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Globalization Thematic Group. Globalization. What is globalization? Driving forces Measures Effects Response: Policies and Institutions. What is Globalization ?. The increased freedom and capacity of individuals and firms to:
Globalization Thematic Group
Globalization • What is globalization? • Driving forces • Measures • Effects • Response: Policies and Institutions
What is Globalization ? • The increased freedom and capacity of individuals and firms to: • undertake economic transactions with residents of other countries • operate on a global scale
Driving Forces of Globalization • A reduction in official obstacles/barriers for conducting business with foreigners • Fast reduction and convergence of transaction costs associated with doing this business
Examples of price decline in transport and communication • Between the early 1980's and 1996 real sea freight costs fell 70%. • Real air freight costs have fallen 3-4% a year over a long period. • Real costs of international phone calls fell 4% a year in the developing countries in the 1990's and 2% a year in the industrial countries.
Cost of a 3-Minute Telephone Call, New York to London (Constant 1990, U.S. $) $0.30
Examples of Innovation Driving Improved Quality/ Lower Cost Containerization easier tracking less pilferage/losses faster port services Electronic data easier tracking faster delivery interchange (better scheduling) just-in-time inventory management Fiber optics Lower costs
Average Air Transport Revenue per Passengers Mile (in 1990 US dollars)
Average Tariffs in Industrial Countries
Measures of Globalization • Trade integration • Financial integration • Global production networks
Trade to GDP Ratios Rose Dramatically over the Last Decade(Export plus import as a percentage of GDP) % Forecast Developing countries High-income OECD
Net Private Flows to Developing Countries, 1990-96(in billions of US$) US$ billions
Developing Countries and Foreign Direct Investment:Filtering for low FDI to GDP ratios, 1990-94 Number of countries of which
Global Production Networks • Local Firms • Low Labor Cost • Local Knowledge • Domestic Distribution • MNEs • Proprietary Technology • Management Know-How • Global Brands • Global Distribution • Scale • Direct Ownership • Joint Venture • Licensing • Franchising • Supplier Agreement
Special Characteristics of GPNs • Many studies have shown that firms which engage in global production enjoy unique, difficult to replicate assets--usually technology or differentiation • Many studies have also shown that foreign firms usually pay higher wages, have higher productivity, and greater export orientation--their difficult to replicate assets enable that • Certain parts of the world have become magnets for GPN in recent years--the Mexico-US. border; Guandong, adjoining Hong Kong; parts of Poland; parts of Malaysia; the Bombay and Bangalore region in India--this is where growth rates are often hitting 10% a year--and where the upgrading to higher value-added activities is occurring most rapidly
Share of MNE Affiliate Production inWorld Manufacturing Output Percent
Effects of Globalization • Growth • Adjustment costs and inequality
Openness and Growth Adam Smith (1776) Sachs & Warner (1995) Ben David (90s) Sebastian Edwards (1998) • Coastal regions grew faster--cheaper to transport by water and engage in division of labor • After adjusting for PCI and other factors, open economies grew 2-5% faster than slow economies • About 7-8 papers on the issue of convergence and its relation to growth • * In general, no convergence • * Shows that, over 1929-84: PCI in 48 US states converged systematically to that in NY state • * States that had half the average US income in 1929 grew 1% faster than the average. NY state (richest) grew about 1% slower than average, at 0.7% • * EU early years--little K&L flows--saw systematic convergence; half-life of the income gap to the average country fell from 75 years in 1900-1933 to 13 years in 1959-68 • Using trade policy indicators in study of 93 countries finds that openness induces faster total factor productivity growth.
Adjustment costs and inequality • Workers in protected sectors of the economy may lose their jobs as grade liberalization proceeds • Wage inequality may increase as a result of diffusion of more capital/science-based production that favor skilled over unskilled labor
Financial Misery Index since July 2, 1997(mean of changes in currency, stock market, interest rates)
Response to Globalization: Policies • Macroeconomic stability • Liberalisation of trade / prices / factor markets / FDI • Privatization • Orderly liberalization of capital flows • Better access to international markets / technology / infrastructure • Safety nets to ease adjustment costs
Response to Globalization: Institutions • Efficient public administration • Promote and enhance competition • Enforcement of rights / contracts • Regulatory framework for private provision of infrastructures • Institutions to facilitate the adoption of standards and norms • Sound financial systems