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Finances & Career Planning. Chapter 2. Section 1 Main Idea. Choosing & Planning fro the right career will help you find fulfillment both personally & financially. Section 1 Objectives. Identify the personal issues to consider when choosing & planning your career.
Finances & Career Planning Chapter 2
Section 1 Main Idea • Choosing & Planning fro the right career will help you find fulfillment both personally & financially
Section 1 Objectives • Identify the personal issues to consider when choosing & planning your career. • Explain how education & training affect career advancement • Discuss the factors that influence employment
Identify some trade offs associated with 3 different jobs. Groups will choose jobs in different fields & list trade offs
Group Work How does cost of living effect career decisions?
How do employee benefits effect job offers? Groups will work on Activity 3.9 Handout
List and explain ways that education effect career advancement • Groups will be assigned the following professions for this activity. • Law firm Intern • Teacher • Assembly Line Supervisor • Construction Worker • Plumber
What things should be considered when seeking a degree or higher Education? Will I be able to pay off debit quickly? What is the earning power of that degree? Does the degree have lasting need? How will this advance my career?
Discuss how the following influence employment: • Social Influences • Demographic Trends are tendencies of people to be grouped by characteristics • Geographic Trends are the tendencies of people moving in a country as finacial centers shift locations
Discuss how the following influence employment: • Economic Factors • Due to the economic changes, jobs can become scarce or abundant. • This can also cause changes in what jobs are needed.
Discuss how the following influence employment: • Trends in Industry & Technology • Causes manual labor jobs to decrease. • Can also see decreases in menial jobs & an increase in programming, data processing/management, as well as development & implementation of techonology
Section 2 Main Idea • Learn effective strategies to help you get the job or career that meets your personal & financial goals.
Section 2 Objectives • Describe effective strategies to obtain employment • Identify sources of career opportunities • Identify the financial & legal issues to consider when looking for employment.
What ways can one gain job experience? Part Time Work Volunteer Work Internships & Coopporative Education Class projects or after school activites How do each of these give you experience?
List career information sources and give examples of each. • Library • Mass Media • Internet • School Guidance • Community Organizations • Professional Organizations • Contacts • Occupational Outlook Handbook • Newspaper Want Ads • Websites • Job Corp • Civic Groups • Unions • Networking
What are some factors affecting Salary? • Education • Experience • Performance that determines raises &/or promotions
What should have been learned about employee benefits from the Activity 3.9 worksheet You have to look threw all benefits in order to calculate what is the best salary
What rights do you have as an employee? • Can not be fired or not hired due to pregnancy • Can not be discriminated against due to race, sex, or religion • Employers must meet or exceed minimum wage • Employer must pay for unemployment insurance, social security, & provide compensation for work related injuries • Can employers get around these rights?