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SCOH “Operations” Breakfast Meeting 2013 AASHTO Annual Meeting

SCOH “Operations” Breakfast Meeting 2013 AASHTO Annual Meeting. Room: Governors Square 16 Sheraton Hotel Denver, Colorado 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM Saturday October 19, 2013 . Agenda. 7:30 Welcome, Introductions and Opening Remarks – Carlos Braceras

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SCOH “Operations” Breakfast Meeting 2013 AASHTO Annual Meeting

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  1. SCOH “Operations” Breakfast Meeting2013 AASHTO Annual Meeting Room: Governors Square 16 Sheraton Hotel Denver, Colorado 7:30 AM – 9:00 AMSaturday October 19, 2013

  2. Agenda 7:30 Welcome, Introductions and Opening Remarks – Carlos Braceras 7:40 Update on 2013 SCOH Operations Subcommittees’ Annual Meeting Key Outcomes • SSOM – Don Hunt SSOM Chair and Jeff Lindley, FHWA • SCOTE – TBD/Gummada • SCOM – Carlos Braceras, SCOM Chair • SCOTSEM – Brian Ness, SCOTSEM Chair • SCOWCoT – Bill Brown, SCOWCoT Chair 8:30 SHRP 2 Reliability Implementation Updates 8:40 NCHRP 20-7 Proposals @ 2013 AASHTO Annual Meeting 8:45 Budget Updates, Action Items/Next Steps and Adjourn 9:00 Adjourn

  3. The Results of the Subcommittee on Systems Operation and Management Strategic Plan Development (SSOM) Workshop

  4. Proposed Vision and Mission • Vision: Transform the national transportation community to a Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) culture that focuses on effectively managing the surface transportation system. • Mission: To serve as the focal point for promoting and supporting integrated implementation of TSM&O by engaging state DOTs, other AASHTO committees, and other partner organizations.

  5. Some Initial Concepts • Amend the AASHTO Governing Documents to change the name of the Subcommittee on Systems Operation and Management (SSOM) to the Subcommittee on Transportation Systems Management and Operations (STSMO) • TSM&O is to be defined within the Strategic Plan • The Plan should recognize the changing landscape; privatization, connected/autonomous vehicles, and increasing importance of freight

  6. Strategic Goals • Formalize relationships and processes among the AASHTO groups responsible for various aspects of TSM&O. • Develop effective working relationships with external organizations involved in TSM&O. • Define, guide, and support the Operations Center of Excellence (OCoE).

  7. Organization • STSMO task forces renamed working groups • Three working groups identified: • System Operations Strategies • System Operations Performance Measures • Operations Center of Excellence (OCoE) • OCoE to be discontinued when initial planning is completed

  8. Future Expansion of Working Groups • To occur following the discontinuation of the OCoE Working Group • Two new groups proposed • Traffic Incident Management – to coordinate with the TIM Technical Action Group (TIMTAG) • Research – to coordinate submission of NCHRP problem statements and other research activities

  9. Strategies Working Group • Mission to be limited to issues that affect strategic direction of Maintenance and Operations and have broad impact on the field • Initial emphasis on integrated corridor management • Anticipate future involvement with connected and autonomous vehicle technology

  10. Performance Measures Working Group • Near term to focus on MAP-21 performance measure requirements • Long term to act as a clearinghouse for: • The state of the practice and • Overcoming challenges encountered by the TSM&O community

  11. Coordination with Other AASHTO Committees • SCOHT (highway transport) • SCOHTS (safety) • SCOM (maintenance) • SCOTE (traffic engineering) • SOC (construction)

  12. Measures for Tracking Progress • Engagement – The degree to which multiple states are engaged in the SSOM (STSMO) activities. • Deployment – The extent to which states have adopted TSM&O as an integral element of their organization • Measures related to specific activities undertaken by the SSOM (STSMO)

  13. Operations Center of Excellence(OCoE) Business Plan Update

  14. OCoE Milestones • TSM&O is now recognized as important discipline and community of practice • NCHRP 20-7 (298) evaluated OCoE concept as key step to support TSM&O • AASHTO, ITE and ITSA executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 8/30/13 to develop an OCoE • SSOM Workshop in Denver initiated effort to create a Business Plan for an OCoE

  15. Business Plan Issues • Workshop focused on • Business model • Programs and activities • Governance • Funding • Staffing and management • Implementation steps and timing

  16. Highlights of Discussion • Workshop participants agreed on basic strategy for addressing all business plan issues • Opportunity to leverage SHRP2 implementation efforts (and particularly L17) in launching an OCoE • Initial OCoE program of activities and dedicated staffing must be sufficient to generate support from AASHTO members

  17. Highlights (cont.) • OCoE will need to proactively engage the TSM&O community • A strong communication strategy for launching the OCoE and promoting its activities will be a crucial element for success

  18. SSOM Next Steps • SSOM (STSMO) to brief AASHTO Board of Directors at the AASHTO Annual Meeting • Draft Business Plan due in November 2013 • Plan to be reviewed with SSOM (STSMO) in May 2014 • Implementation strategy coordinated closely with SHRP2 implementation and funding plan and timing

  19. Subcommittee on Traffic Engineering (SCOTE) Updates SCOTE held a joint meeting with the Standing Committee on Highway Traffic Safety (SCOHTS)

  20. Highlights • A post meeting survey completed by both committees members showed that the joint sessions were very valuable.

