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District 15 Service Committee Scholarships and Z Clubs. 2010/2012 District 15 Service Committee. Bonnie McArthur, Chair & Coordinator-AE Gayle Manley, Coordinator-JMK Penny Boldrey, Coordinator-YWPA Award Julia Miller, Coordinator-Z & Golden Z Clubs
District 15 Service Committee Scholarships and Z Clubs
2010/2012 District 15 Service Committee Bonnie McArthur, Chair & Coordinator-AE Gayle Manley, Coordinator-JMK Penny Boldrey, Coordinator-YWPA Award Julia Miller, Coordinator-Z & Golden Z Clubs Darcie Clapp, Coordinator-Special Projects
Amelia Earhart Fellowships The program commemorates groundbreaking aviator and Zontian Amelia Earhart.
Since 1938,1,297 fellowships have been awarded to 902 women representing 64 countries.
The AE Fellowships focus on eliminating the gender bias that women face in pursuing doctoral degrees in the sciences. Annually, 35 fellowships of $10,000 are awarded.
Why Should Clubs Participate? To raise Club members awareness regarding International programs & opportunities for women. Use name recognition of Amelia Earhart to increase awareness of local Clubs. Increase membership in ZI by inviting past & current AE Fellows.
How Can ClubsParticipate? Conduct an AE program in January to raise awareness of the fellowships. Donate to Zonta International’s Amelia Earhart Fellowship Fund. Encourage eligible women to apply. Azadeh Sheidaei District 15 2010 AE Fellow
How to Apply? Details and application are available at: www.zonta.org. Current Fellows may apply to renew their fellowship for a second year. Applications are submitted to Zonta International by mid-November each year. All applicants are notified of their status by the end of April.
Young Women in Public Affairs Award Established in 1990, 565 awards to women representing 49 countries.
What is the YWPA Award? Award encourages young women to participate in public and political life by recognizing their volunteer leadership to the advancement of the status of women. Applicant must be a pre-college student (ages 16-19) living or studying in a Zonta district. $1,000 District 15 Award. 5 - $3,000 awards at the International level.
Why Should Clubs Participate? • To improve the economic, educational and professional status of women. • To further opportunities for public relations for Zonta. • To develop and encourage young leaders. • To lay the groundwork for future members.
How Can Clubs Participate? Actively promote YWPA Award at local high schools. Offer a Club Award. Publicize Club recipient through local media. Invite YWPA recipient (and her mother) to a Club meeting.
How to Apply? Details & application available at: www.zonta.org. Must apply through a local Zonta Club. Club selection due by April 1 to District Governor Denise Quarles. District recipient will be selected by May 1 and application sent to ZI headquarters. Contact Penny Boldrey, WYPA Coord. with questions @www.alpenacc.edu.
District 15 - 2010 YWPA Award Recipient District 15 presented Rachel Lichty a $1,000 scholarship from ZI Foundation. Rachel’s application was submitted by the Zonta Club of Leelanau County.
2011 D-15 YWPA Applicants Sydney Noeske, Zonta Club of Gaylord Jennifer Langton, Zonta Club of Cadillac Alyson Valazza, Zonta Club of Saginaw Kayla Keller, Zonta Club of Alpena Katelyn Flint, Zonta Club of Midland Rachel Webb, Zonta Club of Southfield Emily Stowe, Zonta Club of Leelanau Co. Emily Lint, Zonta Club of Traverse City Michelle Johnson, Zonta Club of Marquette
Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships Since 1998, 237 scholarships to 192 women representing 37 countries
What is the Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship? The program was established in 1998 to encourage undergraduate women to enter careers and seek leadership positions in business-related fields. The program was established from a bequest from Jane M. Klausman, a member of the Zonta Club of Syracuse, New York.
Who is Eligible? Any woman in at least the second year of an undergraduate degree in business or a business-related program, up to the final year of a Master’s program.
How Much is the Scholarship? • The program operates at the Club, District and International level. • $1,000 at the District level. • There are 12 $5,000 scholarships available at the International level.
