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A comprehensive overview of the development of higher education in Malaysia from 1823 to 2006, including key milestones and the establishment of various universities and institutions.
Development of Higher Education in Malaysia • 1823Proposal for the establishment of a college by Sir Stamford Raffles. • 1889Training course for assistant surgeons. • 1918 Maxwell Committee recommended the founding of Raffles College. • 1921King Edward VII College of Medicine, its license in medicine and surgery was recognized by the General Medical Council of Great Britain in 1912. • 1925 The Public Works Department School was established. It was taken over by the Education Department as a Federal Institution in 1931. • 1929 The Raffles College for Arts and Science was established.
Development of Higher Education in Malaysia • 1931 - The School of Agriculture was opened to train agricultural assistants. • 1939 - The McLean Commission recommended the amalgamation of King Edward VII College of Medicine and Raffles College into a University College. • 1946 - Recommendation of the Sir Alexander Carr-Sounders Commission: amalgamation of King Edward VII College of Medicine and Raffles College into a full-fledged university. The Public Works Department School became the Technical College. • 1959 - The University of Malaya in Singapore was established. • 1947 - The College of Agriculture, Serdang was established. • 1957 - University of Malaya having one division in Kuala Lumpur and one division in Singapore.
Development of Higher Education in Malaysia • 1962 - The University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur became a separate and autonomous university on 1st January 1962. • Resolution of Penang State Legislative Assembly for the establishment of a University College of Arts and Science in Penang. • 1967 - Higher Education Planning Committee Report. Institute Teknologi MARA was established on 14 October 1967. • 1969 - Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman was established on 24 February 1969. Universiti Sains Malaysia was established in June 1969. • 1970 - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia was established on 18 May 1970.
Development of Higher Education in Malaysia • 1971 - Universiti Pertanian Malaysia was established on 4 October 1971. • The Universities and University Colleges Act (1971) was passed. • 1975 - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia was established on 1st April 1975. • 1983 - Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (International Islamic University of Malaysia) was established on 10 May 1983. • 1984 - Universiti Utara Malaysia was established on 16 February 1984. • 1992 - Universiti Malaysia Sarawak was established on 24 December 1992. • 1994 - Universiti Sabah Malaysia was established on 24 November 1994.
Development of Higher Education in Malaysia 1996 • The National Council on Higher Education was established. • Corporatization of public universities. • Legislation of four acts: Private Higher Education Institutions Act 1996.The National Council on Higher Education Act 1996.The National Accreditation Act 1996.The Universities and University Colleges Act (Amendment) 1996. 1997 • Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris was established on 24 February 1997. • University Malaya adopted a new Constitution. • The National Higher Education Fund Board Act 1997 was passed. • Universiti Pertanian Malaysia was renamed Universiti Putra Malaysia on 26 July 1997.
Development of Higher Education in Malaysia 1998 • All public universities adopted a new Constitution. • Kolej Universiti Islam Malaysia was established on 13 March 1998. 1999 • Institute Teknologi MARA was given university status on 26 August 1999 and renamed as Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). • Kolej Universiti Terengganu (KUT) was established on 15 July 1999. Was renamed Kolej Universiti Sains dan Teknologi Malaysia (KUSTEM). 2000 • Institut Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn (ITTHO) was given the status of university college and known as Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn (KUiTTHO). • Kolej Universiti Teknikal Kebangsaan Malaysia (KUTKM) was established on 1st Dec. 2000. • Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi Malaysia (KUKTEM) was established. • Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan Utara Malaysia (KUKUM) was established.
Development of Higher Education in Malaysia • 17 January 2005 - A Committee to study, review and make recommendations concerning the development and direction of higher education in Malaysia was appointed by the Minister of Higher Education. 2006 • 1 January 2006 - Universiti Darul Iman (UDM) was established. • 14th June 2006Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) was gazette as the 19th public universities in Malaysia. • July 2006 - A Report by The Committee to study, review and make recommendations concerning the development and direction of higher education in Malaysia was published. • November 2006 - Universiti Pertahanan Malaysia Nasional Malaysia was established.