  21. Highlights (cont.) • Behavioral and Operational Safety and Traffic Engineering • Safety Performance Measures • Complete Streets • Pedestrians • Towards Zero Deaths

  22. Highlights (cont.) • SCOTE members expressed support for the NCUTCD Draft MUTCD Long Range Vision and Strategic Plan -SCOTE members will submit comments through AASHTO by the October 15, 2013 deadline

  23. Resolutions • Support and Leadership to Develop a Business Plan for the Establishment of an Operations Center of Excellence (OCoE) • Review ITS Warrants Developed by the Enterprise Pooled Fund Study • Formation of a Joint Task Force on Digital Signs and Billboards

  24. SCOTE Next Steps • SCOTE resolution on Enterprise Pool Fund Study Taskforce will be presented to SCOH • Complete updating the Part 1 Guideline for the Selection of Supplemental Guide Signs or Traffic Generators Adjacent to Freeways and Expressways • Prepare for the January 2014 NCUTCD meeting

  25. Subcommittee on Maintenance (SCOM) Updates SCOM held a joint meeting with the Subcommittee on Asset Management

  26. Highlights • Peer Exchange on Transportation Asset Management -FHWA and AASHTO sponsored this peer exchange that focused on how state DOTs integrated maintenance and asset management to better understand the transportation asset management plan requirements of MAP-21. • Equipment Performance Measures -Developed through the EMTSP regional partnerships -State’s can post performance measures on the EMTSP website • SCOM continues to support the efforts of the Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council (TC3)

  27. Highlights (cont.) • FHWA will lead the effort in developing a Maintenance Peer Network Exchange • Foster communication and innovation among the highway maintenance community • Identify best maintenance processes and practices • Share widely, and encourage implementation of successful processes and practices • FY 2014 ‐ Development of survey tool and focus areas

  28. Resolutions • Support and Leadership to Develop a Business Plan for the Establishment of an Operations Center of Excellence (OCoE) • Support the Establishment of a Joint Meeting between the SCOM and the National Safety Rest Area Conference • Proposed Task Force to Review and Make Recommendation Regarding Maintenance Quality Assurance • Concerns with Consistency of Definitions of Preventive Maintenance and Pavement Preservation within USDOT/USDOJ Joint Technical Assistance

  29. SCOM Next Steps • SCOM resolution on Maintenance Quality Assurance will be presented to SCOH -Prepare a Maintenance Quality Assurance Scope of Work • SCOM resolution on definitions in the USDOT/USDOJ Joint Technical Assistance Memo will be presented to SCOH • Survey the states on maintenance funding for “preventative” maintenance • Organize the 2013 Winter Maintenance Peer Exchange in Vancouver, WA, September 10‐11, 2013

  30. Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Management (SCOTSEM) Updates

  31. Updates • 2013 SCOTSEM Annual Meeting was held in conjunction with the 2013 Transportation Hazards and Security Summit and Peer Exchange organized by Transportation Research Board (TRB). • There was a significant State DOT participation; 39 state DOT members representing 28 state DOT agencies. Additionally, 14 members from Federal, regional and local government organizations also attended this event. • The AASHTO Special Committee on Wireless Communication Technology also participated in the Summit; between SCOWCoTand SCOTSEM, representatives from more than 40 state transportation agencies participated in the meetings, including significant numbers from state patrol or highway patrol organizations.

  32. Resolution The SCOTSEM members recognized that the MAP21 provides the States flexibility to use various transportation funds for security improvements, enhancements, and design; therefore, SCOTSEM passed a resolution requesting AASHTO to continue to work with Congress to ensure that current MAP21 language with respect to State flexibility in using funds for security improvements, enhancements, and design be included or strengthened in future transportation bills.

