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Psychologists Review

Psychologists Review. Q:. Sleeping is an example of what type of behaviour?. A:. innate. Q:. Driving a car is an example of this type of behaviour…. A:. learned. Q:. The idea that our self-concepts are based upon what we feel other people think of us is called…. A:. Looking-glass self.

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Psychologists Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Psychologists Review

  2. Q: • Sleeping is an example of what type of behaviour?

  3. A: • innate

  4. Q: • Driving a car is an example of this type of behaviour…

  5. A: learned

  6. Q: The idea that our self-concepts are based upon what we feel other people think of us is called…

  7. A: • Looking-glass self

  8. Q: • The theory of “looking –glass self” was proposed by…

  9. A: • Cooley

  10. Q: • Who was the father of psychoanalysis?

  11. A: • Sigmund Freud

  12. Q: • What motivates human behaviour according to Freud?

  13. A: • Motivation comes from needs in our lives that create drives or desires

  14. Q: • Who discussed conservation of mass?

  15. A: • Piaget

  16. Q: • Which theorists broke learning into four age stages including the sensory motor period, pre-operational thought, concrete operational thought and formal operational thought.

  17. A: • Piaget

  18. Q: • Which of Piaget’s stages includes abstract reasoning?

  19. A: • Formal operational thought

  20. Q: • According to Freud, which part of the mind holds our unconscious desires?

  21. A: • Id

  22. Q: • Who would describe Ms. Roughneen as an ENTJ? HAHAHA!! “If one word were used to capture ENTJ's style, it would be commandant. The basic driving force and need of ENTJ's is to lead, and from an early age they can be observed taking over groups. This type is found in approximately 5 percent of the total population. ENTJ's have a strong urge to give structure wherever they are-to harness people to distant goals. “ “http://www.geocities.com/lifexplore/entj.htm

  23. Carl Jung

  24. Q: • Which type of personality looks inward and is emotionally self-sufficient?

  25. A: • Introvert

  26. Q: • Describe an extrovert

  27. A: • Needs multiple social relationships and is comfortable in large groups

  28. Q: • Explain the difference between the “personal” and “collective” unconscious according to Jung

  29. A: • Personal unconscious is unique to the individual while collective unconscious is common to all and includes memories from our ancestors

  30. Q: • Who believed that we all go through 8 different “identity Crises” ?

  31. A: • Erikson

  32. Q: • Which theorist stated that at the age of retirement people would struggle with the idea that they might no longer be productive members of society?

  33. A: • Erikson

  34. Q: • Which theorist discussed 3 levels of moral development ?

  35. A: • Kohlberg

  36. Q: • Match the stage with the description

  37. A:

  38. Q: • Label Freud’s iceberg Model D B A C E

  39. A: • Label Freud’s iceberg Model D- Conscious level A: Superego B: Ego E: Unconscious level C: Id

  40. Q:She critiqued Kohlberg’s theory for its focus on males and proposed a different model of moral development for females…

  41. A: Gilligan?

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