Why Should Clubs Participate? • Create awareness of Zonta at colleges and universities. • Offers a great public relations opportunity for Clubs. • To gain publicity in community newspapers and media. • Demonstrates Zonta’s commitment to leadership development and encourages community service.
How Can Clubs Participate? • Clubs actively advertise the scholarship. • Before distributing application forms clubs should insert their name, return address and local deadlines on the form. • Clubs can put the application forms on their website. • Clubs may want to have their own Selection Committee and their own award.
How to Apply? • Applicants apply through a local Zonta Club. • Club sends the winning application to the District Governor Denise Quarles by July 1. • The Service Committee reviews all applications and selects the District recipient before Sept. 1. Cailey Anne Ryckman 2010 District 15 JMK Recipient
When is the Deadline? • July 1 of each year. • Questions – Contact Gayle Manley at: www.gmanley@shaw.ca • In District 15 Clubs send applications to: Gov. Denise Quarles: 4021 River Cove Dr. Lansing, MI 48917
Z Clubs & Golden Z Clubs Future Leaders Building a Better World Today The youth of today will be the leaders of tomorrow, and the Z Club and Golden Z Club program is a way for these future leaders to build a better world today.
What Are Z and Golden Z Clubs? Established in 1948, the Z Club and Golden Z Club program is one of Zonta International's longest-running programs. Z Clubs and Golden Z Clubs help high school, college and university students develop leadership skills, promote career exploration and encourage members to participate in community, school and international service projects.
Why Should Clubs Participate? • Increase awareness of Zonta in your community. • Pipeline for future members. • Provides mentoring opportunities for Club members. • Additional help for Club activities & events.
Where Do You Find Them? Z Clubs are formed on secondary school campuses, or in the community. Golden Z Clubs are established on college and university campuses. There are 209 Z and Golden Z Clubs in 16 countries around the world.
How Can Clubs Participate? A Z Club or Golden Z Club is sponsored by a Zonta Club. The sponsoring Zonta Club pays the charter registration fee of $25 and yearly renewal fee of $5 to ZI. The sponsoring Club is the link between Z Club and Zonta International and responsible for sharing information.
What Does The Sponsor Club Do? Arrange to meet with a representative of the secondary school or college. Provide a venue for students to become Z Club or Golden Z Club members. Provide a place to meet. Select a teacher as an advisor to the Z Club or Golden Z Club members. Provide assistance to the advisor when necessary.
What Are The Benefits? Provides opportunities for young women to develop leadership skills. To explore career alternatives. To improve global understanding through service. Most importantly, Z Clubs & Golden Z Clubs offer the satisfaction of giving.
District 15 Z & Golden Z Clubs Charlevoix Area MSU Golden Z Club Traverse City Central Brace-Lederle/MacArthur Southfield Marquette Senior High School Z Club Northern MI University Golden Z club Negaunee High School Z Club New Z Club formed Jan. 19, 2011 by the Zonta Club of Southfield.
Z Club & Golden Z Information • Contact Julia Miller, • District 15 Coordinator at • www.jmiller@msu.edu • Go go www.zonta.org • Check out January 2011 issue of The Zontian.
Service Projects Any service project taken on by a Zonta club to advance the status of women worldwide is considered service.
District 15 Areas of Focus • Improving the health of women. *Breast Cancer Awareness -Participate in comfort pillow project. • Prevention of violence against women. *Human Trafficking *Domestic or Sexual Violence
What Are District Projects? • Sometimes a District will have a special focus and ask all clubs to participate. • This biennium, District 15 encourages clubs to participate in Rose Day projects around International Women’s Day on March 8 and submit One Project, • One Paragraph, One Picture to • be compiled and shared.
Why Should Clubs Participate? • Club member satisfaction. • Publicity with local media. • Community awareness. • Potential members. • Raise awareness of members to donate 1/3 of money to International, while 2/3 stays in the local community.