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The World Language Department and Second Hill Lane School proudly presents the FLES, ELLs, and ESOL Programs 2013 PTA Presentation presenters Karen E. Murano and Edna McClure. With great enthusiasm and highest expectations, THE STRATFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS WORLD LANGUAGE/ESOL DEPARTMENT
The World Language Department and Second Hill Lane Schoolproudly presents the FLES, ELLs, and ESOLPrograms2013 PTA Presentationpresenters Karen E. Muranoand Edna McClure
With great enthusiasm and highest expectations, THE STRATFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS WORLD LANGUAGE/ESOL DEPARTMENT Welcomes you to our District Programs and Classes! We are very pleased to offer the rewards of foreign language study as part of each child's comprehensive education. Every student has the opportunity to benefit from a wide variety of individual study areas, which combine to contribute to a lifetime of intellectual growth, productivity, satisfaction, and well-being. Why study foreign and classical languages? "Foreign language instruction should be a part of every child's education. A language is more than sounds and syntax: it is a culture, a way of thinking, and a perspective on the world. Each language is a precious resource that must be studied, used, and preserved precisely because a language opens the mind to new possibilities. The study of language is the study of life, literature, history, and thought. It is nothing less than the study of our world and ourselves." Former Secretary of Education, Rod Paige Research has shown that foreign language study: • Enhances cognitive development, creativity, higher order thinking skills and academic achievement. • Strengthens first language proficiency and improves memory, listening, and all communicative skills. • Engenders positive attitudes toward linguistic and cultural diversity. • Improves standardized test scores and casts favorable light on college admissions. • Incorporates 21st century learning skills to prepare students for success in our ever-evolving workplace. • Expands career opportunities in today's competitive, global, and increasingly technological society.
How do we accomplish all of this? By combining the 5 C's of World Language study: Communication - Culture - Connections - Comparisons-Communities with the7 Cs of 21st Century Learning: Collection of Information - Collaboration - Communication - Creativity - Critical Thinking - Character - CollegeandCareer Preparation How can we accomplish all this? By being attentive, adventurous, cooperative, communicative, creative, expressive, industrious, meticulous, perceptive, reflective, respectful, technological, tolerant, and sensitive! Foreign language study challenges the mind, spirit, and body simultaneously and unlocks the world!
Our secondary curriculum offers sequential courses in Spanish, French, and Latin. French and Spanish represent the 2nd and 3rd most influential modern languages in the world after English. Latinis their ever-present foundation stone and source of abundant cognates and linguistic treasure. • Course levels typically run 1-5 AP/ECE with Honors credit in Spanish 2-3-4, French 2-3-4, & Latin 2-3-4. • Middle school Fr. or Sp. students may register for level 2 courses in 9th grade or elect Latin 1. • Students wishing to learn a language not available may apply to the Southern CT Language & Cultural Exposure Program, which is affiliated with Yale University. • All courses feature modern texts with ample supporting instructional and technological materials including new wireless, portable language labs and Rosetta Stone programming.