Development of Higher Education in Malaysia 2007 • 1st February 2007 - University Malaysia Perlis, University Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, University Malaysia Pahang, University Sains Islam Malaysia, University Tun Hussin Onn Malaysia and University Malaysia Terengganu were upgraded to university status as a move to re-brand the university colleges. • 27 August 2007 - National Higher Education Action Plan 2007 – 2010: Triggering higher education transformation was published. • August 2007 - National Higher Education Strategic Plan 2007 was published. • Please find out the development from 2007 - 2010
University establishment • First university in the world is the University of Karaouine, established in 859 AD in Fez, Morocco by Fatima al-Fihri. • The university started in a mosque and is renowned for fundamental sciences. • The second oldest university is Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, established in 970 AD for Islamic studies and law.
University establishment • The third oldest university is University Nizamiyya, Iran. • 200 years after the establishment of universities by the Islamic society then came the University of Bologna, Italy (1088), the oldest university in Europe.
University Structure • Transition on university education requires university to restructure organization and be more responsive. • Restructuring of university according to corporate management model. • Corporate model of governance and structures. • Corporate model versus consensual model.
Universiti Putra Malaysia ialah pertubuhan perbadanan yang ditubuhkan dan diperbadankan mengikut Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti 1971 (Akta 30) dan atas perintah Yang Di-pertuan Agong di bawah Perintah (Pemerbadanan) Universiti Pertanian Malaysia P.U(A) 387/1971 dan Perlembagaan Universiti Putra Malaysia P.U.(A) 448/2010. • Sumber: Laman web http://www.ppuu.upm.edu.my/faq
Apakah itu Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti 1971? • Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti 1971 (Akta 30) ialah Akta Parlimen dan merupakan Akta yang membolehkan sesebuah universiti awam ditubuhkan oleh Yang Di-pertuan Agong.
Apakah perbezaan antara Statut-Statut, Kaedah-Kaedah dan Peraturan-Peraturan?
Apakah perbezaan antara Statut-Statut, Kaedah-Kaedah dan Peraturan-Peraturan?
Apakah perbezaan antara Statut-Statut, Kaedah-Kaedah dan Peraturan-Peraturan?
Constitutional Authority • By provision, universities act as corporations. • As a corporation, universities are collection of individuals united by authority of law, by special name & empowered to act as an individual. • The purposes of establishment are stated clearly to allow the functions (operate educational programs).
ConstitutionalAuthority Laws to legitimize establishment Power to functions & operate educational programs Institutional structure (Board, Senate, Faculty) Implementation of core functions
EDU5823/Topic3 The Structure Of Academic Organizations • Birnbaum (1989) categorizes the structure of academic organizations into five systems; tight and loose coupling, bureaucratic, political, anarchical, and cybernetic systems. • A system is an organized whole that has two or more interdependent parts and is separated from its environment by a boundary (Kast & Rosenzweig, 1973). • Systems are hierarchical; they made up of smaller systems and are themselves parts of larger systems. Smaller systems can be studied as a system.
EDU5823/Topic3 Process and Structure • Becher and Kogan (1980) • Four elements of structure in the system • The central level – national and local authorities • The individual institution • The basic unit – departments, school • The individuals – academics, students, administrators, researchers, workers
EDU5823/Topic3 The nature of systems • Interacting components – systems are composed of components that interact. There are components (technical subsystem) that turn inputs into outputs. Academicians, policy statements, research labs turn inputs such as students, money, books into outputs such as graduates, knowledge, service. • The administrative subsystem such as regulations, deans, budgets help to coordinate and direct the organization. • Boundaries – systems have boundaries that separate them from the larger super systems.