  33. Highlights The SCOTSEM members appreciated the TRB support in holding the 2013 Hazards and Security Summit and Peer Exchange summit and recognized that beginning in 2014 SCOTSEM has to organize the annual special committee meetings like other stand alone committees. In light of this, SCOTSEM discussed and identified the following as critical action items to sustain the momentum generated by the 2013 Transportation Hazards and Security Summit and Peer Exchange sessions: • SCOTSEM establish a new model to sustain funding and sponsorships for holding annual meetings and related events that provide an opportunity for needed training and education for professionals and mid-level managers

  34. Highlights (cont.) • SCOTSEM will promote regional approaches to collaborate and partner. SCOTSEM recognized that the regional approach provides an ideal setting to identify emerging issues and ongoing research needs, to reduce duplication of effort and provide a venue for monitoring the implementation of research. SCOTSEM identified the regional task forces and task force chairs to advance this effort. • SCOTSEM identified the need to work with AASHTO Highways Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures’ (SCOBS) T-1 and T-20 committees to strengthen their considerations of security in bridge and tunnel design and rehabilitation.

  35. Highlights (cont.) • SCOTSEM leadership is working on the following next steps: • Continue to work with TRB to hold a NCHRP 20-59 (14B) Panel meeting in Spring 2014 that includes attendees from AASHTO SSOM, SCOBS’ Technical Committees and develop a work plan to hold future SCOTSEM annual meeting events. • Align future SCOTSEM-led Transportation Hazards and Security Summit and Peer Exchange sessions in conjunction with 2015 SSOM and Operations Center of Excellence (OCoE) events.

  36. Special Committee on Wireless Communications Technology (SCOWCoT) Updates

  37. SCOCWoT • Is the primary resource for wireless communications technology for each member department • Responds to regulatory and legislative moves affecting the use of radio and spectrum affecting member departments

  38. Ongoing Activities • Spectrum Management • Representing our members on the following: • National Public Safety Telecommunications Council • 700 MHz Public Safety Advisory Committee • Land Mobile Communications Council • Public Safety Communications Council

  39. Ongoing Activities • Technology • Standards Development • ANSI/TIA P25 Digital Communications • Homeland Security’s SAFECOM • Regulatory • Federal Communications Commission • First Responder Network Authority

  40. Recent Activities • Developed the Association’s position on opening the 5.9 GHz DSRC frequencies for unlicensed Wi-Fi • Filed Comments and Reply Comments on the FCC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking opposing opening or sharing the DSRC • Worked with ITS-America in developing their comments and reply comments

  41. SHRP2 Implementation Update

  42. Strategic Implementation of Reliability Products

  43. Links to SSOM Strategic Plan • L12/L32 TIM Training • L01/L06 Organizing for Reliability • L36 Regional Operations Forums • L17 Enhanced Knowledge Transfer Systems (EKTS) and the Operations Center of Excellence • L38 Reliability Analysis Tools

  44. L12-TIM Training • L32A-Train the Trainer Workshops (see graphic) • L32B-e-Learning Tool • eLearning version of in-person training under development • Expected to be available early 2014 • L32C-TIM Training Assessment Tool • Assessment process developed at a conceptual level • Covers “what” will be assessed, “when” assessment will happen, and “how” assessment will be done

  45. National Implementation Progress AK HI National Responder Training in Progress PR Equivalent to the National Training in Progress Train the Trainer Location 23 States 38Sessions 15,000 Responders Trained TtT’s Scheduled

  46. Organizing for Reliability Products • Suite of products that assist States/Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) in evaluating and improving their capabilities for effective and sustained systems management and operations programs • 27 early adopter agencies selected • Meetings with agency leadership underway • CMM workshops to begin later in the fall

  47. National Implementation Sites Whatcom Buffalo - NITTEC Portland, OR MD Cleveland Washington, DC Kansas (Wichita) DFW AzTech Orlando, FL Broward, Co Statewide Approach Regional Approach (MPOs)

  48. L17 Enhanced Knowledge Transfer System (EKTS) • L17 created a Knowledge Transfer System (KTS) that includes SHRP2 Reliability products, gap filling research, business case material • Work is beginning to build an enhanced version of the KTS to provide additional value to the transportation operations community. The EKTS could also eventually serve as the basis for an Operations Center of Excellence

  49. L17 EKTS • Implementation Plan complete (AASHTO/FHWA joint lead) • Objective 1: Establish Administrative and Engagement Structure • Objective 2: Soft launch of prototype KTS • Objective 3: Coordination/integration of KTS and NTOC resources • Objective 4: Development and launch readiness of EKTS • Objective 5: Launch and Day-to-Day Management of EKTS • AASHTO/ITE/ITSA MOU on roles and business model

  50. L36 Regional Operations Forums • 4-day training session for multi-state transportation agency staff with focus on transfer knowledge of Reliability products and other TSM&O resources, foster peer exchange • Five Pilots Scheduled • Nashville, TN: September 2013 • Seattle, WA: November 2013 • Phoenix, AZ January 2014 • Concord, NH: April/May 2014 • Milwaukee, WI: June 2014 (tentative)

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