For a complete description of course offerings, please access our district's web site. "Because the study of language and culture is inextricably intertwined, students of language and culture are better equipped to communicate with people in other cultures in a variety of settings, to look beyond their customary borders, and to act with greater awareness of self, of other cultures, and their own relationship to those cultures." National Standards in Foreign Language Education Project
7 Cs of 21st Century Learning Expectations Collection of Information– Learn to: • Access, organize, and use information • Evaluate and cite sources • Align solutions with tasks Collaboration – Learn to: • Initiate independently • Share responsibilities • Assist others • Take a variety of roles • Contribute ideas • Apply strategies • Keep an open mind • Tolerate different viewpoints Communication– Learn to: • Listen actively • Express ideas • Use multiple, appropriate forms of media and a variety of techniques. Creativity – Learn to: • Generate ideas, be original, and maximize creative efforts. • Know your personal creative process • Profit from your mistakes Critical thinking– Learn to: • Ask clarifying questions and analyze complex systems • Evaluate evidence and justify arguments • Reflect on learning and transfer problem-solving skills Character – Learn to: • Show consideration, respect, and concern for others • Embrace diversity and maintain positive values College and Career Preparation 5 Cs of World Language Instruction Communication– Learn to: • Use language to communicate in “real life” situations • Interpret oral and written messages • Demonstrate cultural understanding • Present oral and written information to various audiences for a variety of purposes. Culture – Learn to: • Understand and appreciate the relationship among languages and cultures • Understand and respect other people's points of view, ways of life, and contributions to the world. Connections – Learn to: • Access information from worlds of knowledge to which a monolingual speaker may only partially enter, if at all. • Connect with other subject areas, which share many common themes, topics, and content. Comparisons - Learn to: • Compare, contrast, and comprehend the nature of language and culture • Discover patterns, make predictions, and analyze similarities and differences • Strengthen one's knowledge of one's own language and culture. Communities - Learn to: • Interrelate appropriately in multilingual and multicultural communities at home and around the world. • Live, work, and prosper in a global
Las reglas de la clase Esimportante…. hablar preguntar contestar pensar… ...en españolpor favor. Gracias
en español escoger= to choose ganarpuntos pasouno + Hacertudía Kindergarten 10 puntos Grade 1 10 puntos Grade 2 10 puntos Grade 3 45 puntos Grade 4 45 puntos Grade 5 45 puntos Grade 6 45 puntos + pasotres + paso dos pasocuatro ofrecer = to offer ofrecerpuntos = offer points Yoofrezco#puntos. tener = to have Tengo un asunto de… = I have a concern… ajustar los puntos- adjust the points + + ganar = to earn ¿Cuántospuntosganastetú? = How many points did you earn? Yogané#puntos.
Kindergarten Unidades- Units Los saludos- Greetings Mifamilia- My Family Los colores- Colors La comida- Food Las letras del alfabeto- The Letters of the Alphabet Los números- Numbers Cultura- Culture Cristóbal Colón- Christopher Columbus Las Posadas- Holiday in Latin America El día del amor- Valentine’s Day Cinco de Mayo
First Grade Unidades- Units El calendario- Calendar Los números- Numbers El cuerpohumano- The Human Body Vocabulario de la clase- Classroom Vocabulary La ropa- Clothing Zoophonics- Alphabet Program Cultura- Culture Cristóbal Colón- Christopher Columbus Las Posadas- Holiday in Latin America El día del amor- Valentine’s Day Cinco de Mayo
Second Grade Unidades- Units Los meses- The Months Los números- Numbers La comunidad- The Community La comida- Food Los animales- The Animals Los sentimientos- Feelings Estrellitas- Literacy Program Cultura- Culture Cristóbal Colón- Christopher Columbus Las Posadas- Holiday in Latin America El día del amor- Valentine’s Day Cinco de Mayo
Third Grade Unidades- Units Los números- Numbers Los meses, tiempoy lasestaciones- The Months, Weather, and Seasons La casa- The House La comida- Food Los animales- Animals La orugamuyhambrienta- The Very Hungary Caterpillar (Literacy Based) Estrellitas- Literacy Program CuentosFonéticos- Literacy Program Cultura- Culture Cristóbal Colón- Christopher Columbus Las Posadas- Holiday in Latin America El día del amor- Valentine’s Day Bark Painting Cinco de Mayo
