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Learn about the requirements and process to complete a Clinical Fellowship Year (CFY) in speech-language pathology for certification. Understand the mentoring criteria, submission guidelines, application process, and important considerations when selecting a setting and mentor.
CFYs and Certification Overview and Links for More Information
Requirements of the CFY • 36 weeks of full-time (35 hours per week) experience (or the equivalent part-time experience), totaling a minimum of 1260 hours. Part-time work can be completed, as long as the CF works more than 5 hours per week. • Mentoring by an individual holding ASHA certification in speech-language pathology. It is the responsibility of the Clinical Fellow to verify certification of the mentoring SLP
Requirements Cont. • A score of "3" or better on the core skills in the final segment of the experience, as rated by SLPCF Mentor using the SLP Clinical Fellowship Skills Inventory form. • 80% of time must be spent in direct clinical contact (assessment/diagnosis/evaluation, screening, treatment, report writing, family/client consultation, and/or counseling) related to the management of disordered that fit within the ASHA Speech and Language Pathology Scope of Practice.
Requirements Cont. • Submission of an approvable CF Report and Rating Form. • Rating Form • http://www.asha.org/uploadedFiles/SLP-CF-Report-Rating-Form.pdf • Skills Inventory • http://www.asha.org/uploadedFiles/CFSISLP.pdf
Mentoring Requirements • 6 hours of direct supervision per segment (each segment is one-third of the length of the fellowship) and 6 indirect monitoring activities per segment, typically including reviewing diagnostic reports/treatment records/plans of treatment, monitoring Clinical Fellow's participation in case conferences or professional meetings, and/or evaluating the Clinical Fellow's work by consulting with colleagues or clients and their families.
When to Submit Paperwork PRIOR TO STARTING YOUR CFY • There is no paperwork that must be submitted to ASHA prior to starting your CFY, however, you do not have to wait until the conclusion of your CF experience to submit your application for Certification UPON COMPLETION OF THE CFY • Please submit your application for certification and appropriate dues/fees (if you haven't already), along with the Clinical Fellowship Report and Rating Form If you change settings, supervisors, or the number of hours you work per week, complete a separate CF Report and Rating Form for each change.
Application Requirements for Certification • Application for Certification – 2014 Standards • Passing Praxis Exam Scores (sent directly to ASHA from ETS) • Fee $461 if you apply within 12 months of graduation • Official graduate transcript* which verifies the date and degree awarded (may arrive directly from institution) • Clinical Fellowship Report and Rating Form • *Applicants applying more than three years after graduation from a CAA-accredited graduate program must submit official undergraduate transcripts reflecting all coursework completed for certification. Internationally educated applicants must submit an original evaluated transcript.
PRAXIS • Send Scores to • ASHA • Oregon Board (or State Licensing Board) • U of O (required)
Selecting a Setting • Contact your state regulatory agency/licensing board for licensure requirements. • Ensure the setting will provide you with the opportunity to evaluate, habilitate, or rehabilitate individuals with speech and language disabilities. • Confirm that at least 80% of your time will be spent on activities directly related to the care and management of individuals with speech and language disorders. • Verify that the setting provides the full range of services-not solely screening. • Find out if a Clinical Fellow is considered to be a bona fide staff member.
Questions To Ask • What previous experience does the employer have with hiring Clinical Fellows? Have these been positive experiences? Did they run into problems? If so, what were they and how were these problems resolved? • How many other Clinical Fellows will be in this setting, geographic area, etc? • Will the setting or employer provide a mentoring SLP, or do you need to find your own? If they assign a mentor, do you have the opportunity to meet with this individual prior to the actual beginning date of the experience? If you need to find your own mentor, do they have suggestions or can they offer help? • Do you need to sign a contract with the site? If so, are there penalties for early termination of the contract? What are they? • Does the setting have a procedure for resolving problems that may occur between a supervisor and a Clinical Fellow? • What is the "chain of command" in the setting? What are the particular policies and procedures in effect in this setting? • Can you talk with individuals who are currently engaged in a Clinical Fellowship experience to get their feedback and impressions of the site? • At the conclusion of a CF successful experience, is the position a permanent position?
Selecting a Mentor • Meet with the individual to determine his or her previous supervisory experience. • Discuss what the Clinical Fellowship experience means to the mentor and about his or her experiences as a Clinical Fellow. • Determine that they have experience working with the populations that most interest you and that you will be provided an opportunity to gain experience with these clients. • Find out how many other Fellows they may be mentoring and the impact this will have on the time they have available to meet with you. • If possible, talk with other professionals who might have been mentored by this individual. Ask how their experience was, how accessible was the mentoring SLP and how quickly the required paperwork was completed. • The final and most important step in selecting a mentor is to verify the current certification status of your mentor before beginning the experience. Do not rely on the word of the mentoring SLP that they are certified—confirm it with the ASHA National Office at 1-800-498-2071.
Questions to Ask Potential CF Supervisor • Have they ever supervised a CF before? • How often will they be on site? • What is most challenging about their job? • What was their personal CF year like and what they wish was different? • What is there approach to mentoring?
How to Apply for State Licensure • Look up rules, processes, fees and applications for your state. • In Oregon, you will apply for a Conditional License with the State Board of Examiners • http://www.oregon.gov/BSPA/pdfs/Conditional_SLP_AUD_License_Application.pdf
Licensure (Oregon) • (1) “Degree requirements” under ORS 681.260(2) for those speech-language pathologists completing their professional training after January 1, 2006 are those outlined in the 2005 Certification Standards for Speech-Language Pathologists as promulgated by the Council For Clinical Certification (CFCC) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association: • (a) A minimum of 75 semester hours pertinent to speech-language pathology, which include: (b) At least 36 graduate credits in speech language pathology; • (c) A clinical practicum of 400 clock hours, of which 25 must be observational hours and 375 must be direct clinical interaction. Supervision must be provided by a speech-language pathologist who holds a Certificate of Clinical competency from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. At least 325 of these clock hours must be completed while in an accredited graduate program. • (d) Credit earned for a thesis or capstone project, if part of the accredited graduate program.
Licensure (Oregon Continued) • 2) For those speech-language pathologists completing their professional training after January 1, 2006 “supervised clinical experience” under ORS 681.260(3) means a program of clinical work that is: • (a) Begun after completing all graduate degree requirements; • (b) Supervised by a speech-language pathologist who holds a Certificate of Clinical competency from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association; • (c) A minimum of 35 hours per week for 36 weeks of practice, or its equivalent, for a total of not less than 1,260 hours; • (d) A minimum of 80% of the hours spent in direct client/patient contact (assessment/diagnosis/evaluation, screening, treatment, report writing, family/client consultation, and/or counseling), with the remainder in related record keeping and administrative duties.
Licensure (Oregon Continued) • For those speech-language pathologists completing their professional training after January 1, 2006, “examinations” under ORS 681.260(4) means the Praxis Examination in Speech-Language Pathology as administered by the Educational Testing Service. Applicants must score a minimum of 600 to qualify for licensure. • If English is not first language, additional tests may be required.
Maintaining Certification and Licensure CCC-SLP (ASHA Certification) • Submit Compliance Form to verify your 30 professional development hours in each 3 year certification period • For certification awarded after January 1, 2005, the 3-year interval begins the first January following the date certification was awarded. • Abide by the ASHA Code of Ethics • Maintain affiliation by Paying annual certification fees
Maintaining Cont… State Licensure • State Specific Requirements for CEUs and renewals (Many are every 2 years) • Abide by all governing laws of the state board