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Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs Strategic Plan 2009-14

Presentation of strategic priorities, policy review, budget alignment, and legislative reforms for effective governance and service delivery.

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Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs Strategic Plan 2009-14

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  1. Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs5 August 2009Presentation of Strategic Plan: 2009-14 to Portfolio CommitteebyActing Director- General: Elroy Africa

  2. Strategic Planning Process 3 2 VISION MISSION VALUES CONTEXT (PESTLE) 4 1 Ministry • CGTA Strategic Plan: 09-14 • Strategic priorities • Strategies/ Focus Areas • Deliverables • Milestones Policy Review of Prov and Local Govt 5 7 6 Detail in Annual Perfor- mance Plan & Branch Business Plans MTEF Budget (Aligned to Strategy) Refinement of Organisational Structure

  3. DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS VISION STATEMENT “An integrated, responsive and highly effective governance system working with communities to achieve sustainable development and improved service delivery.” 3

  4. DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to facilitate cooperative governance and support all spheres of government, the institution of traditional leadership and associated institutions through: Development and implementation of appropriate policies and regulatory mechanisms to promote integration of government development programmes. Achievement of social cohesion through the creation of enabling mechanisms for communities to participate in governance; and Monitoring and evaluation of cooperation amongst government stakeholders to achieve improved service delivery. 4

  5. DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS STRATEGIC CONTEXT: MTSF PRIORITIES The MTSF priorities involve work that Cogta needs to take forward: 1. Speeding up growth and transforming the economy to create decent work and sustainable livelihoods; 2. Massive programme to build economic and social infrastructure; 3. Comprehensive rural development strategy linked to land and agrarian reform and food security; 4. Strengthen the skills and human resource base; 5. Improve the health profile of all South Africans; 6. Intensify the fight against crime and corruption; 7. Build cohesive, caring and sustainable communities; 8. Pursuing African advancement and enhanced international cooperation; 9. Sustainable Resource Management and use; 10. Building a developmental state including improvement of public services and strengthening democratic institutions. 5

  6. STRATEGIC SHIFTS REQUIRED From a weak undefined role to strong mandates for governance From supply-side service delivery to community-driven development approaches From abstract policy and interventions to programmes based on real experience and knowledge, including community or indigenous knowledge From technocratic models of accountability to community oversight of government From paternalistic support to empowering provincial and local institutions to perform their functions From state supply to state facilitated partnerships for development, in particular with Institutions of traditional Leadership Domestic focus to growing regional and international influence From a fragmented strategic plan to pursuing the minimum objectives that give the maximum impact DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS

  7. Legislative Reviews/Reforms DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS • Regulatory framework for development planning • Review and strengthen the current IGR Act • Reform the two tier system of Local Government (LG) • Reform the intergovernmental fiscal (IGFR) system • Strengthen legislation to intervene directly in provincial and local government • Reform the regulatory and support mechanisms for Municipal councils and Ward committees • Strengthen the regulatory framework for M&E • Review legislation as far as separation of powers in municipalities– regarding executive & legislative competencies

  8. Legislative Reviews/Reforms (Cont) DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS • Review legislation regarding performance management and compliance with Code of Conduct for elected public representatives • Reform the regulatory system for supply chain management in Provincial and Local Government • Review legislation on anti-corruption relating to LG • Review the legislative framework for Fire Services • Alignment of regulatory, institutional and support framework for the Institution of Traditional Leadership • Develop legislation to integrate Khoi-san communities into Institution of Traditional Leadership

  9. DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS Priority 1: Build the developmental state in provincial and local government that is efficient, effective and responsive • Strengthen the regulatory framework for Development Planning – NPC, PGDS’s and IDPs; • Align spatial planning and land use management within the national planning framework; • Review and strengthen legislation on intergovernmental relations (IGR) ; and • Reform the two tier system of local government • Reform the intergovernmental fiscal system (IGFR) • Strengthen institutional and cooperative governance capacity – PG & LG.

