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Case Presentations

By: Nour-Eldin A Nour-Eldin. Case Presentations. Female Patient , 35 years, recurrent attacks of Headache. Non Contrast CT. DD: Oligodendroglioma Tuberculoma Cavernoma Old Haematoma. Calcified Cavernoma.

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Case Presentations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By: Nour-Eldin A Nour-Eldin Case Presentations

  2. Female Patient , 35 years, recurrent attacks of Headache. Non Contrast CT • DD: • Oligodendroglioma • Tuberculoma • Cavernoma • Old Haematoma Calcified Cavernoma

  3. Male Patient , 42 years, recurrent attacks of Headache , Projectile vomiting , Bluring of Vision axial T2-W Coronal post contrast T1-W Glioblastoma Multiformis

  4. 38 y Female presenting with , tremors, seizures and ataxia Axial PD T2-weighted Multiple Sclerosis Axial PD T2-weighted

  5. 42-year-old male with lump in tongue base Sagittal T1-weighted post-Gd MRI Axial T1-weighted Axial T1-weighted Lingual Thyroid Gland

  6. Lingual thyroid gland Definition Ectopic thyroid tissue in tongue. Imaging Features Hyperdense mass compared to muscle; post-contrast enhancement T1-weighted and T2-weighted MRI: iso- or hyperintense to muscle T1-weighted post-Gd MRI: homogeneous contrast enhancement

  7. 24y old male, Attaxia , Facial Palsy Giant brain-stem AVM Non Contrast CT T2-weighted T2*-weighted image T1 Post Contrast

  8. 32 y old Female, Visual Field Loss (Hemianopia) CapilaryHaemangioma T1 WI Contrast CT T2 WI T2 WI

  9. Choroid plexus papillomas 7 y male patient, with convulsions , headache and vomiting

  10. 42-year-old woman presenting with two episodes of seizures Right Temporal AVM

  11. Thank you Thank you

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