EDU5823/Topic3 The nature of systems • Inputs and outputs – systems receive inputs from the environment, transform them in some way, and return them to the environment. • Types of systems – closed systems and open systems. Closed systems have boundaries that tend to be rigid and impenetrable and limit interaction that take place with the environment. Linear and parts do not change. Open systems have boundaries that relatively permeable and interactions of many kinds are likely to occur between the environment and the system elements. Open systems are dynamic and nonlinear.
Higher Education System in Malaysia • The Malaysian university is made up of two components, the public and the private universities. • Various legislations particularly Education Act 1996, Act 550 provides the legal framework for the governance of all universities. • By 2007, Malaysia has 20 public universities. • The objectives of the establishment of the public universities in Malaysia to fulfill government’s aspiration to develop the economy and to wield together a heterogeneous population comprising of Malays, Chinese, Indians, and other minorities into a more homogeneous population (Jasbir Singh, 1991).
System of Administration • Ministry of Higher Education • Section 3 AUKU 1971 – the Ministry of Education is responsible for the general direction of higher education and administration. • MOHE is responsible • Functions: to control financial resources of public IHE expenditure; to supervise the academic programs.
System of Administration • Ministry of Higher Education • Vision – To turn Malaysia into a Center of Excellence for Higher Education • Mission – To develop and put in place a higher education environment that encourages the growth of premier knowledge centers and individuals who are competent, innovative with high morale values and international needs.
510 Private IHLs 7 Private IHLs 2 Private IHLs 406 Private Colleges 104 Private University/Uni. College • Engineering • Chemical #151 • Electrical & Electronic #201 • Mechanical & Aeronautical & Manufacturing #201 • Computer Science & Information System #301 #251 #151 #201 • Computer Science & Information System #201
Current Legislations • Education Act 1996 (Act 550) • Universities and University Colleges Act 1971 (Act 30) • Universities and University Colleges (Amendments) Act 1996 (Act 946) • National Council on Higher Education Act 1996 (Act 546) • Private Higher Educational Institutions Act 1996 (Act 555) • National Accreditation Board Act 1996 (Act 556) • National Higher Education Fund Corporation Act 1997 (Act 566) • Statutory Bodies (Discipline and Surcharge) Act 200, Act 605 • Companies Act 1965 • Institut Teknologi MARA Act 1976 (Act 173) • Institut Teknologi MARA (Amendment) Act 1996 (Act 964) • Education Institution Act (Discipline) 1976
MOHE's key functions • Determining policies and the direction of the higher education sector in order to build an excellent and outstanding nation that is rich in knowledge, culture and civilisation • Acting as a catalyst to develop the sector that enables the nation to compete in the era of globalisation • Dealing with the challenges of the present global economic scene, in line with the government's aspiration to produce adequate human resource with knowledge and high moral values.
The MEB (HE) sets out clear System and Student Aspirations System aspirations Access Quality Equity Unity Efficiency Student aspirations
10 Shifts to support the attainment of System and Student Aspiration Why it matters Where we are Objectives Principles Strategies and initiatives Initiatives implementation roadmap Malaysian Education Blueprint (Higher Education) 2015-2025
Higher education, as a matter of fact, has always served the labor market in one way or another and to one degree or another. In fact, universities began in Europe in early modern times precisely for that purpose. (Kerr, 1993, p. 50)
NATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION ACTION PLAN 2007-2010 The National Higher Education Strategic Plan outlines: Phase 1: Laying the foundation (2007-2010) Phase 2: Strengthening and enhancement (2011-2015) Phase 3: Excellence (2016-2020) Phase 4: Glory and sustainability (beyond 2020)
NATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION ACTION PLAN 2007-2010 The National Higher Education Strategic Plan outlines: Phase 1: Laying the foundation (2007-2010) Phase 2: Strengthening and enhancement (2011-2015) Phase 3: Excellence (2016-2020) Phase 4: Glory and sustainability (beyond 2020)