  10. DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS Priority 1: Build the developmental state in provincial and local government that is efficient, effective and responsive g) Establish a public school for elected municipal public officials and municipal public servants h) A Recruitment and retention strategy for local government and for specific occupations and professions i) Build quality targeted capacity in municipalities informed by National Capacity Building Framework J) Review the capacity building strategy on basis of skills audit 10

  11. DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS Priority 2: Strengthen accountability and clean government a) Regulatory framework for M&E b) Review legislation iro separation of powers regarding the executive competencies of municipalities c) Review legislation for performance management and compliance with Code of Conduct d) Establish inst arrangements for ministerial engagements with ward committees e) Municipal ethics campaign (Ayihlome) f) Reform the regulatory system for supply chain management in PG & LG g) Combat corruption and promote ethics and integrity – targeting both officials and elected leaders; h) Review legislation on anti-corruption; 11

  12. DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS Priority 2: Strengthen accountability and clean government (Cont) i) Improve accountability systems and transparency; and k) Campaign to manage municipal debt l) Improve quality of Annual Financial Statements m) Monitoring financial and performance audits o) Implement Operation Clean Audit 2014 – strengthen capacity of provinces to achieve clean audits and oversee municipalities p) Monitor and report on performance of municipalities 12

  13. DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS Priority 3: Accelerate service delivery and support the vulnerable • Accelerate provision of infrastructure and service delivery – focus on quality of service, backlog, growth and maintenance; • Focus on infrastructure – coordinate infrastructure grants to stimulate economic development; • Coordinate the rollout of Comprehensive Infrastructure Plans (CIPs) • Monitoring the service delivery role of ward committees, CDWs and Institution of Traditional leaders • Effective management of the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) • Audit on selected MIG funded projects • Support the vulnerable – prioritise support for children, youth, women, people with disabilities, elderly and those with HIV&AIDS

  14. DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS Priority 3: Accelerate service delivery and support vulnerable (Cont) h) Improve disaster management capacity i) Support for FIFA 2010 Soccer World Cup j) Strategy to support vulnerable groups with Free Basic Services (FBS) k) Improve proactive monitoring and responsive capability of the National Disaster Management Centre l) Support through effective operational plans for 2010 Soccer World Cup. m) Support Host Cities to deliver on 2010 obligations n) Support provinces and host cities for sustainability and long-term benefits 14

  15. DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS Priority 4: Improve developmental capacity of the Institution of Traditional Leadership Facilitate integration of the institution into the governance system – establish a national department for Traditional Affairs; Ensure transformation of the institution; Ensure institution plays a key role in service delivery, rural development, promoting peace, fighting poverty, moral regeneration, promoting indigenous knowledge systems, combating spread of HIV and AIDS, preservation of our cultures and traditions; Ensure a greater alignment across provinces in the regulatory, institutional and support framework for the institution; Develop legislation aimed at integrating the Khoi-san communities into the Institution of Traditional Leadership; Revise and implement a National Programme of Support for the Institution of Traditional Leadership; Ensure that Institution of Traditional Leadership plays central role in SADC and continental forum; 15

  16. DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS Priority 5: Foster development partnerships, social cohesion and community mobilization Build development partnerships with key local institutions including organized labour and business, Traditional Leadership, Religious, Civil Society, professional, academic and other stakeholder bodies Ensure a shared development agenda and support amongst key stakeholders; Build development partnerships with international and regional development institutions Embed trust in the work and decisions of government by enhancing community participation; Ensure communities become active partners in the provision of services and development; Enhance social cohesion, non-racism and nation building at local level; Reporting and interaction with parliamentary committees enhanced; Improve donor resource mobilisation, managing relations with donors and monitoring of donor funds and other resources. 16




  20. Vision 2011 DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS Current assessment of State of Local Government will provide the basis for the development of a national Local Government Turnaround Strategy By 2011, together with our partners, we intend to actively work towards achieving the following: • Significantly reduce the number of complaints of our people and communities against municipalities; • Give our Ward Committees the necessary powers and resources to develop and implement a Ward Development Plan; • Reduce the instances and reported cases of fraud and corruption in municipalities; • Ensure a reformed regime of remuneration and the provision for tools and trade for councillors, Ward Committee members and CDWs; • Ensure increased and effective monitoring of service providers by public representatives, officials and communities; • Reduce the number of service delivery protests across the country.

  21. Vision 2014 DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS By 2014, together with our partners, we intend to actively work towards achieving the following: • Reduce municipal debt by half, which has currently increased to more than R51bn; • Greater progress in working towards a debt-free society, by promoting a culture of saving and paying for services; • Ensure that all provinces and municipalities have clean audits; • Ensure that we have clean cities, through the management of waste in such a way that it creates employment and wealth. This must include the establishment and maintenance of People’s Parks; • Having trained and competent councillors, traditional leaders, officials, Ward Committee members, CDWs and community activists; and • Ensuring that our Thusong Centres become the face of cooperative governance in our local communities.

  22. DEPARTMENT OF CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE AND TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS “This Department will protect, guide, and direct our unique voices and roles over the next five years, as we project a single national harmonious melody that must have rhythm, vibrancy and meaning” THANK YOU 22

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