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Government Systems Around the World: From Autocracy to Democracy

Explore various government types worldwide including representative democracy, autocracy, totalitarianism, and absolute monarchy. Learn about leaders like Putin, Maduro, and Kim Jong-un. Discover democratic principles like direct and representative democracy.

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Government Systems Around the World: From Autocracy to Democracy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Governments Around The World

  2. Governments Around The World

  3. Representative Democracy Direct Democracy Democratic/Limited Government Barak Obama of The United States Authoritarian/Autocratic-Totalitarian/UnlimitedGovernment • Absolute Monarchy • Dictatorship • Oligarchy • Theocracy Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela

  4. Autocratic / Authoritarian Government • Those in power are not answerable to the people of the country and citizens do not have any real voice in how they are ruled Vladimir Putin

  5. Totalitarian Government • Ruler of a country control all aspects of life for their citizens and bans all opposition. Kim Jong-un Supreme Leader of North Korea

  6. Absolute Monarchy • A single ruler who has inherited their position through family and holds complete and unlimited power. King Salman King of Saudi Arabia

  7. Sheikh Hamim bin Khalifa Al Thani Emir of Qatar

  8. Dictatorship • A single leader who holds extraordinary power that is ussually not based on heredity (being born into a certain family).

  9. Bashar al-Assad President of Syria

  10. Robert Mugabe President of Zimbabwe

  11. Raul Castro President of Cuba

  12. Oligarchy • A small group holds power based on wealth, military power, social position, or a combination of these.

  13. Leaders of the Chinese Communist Party

  14. Theocracy • all laws are dictated by religious law and are strictly enforced ISIS

  15. And now for the democracies…

  16. Direct Democracy • People govern themselves by voting on issues directly as citizens. • All citizens meet and vote together as a part of the government • Requires a very small population and is very rare today • U.S. examples are recalls and initiatives where regular citizens gather signatures to remove politicians from office or change local/state laws.

  17. Plymouth Pilgrims Pericles of Greece Local Town Hall Meetings

  18. Representative Democracy • People elect representatives and give them the responsibility and power to make laws and conduct government. • May be presidential democracy or parliamentary democracy.

  19. Presidential Democracy • Constitution separates the executive branch from the legislative and judicial branches (separation of powers). • Executive branch is led by a president • Ex. U.S.; Mexico; Brazil; Algeria; Indonesia.

  20. Presidential System Legislative: Executive: Judicial: Makes Laws Enforces Laws Interprets Laws

  21. Parliamentary Democracy • Constitution combines executive and legislative functions in the Parliament • Parliament is led by the Prime Minister, generally the leader of the majority party • Ex. Italy; Germany; Israel, India; Ethiopia.

  22. Parliamentary System Judicial Legislative Executive Makes Laws Enforces Laws Interprets Laws

  23. Parliamentary Democracy with a Constitutional Monarchy • Functions just like a parliamentary democracy, but a monarch has a ceremonial role in representing the govt. • Ex. Britain, Canada, Sweden, Spain, Japan.

  24. Parliamentary System with Constitutional Monarchy Legislative Executive Judicial Makes Laws Enforces Laws Interprets Laws Monarch

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