Fourth Grade Unidades- Units Expresionesútiles- Useful Expressions Los números- Numbers La comunidad- Community El reloj- The Clock/Telling Time Los pasatiempos- Pastimes ¿Dóndeestá?- Where is it? Los artículos- Definite and Indefinite Articles El ciclo de vida de la rana- The Life Cycle of a Frog Cuentosfonéticos- Literacy Program Scholastic News “en español”- As it relates to current themes Cultura- Culture Cristóbal Colón- Christopher Columbus Las Posadas- Holiday in Latin America El día del amor- Valentine’s Day Bark Painting Cinco de Mayo Reading with “maestra en la plaza” and “en el parque”
Fifth Grade Unidades- Units Expresionesútiles- Useful Expressions Los números- Numbers Unavisita al restaurante- A Visit to a Restaurant La playa- The Beach El ciclo de vida de unaplanta- The Life Cycle of a Plant La granja- The Farm La gallinitaroja- The Little Red Hen El sistema solar- The Solar System Cultura- Culture Cristóbal Colón- Christopher Columbus Las Posadas- Holiday in Latin America El día del amor- Valentine’s Day Cinco de Mayo La Puerta de Alcala, Madrid “Gateway to 6th grade”
Sixth Grade Unidades- Units Capítulo 1 vocabulario 1- Chapter 1 Vocaulary 1 Capítulo 1 gramática 1- Chapter 1 Grammar 1 Capítulo 1 vocabulario 2- Chapter 1 Vocaulary 2 Capítulo 1 gramática 2- Chapter 1 Grammar 2 Capítulo 1 cultura de España- Chapter 1 Culture of Spain Cultura- Culture España- Spain New textbook “Exprésate”
Communication Cultures Connections Comparisons Communities The National Standards 5 C’s for Foreign Language Learning
Communication Cultures Connections Comparisons Communities The National Standards 5 C’s for Foreign Language Learning ACTFL’s National Standards for World Language 1996 21st Century Skills/Recipe for Success
Bloom’s Taxonomy & Levels of Questioning
8 Multiple Intelligences(remember to develop all…not just one or two strengths- Gardner) 1.) Verbal/Linguistic 2.) Logical/Mathematical 3.) Visual/Spatial 4.) Bodily/Kinesthetic 5.) Musical/Rhythmic 6.) Interpersonal 7.) Intrapersonal 8.) Naturalist
el 25 de noviembre de 2012Estimados Padres,I am pleased to announce the launch of a new “Wikispaces” website for all levels of Spanish students at Second Hill Lane School, Kindergarten through Sixth Grade. Wikispaces is a website used only for educators, levels Kindergarten through college. The incorporation of technology across all disciplines is critical to developing 21st century learning skills, and essential to preparing students for future studies in their second language. The newly designed website is optional or may be used for enrichment. It can be found at http://secondhilllanespanish.wikispaces.com. It is an exciting opportunity for me to be able to include, share, and use the very latest in educational technology with my students. I will use “secondhilllanespanish” periodically in class as a teaching tool, but the primary goal of the Wiki is to create a learning community for my language students and extend the classroom to the home, including involving all families in our studies! In addition, the 4th grade literacy books are available for listening and pronunciation practice, as well as the 6th grade ¡Exprésate! (our textbook) website links that will allow for easy student access and practice that is aligned with class quizzes and tests.I invite you to visit the “Wiki”, and encourage your son or daughter to review or practice the different themes we are studying in class as we move through the curriculum and academic year. Wikispaces is a safe educational site, but as with all technology parent supervision is recommended.Welcome to our new “Wiki”☺!Sinceramente,MaestraP.D. Our Wiki link is posted on the Second Hill Lane Elementary School website, in the drop down bar “Departments & Staff”, then “Staff Biographies and Websites”, “maestra” Ms. Murano.
Wikispaceswww.wikispaces.com http://secondhilllanespanish.wikispaces.com/ http://latinamericanculture1.wikispaces.com/ click link to visit my webpage
Querido Andy, ¿cómo has estado? Tu mamá y yo estamos bien. Te extrañamos mucho. Por favor, apaga la computadora y baja para comer algo. Con amor, Papá
Mi nombre era David. Pero parecía muy anticuado. Por eso lo reduje... ahora me llamo DVD.
Creating an Authentic Classroom/ Learning Environment