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Tauranga City Council. Resource Consent 22306 Mixed Use Development ‘850 Cameron Road’ Sophia Murphy. Details. Site Address 116, 118 Eighteenth Ave, 844 – 852 Cameron Road, 23-25 Nineteenth Ave, Tauranga. Zone Residential – Operative District Plan Suburban Residential – City Plan.
Tauranga City Council Resource Consent 22306 Mixed Use Development ‘850 Cameron Road’ Sophia Murphy
Details Site Address 116, 118 Eighteenth Ave, 844 – 852 Cameron Road, 23-25 Nineteenth Ave, Tauranga Zone Residential – Operative District Plan Suburban Residential – City Plan SNG Investments Limited applies to Tauranga City Council to construct a mixed use development on the vacant land between 19th and 18thAve. on Cameron Road in Tauranga.
Background • RC 13063 was granted by a consent order through the Environment Court in April 2008 to operate a large scale, non-residential commercial development, with a 3 level building in the Residential Zone. • Limited notification Relevant Statutory Provisions RMA • Part 2 • Sections 87a(3a-b), 87a(4a-b), 87a(5a-b) • 104, 104(b), 104(c), 104(d) • Sections 108, 108(1), 108(2) 108(2c) Relevant Policy and Plan Provisions • Tauranga District Plan • Tauranga City Plan • Proposed Tauranga City Plan
Considerations RMA, Section 104 Consideration of applications • When considering an application for a resource consent and any submissions received, the consent authority must, subject to Part 2, have regard to– • any actual and potential effects on the environment of allowing the activity; and (b) any relevant provisions of— • (i) a national environmental standard: • (ii) other regulations: • (iii) a national policy statement: • (iv) a New Zealand coastal policy statement: • (v) a regional policy statement or proposed regional policy statement: • (vi) a plan or proposed plan; and (c) any other matter the consent authority considers relevant and reasonably necessary to determine the application.
RMA, Part II The purpose of the Act is to “promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources” and intends to provide a means of protection of the environment in Section 5(2)(c)through “avoiding, remedying, or mitigating any adverse effects of activities on the environment” The proposed development will: • efficiently develop and make use of existing infrastructure services, and natural and physical resources. • contribute jobs and essential facilities to the area. The actual effects of the development will be discussed in more detail in relation to the District and City Plans.
104(1)(a)Assessment of Environmental Effects • Amenity Values – Visual effects • Noise • Traffic • Signage • Earthworks • Mature tree(s)
104(1)(b)(vi) A plan 1. Residential Zone 14A1.1 Objective of the Residential Zone • to maintain and enhance landscape character and amenity • low, medium and high density developments 14A1.1.4(f) Policy for Urban Form and Intensification • intensification should have regard to the “potential for mixed use development” 14A.1.3.1 • consideration to provide for “community support activities” including schools and health centres • The proposed development is mostly consistent with the objectives and policies of the plan under Chapter 14 of the City Plan.
104(1)(b)(vi) A proposed plan 2. Suburban Residential Zone 14B.1.3 Objective of development in a Suburban Residential Zone • low density, one to two story dwellings, in a wide variety of locations • a high on-site open space to building ratio, providing for a range of residential activities. • high demand for increased medical facility capacity for the residential demographic. • sufficient open-space to building ratio • building will be only 2 stories high • The proposed development is mostly consistent with the objectives and policies of the Proposed City Plan.
104(1)(b)(vi) A proposed plan On site-Parking • Plan requires a minimum of 147 parking spaces X Consent application specifies 107 parking spaces to be built However, Appendix 4L of the City Plan has applicable adjustment factors • Allows reduction of up to 10% where shared access parking is demonstrated • Allows reduction of up to 10% for developments located within 750m of bus routes Expected Parking demand: 85-98 during the morning 79-95 during mid-day • Complies with most of the City Plan Traffic and Transportation Rules (Ch.4), except for the number of parking spots
104(c)Other relevant matters • Thorough consultation with the affected parties • A Resource Consent, RC 13036 was already granted in 2008 A comparison of the consent granted and the current proposed development: • Current proposal building footprint reduced by about 30% • Significantly reduced carpark (reduced parking demand around 50%) • Reduced site coverage • Improved landscaping proposal • Reduced operating hours
Decision Pursuant to Sections 104, 104(b), 104(c) and 104(d) of the Resource Management Act 1991, SNG Investments Limited discretionary, non-complying, and restricted discretionary application to develop a Mixed Use Development at 850 Cameron Road is granted. • The proposed activity will not be contrary to the purpose and principles of the RMA. • The actual and potential adverse effects of the proposal on the environment are considered to be not much greater than minor. • The proposal will be reasonably consistent with the relevant objectives and policies of the Proposed Tauranga City Plan. •
Conditions Pursuant to Section 108 of the RMA, this consent is subject to the following conditions: • The proposal shall proceed in accordance with the application submitted, including the mitigation of expected effects. This includes: • Trees (District Plan & City Plan) • On-site parking (City Plan 4B.2.3) • Acoustic fencing (City Plan 4B.2.3)
Conditions 2. Prior to the commencement of the development the consent holder shall: • Remove outside perimeter parking spaces • Remove the mature tree on 18th Avenue, permission conditional on mitigation • Install traffic lights on Cameron Road