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Established in 1983 Vision : Everyone will have an American Park Experience Mission : Preserving parks today; Creating park stewards for tomorrow. Land and Park Preservation : completed more than 100 land preservation projects - 47 national parks, 31 states
Established in 1983 Vision: Everyone will have an American Park Experience Mission: Preserving parks today; Creating park stewards for tomorrow • Land and Park Preservation: completed more than 100 land preservation projects • - 47 national parks, 31 states • - 13 forests, wildlife refuges and state parks • Park Stewards: Kids to Parks program created in 2009 to address the growing • disconnect of kids with our parks • - Promote park stewardship and engagement • - Experiential, hands-on learning • - Support “green” job opportunities for our youth, focusing on under-served • communities • - Promote healthy living
Kids to Parks Programs Where’s Buddy Bison Been?®: Engage children with local, state and national parks – utilize parks as classrooms and for recreation. • Cross discipline: STEM, history, language arts, geography, reading, physical education, music, etc… • 44 schools in 16 states and Washington, D.C. • Mobilized over 15,000 kids, preK – 8th grade • Partnerships with 50 parks, wildlife areas, forests, lakes, rivers • Funds park trips and classroom resources: we bring kids to parks and parks to kids
Kids to Parks Programs • National Kids to Parks™ Day: Inspires kids, parents, teachers, cities and towns to visit their local, state and national parks where they can discover the unique science and history of their parks and experience the numerous healthy outdoor recreation opportunities available. • 138,783 participants • 360 park events hosted • 306 mayors from 50 states and Washington, D.C. and 10 governors • 418,000 online media hits • 42 classrooms received Kids to Parks Day School Contest Scholarships benefiting • 1,700 kids in 21 states and Washington, D.C. • Senate resolution passed
History of Partnership • New Orleans • Biloxi • North Kansas City • Atlantic City • Southern Indiana Since 2010, Caesars has provided grants to help NPT engage thousands of children and their families with the outdoors and nature through the Buddy Bison School program HERO volunteers have played an integral part in Buddy Bison program Communities Impacted: 14 schools Reno/Tahoe: Laughlin Las Vegas Region Council Bluffs Philadelphia
History of Partnership • Harrah's Metropolis • Harrah's Reno • Harrah's Rincon • Horseshoe Southern Indiana • Harrah's New Orleans • Las Vegas Region • Harrah's Ak-Chin Caesars is lead sponsor of National Kids to Parks Day 2012 and 2013 Toolkit of resources created for properties NPT staff support Types of events: school partnerships, service projects and family friendly events Communities Impacted: Horseshoe Casino Bossier City Harrah's Resort Laughlin Harrah's North Kansas City Harveys Lake Tahoe Grand Biloxi Harrah's Joliet Horseshoe Casino Hammond Council Bluffs Region
Why Partnership Works • Caesars has a clear understanding of their stakeholders/markets - open to creating innovative partnerships to achieve goals • Alignment of philanthropic missions • Caesars supports NPT’s strategic goals of conservation and stewardship • NPT supports Caesars’ CSR and ECI goals including environment, health and wellness
Why Partnership Works • Responsiveness / Flexibility - Calendar of communication initiated at start of partnership: webinars, conference calls - NPT is “on-the-ground” - Co-branded collateral provided to support program - NPT customizes program to meet volunteer schedules and goals - Create programs that are unique to properties’ geographic region and interests of employees • Multiple opportunities for engagement - Buddy Bison School Program: school park trips, visits to classroom - National Kids to Parks Day: school partnerships, service projects and family friendly events
Benefits to NPT • Secure resources to expand the reach and impact of Kids to Parks programs in rural and inner-city communities • Buddy Bison School Programs: 14 schools benefiting students in grades 2 – 8, 85% qualify for free or reduced-priced lunch • National Kids to Parks Day: Nearly 140,000 people engaged in all 50 states and national school contest launched benefiting nearly 1,700 • Leverage Caesars’ reach with their stakeholders to gain local and national visibility and engagement • local and national media coverage • Caesars’ executive involved with NPT leadership - opportunity to collaborate with and form new ideas
Benefits to Caesars • Meeting multiple strategic giving and ECI goals - Invest in their people, environment and community National Kids to Parks Day provides opportunity for all properties to be connected through one national initiative - Helps children in under-served communities learn about sustainability and conservation • Nonprofit promotes partnership to their stakeholders both locally and nationally • Turnkey program that can be easily customized to meet property needs - Focus on health and wellness, environment, underlying importance of diversity • Students learn about local employment opportunities