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ECE 3355 Electronics. Lecture Notes -- Set 1 -- Version 13 Dr. Dave Shattuck Dept. of ECE, Univ. of Houston. Course Description and Rules 1.
ECE 3355 Electronics Lecture Notes -- Set 1 -- Version 13 Dr. Dave Shattuck Dept. of ECE, Univ. of Houston
Course Description and Rules 1 • You may call me at the office 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may FAX me at the office 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please, don’t call me at home. Email is usually the best way to reach me.
Course Description and Rules 2 • Prerequisites. You need to have all of them, or ask for a waiver from Dr. Markenscoff. No exceptions. If you receive a letter concerning prerequisites, it means that the student database does not know that you have the prerequisites. Return the letter, explaining the Truth.
Course Description and Rules 3 • Buy the book. Sedra and Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, 6thEdition. If you have trouble finding it, let me know ASAP.
Course Description and Rules 4 • Exams. On Saturday mornings, in large rooms, to be announced. The dates are in the syllabus. One crib sheet, both sides, and any calculator may be used. You should bring writing implements, and your student ID.
Course Description and Rules 5 • Homework. Timely submission of the homework is required. Late homework earns a grade of zero. Most students benefit by working on homework with other students. You may work together on the homework. Form groups. Use the homework to learn.
Course Description and Rules 6 • Grading. We do not curve, in the sense that we do not give grades based on the performance of others. The grading scheme listed is a guaranteed minimum.
Course Description and Rules 7 • Laboratory. The laboratory is a big part of this course. Learning comes from doing. We will find ways to have you do things, so that you can learn. The communications skills parts of this course also comes in the laboratory. The formal report, team projects, and oral presentations will happen in the lab.
Course Description and Rules 8 • Email. Email messages will be sent to the class through Blackboard. You should make sure that this email gets to an email address you check regularly. Answers to questions sent by email will be sent to the class through Blackboard, after removing anything in the message that might identify you.
Course Description and Rules 9 • Academic Honesty Policy. We will follow the Academic Honesty Policy of the University of Houston, as covered in the Student Handbook. Read it. Sign the form saying that you agree to follow it, and submit the form to me.
Course Description and Rules 10 • Religious Holy Days and Students with Disabilities. If you need accommodations or need to request an excused absence, I would like to know about these in advance, in writing, so that I can make appropriate plans.
Course Description and Rules 11 • Attendance. You are expect to come to class each class period, on time. I will have an assigned seat for you. You need to be seated in that seat at the time class begins. • If you need to come to class late, you may take any seat you wish.
Course Description and Rules 12 • Summary. Do the homework. Come to class. Read the book. Work alone sometimes, and in groups sometimes. Spend time in the laboratory, and use the time to learn by doing. Plan to work 12 or more hours a week, outside of class.
Course Overview 1 • Foundation Concepts in Electronics -- Signals, analog and digital, amplification, circuit models for amplifiers, linearity in all its forms, biasing, frequency response, filtering, pulse response, transfer characteristics, transfer functions, Bode plots.
Course Overview 2 • Op Amps & Op Amp Circuits -- Basics of op amps, ideal op amps, negative feedback, virtual shorts, example op amp circuits.
Course Overview 3 • Diodes -- Basics of diodes, ideal diodes, analysis techniques for diodes, diode equation, nonlinear circuits and their uses, semiconductor physics.
Course Overview 4 • Transistors -- Basics of transistors (BJTs), analysis techniques for transistors, amplifier circuits, switching circuits.
We will cover from Sedra & Smith: • Chapter 1 - Read all of it. This material is important. Some of it will make more sense later in the semester.