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James #5. Faith and Works, 2:14-26. James #5 , Faith & Works 2:14-26. Thus far in James we’ve seen: > Tests, Trials, & Temptations >The importance of Perseverance > Doers vs. Hearers of the Word and >The Sin of Partiality. Now we’re ready for Faith & Works.
James #5 Faith and Works,2:14-26
James #5, Faith & Works2:14-26 • Thus far in James we’ve seen: >Tests, Trials, & Temptations >The importance of Perseverance >Doers vs. Hearers of the Word and >The Sin of Partiality. Now we’re ready for Faith & Works.
James #5, Faith & Works2:14-26 • From these things we notice the eminent practicality of the epistle. • It has often been referred to as “The Gospel of Common Sense.” • So how strange it is that today’s text has been the center of so much controversy and debate. • But it has been and will continue to be even dismissed by some as spuriousor uninspired.
James #5, Faith & Works2:14-26 • Why is that? • First, let’s look at the text itself. • Two initial questions are asked: v.14 1. “What use (Grk. ophelos- profit/good )if a man has faith but no works?”and 2. “Can that(work-less)faith save him?” These question are neither complex nor difficult…. and neither are the answers.
James #5, Faith & Works2:14-26 • A “brother or sister in need”provides the obvious answer, vv.15-16: >saying(as opposed to doing- cf.1:22ff) and yet not providing is useless. >“Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.” v.17 • A follow-up question is posed in v.18: But what about, Faith without Worksvs. Faith by Works? v.19-20Concludes thatfaith without works isdemonic, foolish, and useless.
James #5, Faith & Works2:14-26 • “But how can these things be?” his audience may ask. • Yet another example is offered to his predominantly Jewish (cf.1:1)audience: >v.21 Father Abraham was “justified by works when he offered up Isaac his son on the altar”. >v.22 So, “faith was working” & was thus “perfected”(completed), 1Thess.1:3; 2Thess.1:11; Gal.5:6. >v.23Useless/dead vs. Living/Useful
James #5, Faith & Works2:14-26 • “You see that a man is justified by works, and not by faith alone.”v.24 >Despite teachings by the vast majority of churches today which teach salvation by faith only(alone)…. >Inspiration says exactly the opposite. >“Woe to those who call evil good and good, evil!” Isaiah 5:20 >BTW, this is the only place in the NT where the words “faith”& “alone”appear together!
James #5, Faith & Works2:14-26 • Two final examples, just for good measure and to be sure the point is made: >Rahab was “justified by works” in the protection of Joshua & Caleb, v.25 (Josh.2:1-6). >The body without the spirit is dead…. “so also faith without works is dead” v.26. There is nothing difficult or complicated about these things, unless….
James #5, Faith & Works2:14-26 You already believe in salvation by FAITH ONLY! THEN YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!
James #5, Faith & Works2:14-26 • So from where does“Salvation by faith only”come? • Misunderstanding of passages such as Roman 4:1-6 and Ephesians 2:8-9. • What’s the deal? • These texts are speaking of two different kinds of works: >Thoseexcluded from God’s plan to save; and >Thoseincludedin God’s plan to save.
James #5, Faith & Works2:14-26 • Paul (in Rom.4:1ff & Eph.2:8-9)is speaking of works excluded from God’s plan to save- those in which we might seek cause to glory; meritorious works. • Whereas James (in 2:14-26)is speaking of works included in God’s plan to save- those in which glory must be given to God; obedient works. • Theseperfectour initial belief,1John 2:4; 2Thess.1:7-9.
James #5, Faith & Works2:14-26 ONLY those folks seeking to eliminate baptism for remission of sins have any difficulty seeing this or harmonizing Paul and James! • But inspiration is true, Mark 2:15-16; Acts 2:38; 1Peter 3:21. • What kind of faith do you have? -Living, useful, and working to salvation? -Or Dead, useless, and demonic leading to damnation?