here in the United States? What better way to find out who they are and what they have done then to ask them ourselves? It’s time for some interviews…..
Task • With a partner, you will chose one Hispanic artist from the list given. • Using the resources given, you will research the life of this person and come up with interview questions to ask them. • One partner will act as the interviewer and the other will be the artist. • Once you have gathered all of your information, you and your partner will conduct your interview in front of the class in Spanish, as well as share some of the artist’s paintings with the class.
Process • Choose one partner in the class and one artist from the list below. • Salvador Dalí • Francisco de Goya • Frida Kahlo • Pablo Picasso • Diego Rivera *Make sure you tell the teacher what artist you are choosing before you begin!
Process Continued • Using the resources given, answer the following questions about your artist: • When were they alive? • What type of art were they known for? • What are some of their most famous works? • What made them famous in their culture and/or American culture? • Feel free to include any other interesting facts that you may find into your interview.
Resources • Salvador Dalí • http://www.donquijote.org/culture/spain/painters/ • http://www.donquijote.org/culture/spain/painters/ • http://thedali.org/history/biography.html • http://www.dali-gallery.com/html/dali.php • http://www.artelino.com/articles/salvador_dali.asp
Resources • Francisco de Goya • http://www.donquijote.org/culture/spain/painters/ • http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/goya/hd_goya.htm • http://www.franciscodegoya.net/ • http://www.imageone.com/goya/
Resources • Frida Kahlo • http://www.donquijote.org/culture/spain/painters/ • http://www.fridakahlo.com/ • http://www.fridakahlofans.com/mainmenu.html • http://www.pbs.org/weta/fridakahlo/ • http://www.nmwa.org/collection/profile.asp?LinkID=471
Resources • Pablo Picasso • http://www.donquijote.org/culture/spain/painters/ • http://www.real-hispanicartists.com/ • http://www.biography.com/articles/Pablo-Picasso-9440021 • http://www.pablopicasso.org/ • http://www.picasso.com/life/index.php
resources • Diego Rivera • http://www.donquijote.org/culture/spain/painters/ • http://www.diegorivera.com/biography-2/ • http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/episodes/diego-rivera/about-the-artist/64/ • http://www.diego-rivera.org/biography.html
Process continued • Once you have completed your research, formulate your information into an interview format in Spanish. • Make sure to include the answers to all of the questions as well as any interesting facts you may have found. • Also, choose 2-3 of your favorite paintings from the artist and be ready to share why you chose them.
evaluation • A 4 point rubric will be used to evaluate your performance on the task. • The teacher will give a grade from the rubric and you will be asked to grade your partner on a scale of 1-10 as to how well they contributed to the research done and the putting together of the presentation.
conclusion Now that you have researched different Hispanic artists, I hope you have all enjoyed becoming experts on a specific person and learning from the other interviews you saw. I hope you have all found this one aspect of Hispanic culture interesting and that you are now excited about learning how important a culture can be to becoming lifelong learners of the Spanish language!!
Teacher page I just wanted to share with you all that my personal favorite artist in Hispanic culture is Frida Kahlo. I became very interested in her life and works when I was in high school and have been an avid learner of everything to do with her since them. I hope some of you come to have this same experience. Also, I know it can be overwhelming to convert the information you find into your own words, especially when you are putting it into Spanish, so feel free to come to me with any questions or concerns you may have. And remember to have fun!!